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Everything posted by Typeapproval

  1. Hi, I've been catching up on past postings. I'm particularly interested in the whole area around Suffolk and regularly visit MSLR. Only by chance whilst scanning a "well known" auction site I came across the "Hornby Wayside Halt" I believe it to be a reasonable representation of a MSLR station such as the reconstruction at Brockford, Any one know anything about this Hornby item? Sadly Its going to be a while before I get back to Brockford to ask one of the knowledgeable volunteers. Kind Regards David.
  2. Oh dear, It looks as if a little humble pie is on the menu! I think maybe a word with the GER society is probably called for. In the mean while I can use Mr Bedfords "definite maybe," as a holding statement🤭. Once again many thanks for the prompt response. If I can get a definitive answer from GER society you can be sure I will provide feedback. Kind regards David.
  3. Hi, Currently in something of a debate with regards to GER brake vans pre WW1. From the research I have done so far, It is my belief that the buffer beams were painted Vermillion but the remainder of the vehicle ends were Grey. One of my old work colleagues who also has an interest in the GER insists that the entire end of the vehicle was Vermillion! He sights several other railway companies who did this. Can anyone provide convincing evidence one way or the other please. I am currently constructing two (as yet only frames) and in the fullness of time hopefully paint the completed articles. Kind regards David.
  4. Hi, Good tip, I'm delighted to get any information that makes life easier or better. Kind Regards David.
  5. Hi, Thanks, that's two recommendations for Powsides. They must be doing something right. Nice to see established members welcoming a new body. Kind regards David.
  6. Hi, Thanks for that, I've had a quick look but as you say the web site seems not to be any way related to the Old company I have purchased things from 50 years ago🙁. Kind Regards David.
  7. Hi, Funny, I have a Mallard Claude kit untouched for thirty years! I open the box, shudder then put the lid back. I suppose I should look into passing it on to less of a coward🤔. I do visit swatmeets, shows etc. so hopefully I can find some little treasure somewhere. Kind Regards David.
  8. Good Morning Paul, Many thanks for the update. I spent a while going through the existing version after getting the reminder it was there. Sadly the great majority of "Small manufactures" have disappeared , I guess the CV19 put the final straw onto many backs! Looking forward to the new issue. Really enjoyed your item on the CDC class 68. Kind Regards David.
  9. Hi, Thanks, you know I had completely forgotten about the brilliant job Paul Goldsmith had done! (I think it must be "Oldtimers disease"!) I grew up in London, our back garden was adjacent to the Great Northern main line. I hope I don't cause too much offence if I say the sound/vibration of 'DELTIC' heading out of Kings Cross led me to spend Many years modelling Diesels. A Medical condition in my spine lead to a complete rethink from my "Whole Garage" layout to a much smaller semi portable! Regular visits to the 'Mid Suffolk Light Railway' suggested a Suffolk branch line. Kind Regards David.
  10. Hi, Thankfully I did get some helpful information on Decals, but nothing about the "Line side" accessories. It seems most of the "One man bands" who produced such amazing items in my youth have disappeared. I guess the GER is a minimum interest railway, at least Accurascale seem to have picked up the torch with their "Buckjumpers" (Various classes) so perhaps all is not lost. Sad the Hornby J15 isn't easily back dated. I should love to hear from anyone else who is modelling the GER. Regards David.
  11. Hi, Following my decision to model a Great Eastern Railway Branch line I am researching the availability of items such as Wagon Decals. Also line side items, Mikes Models used to produce a nice GE water crane (I suspect long gone) any advice gratefully received. David.
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