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Blog Comments posted by peterfgf

  1. Lovely cars - I owned a series of 1500/1850 Dolomites in the 70's and 80's. 

    Your remark about the smell of petrol reminded me of a problem with one of them.  The fuel tank was (is) inside the boot and the tank top formed the floor of the boot.  Water had seeped into the cofferdam space between the underside of the tank and the car body.  Pitting corrosion then occurred which allowed petrol to leak out of the tank into the space.  I ignored this for quite some time before the smell became so strong that I had to investigate.  Plastic padding may have been used as a repair.


    I also worked at Drax, but on the PF ash plant.  Not entirely a happy experience, as someone circumvented the PTW system (broke off the padlocks on the motor switch panel) and started up one of the rotary mixers just as I was getting out of it after an internal inspection.



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