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Everything posted by JackB95

  1. Many thanks Clan! And yes, that is me! 👀
  2. Whilst over in Porthmadog doing a spell of volunteering, I had a bit of a brainwave for a gap filler... 009 narrow gauge railway anyone? It'd be in keeping with the North Wales theme, plus it'd be a good excuse to run some of the new Bachmann/Peco models. I'm not thinking of anything too complex. A simple island platform, run-round with a water tower in the headshunt, and a signal box. The signal box is going to be a 3D printed kit of Porthmadog Harbour Station that I've had for years and not got round to building. It'd be a great excuse to now build it. I've never worked with 009, or anything 2mm for that matters, so it'll be quite interesting to see how it goes. I'm going to run the train off a standard DC controller fixed to the side of the layout. No need for DCC given how tiny the models are, and I'll wire it so a train can come in on one platform, then another alongside can then depart. Station-building wise, that'll be 'off scene' as the platform won't be wide enough for anything too fancy like Blaenau has in real life. Just a simple island platform with the odd bit of furniture will be enough. There's no rush for me to crack on with this project, but I suspect what I'll end up doing is cutting some wood to be the platform, then buy some track to fix around. Traction-wise, I'm considering getting a Britomart and some little carriages to match. I can't be arsed to kit build, so I'll go down the RTR route where I can. Thoughts welcome!
  3. I've only once bought direct off Hornby, and that was during a Black Friday sale where I could genuinely get a good deal. But that was years ago... I noticed on Tony's Trains of Rugby's socials that he's announced publicly about the whole allocations fiasco, and a conversation with Collett's revealed the same. It's such a sad state of affairs given what a great name Hornby once had in this hobby. I count myself very lucky in that I can afford to still remain in this hobby and buy new models. But I'm close to completely boycotting all new Hornby stuff given the way it's treating our friends in the retail industry, and indeed us at the end by paying more. Starting to think we should maybe all consider writing a strongly-worded email to Hornby, and maybe even some of their big supporters like magazines etc? It can't go on. Yes this hobby is a luxury and not a necessity, but the company morals are wrong...
  4. Here's the guy! Many thanks! Ahhh, nice to have another Gog on the thread!
  5. Not really done much on the layout recently given I've been quite busy with work/volunteering/girlfriend, so thought I'd update the thread with some pictures I've taken recently. Middle of May I received my shiny new EWS skoda from Tony's Trains of Rugby... The transfers from Steve Bell have been with me for a while so I'll eventually get round to renumbering 030 to 039. Unfortunately 030 has quite a big nameplate, so it'll be quite tricky to remove that properly... And Saturday just gone, I received a parcel from KMS Railtec in Aberdeenshire! And yes, I was lucky to have got my DBSO model! Sounds like they're impossible to find and were mostly sold out on pre-order. Hopefully Bachmann acknowledge this and release more, or maybe another running number! The 90 and DBSO are beautiful models, and Bachmann's quality is really shining through here. Both examples have beautiful detailing, and quality control seems to have fallen in my favour too. On the subject of test trains, I've discovered a guy on here who makes 3D printed kits (and also offers completed models) of the ex-Motorail NVA and ex-Sleeper BUO vehicles often found in test trains. These will have be sourced for the layout at some point this year I think 🤪
  6. Mine arrived from Aberdeenshire this morning. Was waiting for me when I got in from work. Bloody gorgeous model. Well done Bachmann. You've done an amazing job. As mentioned above, the non-driving end is just as amazing detail-wise given the extra cables etc. One wiper blade was loose in the box, and that's it. Nothing like a bit of Glue N Glaze won't fix! I've detailed up the driving end too so it looks even better...
  7. I think the biggest difference is the extra pair of plug doors on each side of each vehicle. I'm watching with anticipation for a TfW model 👀
  8. Very impressive 755 CAD. Looks like it'll be a delicious model. I'm intrigued as to how the dual-motor set up will work. Following with interest 👀
  9. Don't suppose you could reupload the pictures please? I'm quite intrigued as one blue coach would look fantastic on my rake of yellow coaches. Cheers!
  10. For those trying to find some stock, it might be worth finding some retailers across the country that don't really have websites. I found during the pandemic my local shop, which doesn't really have an online presence, had half a box of Peco flexitrack that was impossible to find anywhere online. Might be worth ringing up some obscure shops to see if they have anything.
  11. KMS have taken payment for my Network Rail model. Should be here Saturday all being well!
  12. Network Rail, InterCity, and Anglia DBSOs are showing as arriving into shops next week! Can't wait to have my test train run around with one on the front.
  13. That's fantastic! Really beautiful scenery work. How are you going to build the buildings? Delicious.
  14. I didn't even consider the old tooling haha! My bad.
  15. Oh hello... Bravo Bachmann. This is a gorgeous looking and sounding model. Running on the layout with no problems at all straight out the box. Love it!
  16. Shame to see another modeller victim of some poor "professional" excuses. Not sure if it's of any interest, but you can buy the middle car bodies as a spare on Bachmann's spares site here
  17. I got to play with my mate's family of Skodas at the recent Statfold show, and I was quite impressed with the sound. Naturally it's still not quite the top end third-party sound you can find, but it's certainly a great offering. As you say, given the cost of the DCC ready ones, plus the special decoder for the pantograph, it makes sense (try telling the significant other!) to pay the little extra and go sound...
  18. A number of shops are now reporting that the sound versions of the EWS/RES/Orange FL 90s are now in stock... Forgive me wallet, for I will be sinning
  19. Great to see RES and EWS 90s join the list. Two very demanded liveries from what I've seen here. My wallet didn't think so, and is now sulking in the corner again courtesy of 90030... I've had a few conversations with Bachmann Spares (who are bloody fantastic by the way) about the BSI couplings becoming readily available, and it's a most-welcome announcement. 3 packs of them please!
  20. Well in the light of the new Bachmann announcements, I can feel my wallet crying with pain. I think the addition of an EWS 90, albeit renumbered to 039, would be splendid. Could recreate this fine scene from 2005 when this happened... Hate it when you just forget to unhook the electric engine 🤪 Also, the addition of the BSI couplings as found on the latest 150 and 158 releases is very welcome to the accessories range. I only need 3 bags of 10 to fit to my 14X 15X and 17X stuff!
  21. Not forgetting the RES and orange Freightliner ones too! Very welcome additions.
  22. Time to use up some leftover insulation again... Decided to make a small bank to help blend in the surroundings and give Queen's Road bridge a purpose. As a result, the small bank that was already there has been replaced with a higher bank. Steep-sided faces will have a retaining wall, whilst the more gradual ones will be grassy slopes. Took a bit of adjustment to get the shape and size of the big front-end bank to look right. The first version was way too big and heavily restricted views of the junction. I feel the size of them now is much better. They'll eventually get some Everard-famous sculptmould prior to painting and vegetation.
  23. Incredible bumper-update! Absolutely love the work you've done, especially with the crossing!
  24. Deary me. Never had a problem? Must've been lucky as hell! I discovered early on the limitations of superglue, and how the likes of Glue n Glaze are far superior in things like this.
  25. That 156 glazing looks awful! I sometimes see second hand stuff listed on eBay/Hattons etc that have literally been yeeted off a cliff, or actually dunked into a pot of paint. I appreciate people's skills are varied from good to bad, and we all have to start somewhere, but sometimes I think a simple research exercise into doing something would save a lot of hassle.
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