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Everything posted by KVT

  1. I did temporary fix a couple which is fine but if possible would like to try and source some replacements, thanks for the suggestion though.
  2. Hi All Bit of an obscure question this but here goes. Does anyone have or know any person or seller who sells spare cab window deflectors for a Hornby A4, I am need in some to replace a few of my ones, some came with cracks or were missing and slowly trying to get round about trying to get replacements. Please see attached photo for piece I am ideally tring to source. I believe this piece is not an official spare but am hopeful someone can help, as the only other option is to spend £20+ on a Hornby A4 spare body just for these deflectors. Many Thanks
  3. I never thought of that,and you know what it worked I slowly managed to do it and the white is gone with the pen marks being completely invisilbe they perfectly match the black of the frames, thank you
  4. Thank you, do you think I am being too harsh, my only issue is I do not have any paint and am not very confident doing such small jobs, I appreciate the response.
  5. Hi All, my Earl Marischal arrived today it is does feel and look like a quality model, I do not know if I am being too picky or harsh but I spotted this white knick here circled in red, do you think I should request a replacement from my retailer, please let me know what would you do as I do not know if I am being too picky or harsh here. Note - this white is only noticeable when sunlight or general light is shined in the direction of it. Many Thanks
  6. Wow this topic has had a lot of replies, to answer no I am not looking to forge, I think my only option is to buy one with a certificate and sell the one without, to answer your question cctransuk on how I obtained the locomotive so cheap is I know a seller on Ebay who sells all their Hornby or Bachmann models, and most are in new /mint condition, very cheaply in order to get rid of them quickly, he is genuine and has no intent to sell models cheaply because they have something wrong, their are deals out there you just need to know where to look. Many Thanks
  7. Fair enough generally I see about a £30 to £40 difference in price with a silver a4 without a certificate and without when looking on Ebay and other places, I paid far less than the going price for a Silver A4 but yeah thought it would be very hard to buy just the certificate on its own.
  8. Thank you I have but generally I only see people listing locomotives with certificates, I am only after the certificate as I already own the locomotive, and when I have enquired with people about buying just the certificate they do not want to sell as it forms part of the model, which is understandable hence why I thought to ask if anyone knows anyone or a website that sells this certificate. Many Thanks
  9. Hornby came back to me and said they are unable to replace lost certificates, I appreciate the idea Clearwater.
  10. Hmm that might be a good idea will try but unsure on if they would, thank you Clearwater Can anyone else offer some help? Many Thanks
  11. Hi All Firstly I am not sure if this is allowed so please remove if not allowed. I am trying to find if anyone or any website sells a certificate for a Hornby R3308 2511 Silver King, I ask as I have the 3 other Silver A4's with their certificates but my R3308 did not come with one. I understand this is a very niche question to ask but wanted to find out, I also ask as I know this website sells certificates for other A4's but they do not have the certificate for R3308. https://themodeltrainshop.co.uk/?product_cat=&s=A4+Certificate&post_type=product Many Thanks
  12. KVT

    Hornby R3307 Servicing

    Thank you, yes I do
  13. Hi All I am looking to service the above Hornby Silver A4, Quicksilver, I want to know is the base keeper removable or hard wired? Many Thanks
  14. Hi All Thank you for the responses. The seller has agreed to take it back and attempt to repair or chassis swap it and if that cannot be done they will refund it for me. The model is DCC ready so not fitted with a decoder, I can consider this hopefully resolved, Mike regarding your query the middle driving wheel moves sideways fine so it sounds electrical but I don't know. Many Thanks
  15. Yes it was a private sale so I will see what the seller says in the meantime do you or anyone else know what may be the issue? Many Thanks
  16. Hi All I purchased the subject model a couple months back and never got round to giving it a test run. Unfortunately as I started to do so today the model completely stopped, I was using a gauge master combi single track controller running at 30% in forward, it only ran for a minute and just stopped. Having looked at it there is no motor noise, the loco does not even attempt to move and the valve gear looks fine with no jamming, this model was bought brand new a couple months back and as I am a model amateur I have no clue what the issue is, I did notice however the red light on my controller began to fade and flicker when I applied power, does this mean the loco is using too many volts or something? Do you think Hornby technical team would allow me to send it to them to diagnose or does anyone know a repair shop who could fix this as I am not comfortable opening up this model and trying to fix it myself? Many Thanks
  17. Thank you I have managed to take the body off very slowly without damaging the steps
  18. Hi All Does anyone know how to remove the body and or bogies off this coach, or any of the 2004 main range teaks as I bought one however I need to replace the bogies, I cannot find anything online and the only screws I can see are inaccesible with the bogies on. Many Thanks
  19. Thank you both I thought most if not all S15's have issues, I can now at least run mine in confidence knowing hopefully it should not fail.
  20. Thank you, yeah I tested with 4 Bachmann bulleids, as I only have a small space I used Radius 3 curves but it does not seem to be affected, I wanted to ask the community regarding this as I really like this Olive Green livery but I do not want to have to source a spare motor if it dies on me which is why I thought I would ask if there is any trouble signs to look for, when you say 8 Bachmann Bulleids at what speed would you say it should be able to haul them at, when I tried 4 it seems to go fairly fast? Many Thanks
  21. Hi All I recently bought a like new R3327 S15 how do I know it is not faulty or the motor is not going to give up on me, I gave it a test yesterday and it seemed to perform fine no real motor noise, able to haul 4 coaches fine at 70% power (using gaugemaster combi and did not try with more coaches), how many coaches should this model be able to haul at a good speed? is it a certain batch of s15's that are known to go wrong? Your help is most appreciated.
  22. Thank you I went ahead earlier and ordered the combi as it was a good price I believe the sound is just the gears as the performance is fine but I will do a loaded test later with the new controller once it arrives. I appreciate all the help a lot.
  23. Thank you for coming back to me, the performance seems fine in terms of speed and it is very responsive, regarding controller I am using a standard non-feedback controller. The noise is not grinding more of motor whir but at maybe 75% speed it is extremely noisy. I spoke to Rails and someone from technical told me they have tested hundreds of models all of which are noisy like mine and they had a couple customers call regarding this as well. They did say if I find anything wrong to contact them so I guess I should try a loaded test and see the results. I am using the R965 is this a feedback controller? as this controller seems to work perfectly with every other model, the A5 as mentioned performs fine but is just noisy.
  24. I gave it 1 hour in each direction of running in and the sound still is there, in fact at high speed the sound is extremely noisy and when I cut power there is no smooth stop as I believe this has a flywheel, I contacted Rails but they told me this is normal but I dont think a new model should be very noisy considering from that people on here have said their model is quiet.
  25. Thank you I appreciate your help, I will run it in and hopefully all will be fine.
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