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Everything posted by WhitleyP

  1. I couldn't find anything on this searching the forum, but apologies if that's my search skills at fault. My question is, what approach was taken to retrofit older GWR d/c wagon brakes with the hayward adjuster, if any? Was there any policy of adding these in as wagons came in for service? Or were non-hayward d/c brakes left as they were (perhaps only replaced if a major repair required a lot of the brake gubbins to be swapped out anyway)? The Atkins et al. GWR wagon bible only refers to them being fitted to "most" new builds from WW1, and makes no mention of them being retrofitted to existing stock. Cheers, Simon
  2. Neal, in the latest Scalefour News it says Dart/MJT have some 10' and 8'6" cosmetic Dean bogie sides on the way soon. There is a photo in the magazine, but they don't appear to be on the website yet. The news item says that 6'4" should be available in the new year as well. Very good timing if the Blacksmith GWR clerestory etches are going to be available again soon. (Edit: typo)
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