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London cambrian

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Status Updates posted by London cambrian

  1. Contemplating next projects is always fun... especially when you are upto your eyeballs in the current ones!

  2. Got a nasty feeling i feel some milk tankers coming on!

  3. Looking forward to steam through the tunnels and through the suburbs later today

    1. devondynosoar118


      Looks very exciting, please take some pictures if you are there!

  4. Looking forward to steam through the tunnels and through the suburbs later today

  5. Looking forward to steam through the tunnels and through the suburbs later today...

  6. Looking forward to steam through the tunnels and through the suburbs later today...

  7. Heck, A levels really do get in the way of the important things in life...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Coombe Barton

      Coombe Barton

      And universities want first attempts, not resits.

    3. Welly


      Stick at the A levels, try to understand the subjects rather than just what the exams require!

    4. London cambrian

      London cambrian

      I'm managing to balance A levels with workshop time, so far succeeding, looks encouraging. I really dont intend to resit, and i did pretty well in the GCSEs, so fingers crossed nothing goes wrong, uni or higher apprenticeship, then onto uni beckons... Luckily i get my subjects!


  8. Another very fruitful day up at the midland railway centre butterley, crawling over yet more wagons!

  9. have got the right drawings, now to rebuild a 5 inch gauge brake van!

  10. is a happy man. Pannier valve gear is set, giving good events and now I need to drill the last dew oil wells, reassemble and I can make a new gear rack, before air test. Makes me very happy!

  11. The marathon loco strip, paint paint and rebuild begins! rolling chassis, to kit if parts and back in 3 days, no mean feat in 5 inch gauge!

    1. KevinWalsh


      Battery/electric or steam?

    2. London cambrian

      London cambrian

      steam, London transport Pannier tank. gonna be a real job to get it done!

  12. Is it just me or has anyone else have a huge collection of drawings for rolling stock they'd love to build lying around? Currently i have, 3 different sets of designs for GWR toplights, including the slip coaches, a GW Coral A, GW american type bogies, GW 4 wheel coaches, slip gear, Met Railway coachs, District railway coaches, GW siphon G, GW milk brake, GW Beetle cattle wagon and countless locomotive GAs,including 28xx and 72xx. Just me then?

    1. Fay Singpoint

      Fay Singpoint

      I'm doing quite well for Met Railway electric stock drawings.

    2. Horsetan


      I think you'll find that your collection is just a drop in the ocean compared to what some people have managed to accumulate!

    3. Mod6


      Topic rather than SU subject?

  13. Great day at railfest, good to see a wide variety of locos, though need to take leaf out of barrow hills book and make sure things can move about!

  14. when modelling gets in the way cos your dad has put his 5 ft long 5 inch gauge coaches on the table where you need to do an exam paper!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Horsetan


      Size is no guarantee of quality....

    3. SHMD


      "... I was shunted out of the way Sir - Honest!"

    4. London cambrian

      London cambrian

      oh even I'll admit the coach is quality! two were on the table this last week. the other three ate on the shelf behind. they are big suckers, and little details can't be worked on in a small area!

  15. god it sucks to be ill

    1. Debs.


      Feel better soon!

  16. gilling mainline rally this weekend. my first one, getting just a little excited! so far looking at station pilot duty and local passenger turns

  17. great two days down at the Greystones railway in bath with Dinmore manor and kempenfelt, amongst others, running 5 inch gauge railway operations

  18. just got back from running the 5 inch gauge stock in Swindon. Still wet and cold, watching the f1, dreading having to unload the car!

  19. just got back from running the 5 inch gauge stock in Swindon. Still wet and cold, watching the f1, dreading having to unload the car!

  20. just got back from running the 5 inch gauge stock in Swindon. Still wet and cold, watching the f1, dreading having to unload the car!

  21. oh the wonders of the British library system. borrowed 2 books from which need two drawings, and so save me the 30 odd quid I would have spent to buy the books for two drawings!

  22. Peak district tomorrow? could it be a revisit to the monsal trail and the midland manchester main line, lets hope so folks!

  23. starting up a blog, then back to the grindstone of 5 inch gauge modelling

  24. Time for some bigger boys toys!

  25. Is it me or was model rail live rubbish?

    1. SNCF stephen

      SNCF stephen

      I totally agree. It did not quite know if it was a depot open day or model rail exhibition. I also thought there was not enough variety of the layouts. And the wheelchair access was very poor. Sorry rant over!

    2. oggy1953


      I enjoyed it, a touch of both

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