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Glencoe Model Railway

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Everything posted by Glencoe Model Railway

  1. A good example of this was the small show I went to in Elgin back in November. Modelling was vastly different standards but seeing the good attendance, that didn’t seem to matter to the paying public. I’d love to get to more shows further afield but it’s like an expedition to get there! On other thing that affects folks visiting habits is a change in circumstances. Late last year we had a new addition to the family which means that days out have to be more carefully planned
  2. I totally get that, and that’s why shows will always exist in some form. Maybe I’ve been lucky but I have had some good message exchanges with some of the YouTubers who were happy to share their techniques and tips. Part of the issue for me is the distance I have to travel for shows due to my home being in the North of Scotland- my choice and wouldn’t change it for the world. Cost isn’t too much of an issue for travel as I get free rail travel, but time is. Minimum of 3hrs to get to the central belt so it becomes a very long day. It’s not meant as a moan, it’s my choice! There will be as many opinions on this topic as there is modellers and it’s been good to read the range of views on this. We have plenty reason to be optimistic about the future of the hobby- it’s going to see me out!!
  3. This probably hits the nail squarely on the head. It’s far easier for the majority to sit in the comfort of your own place and watch YT vids. No travel expenses, and some excellent layouts streamed straight to your device. Exhibitions will always have a place but the changes in the way we live since 2020 and the various lockdowns means that a lot of folk now don’t want to go where crowds are. From a personal point, I’ve done visited 2 shows in the last 3 years and still undecided about going to ModelRail Scotland next month. I will make the effort and go to Perth in June however as it’s evolved into one of the best shows on the circuit. In a previous life, I was an exhibition manager for the local show and the amount of effort to get a small two day show on was huge. I completely understand why the folks at Warley decided to make the decision they did. Everything in life evolves and what I see now are some amazing new hi spec models available, with features we could only dream off when I started in the hobby 40 odd years ago. They will continue to evolve long after I’ve departed! One final thought…. We need to relearn how to be more tolerant again, not just in the hobby but life in general. Probably too deep a topic for this thread, but we have lost this ability and I for one would love to see it back. Cheers Eddie
  4. That’s far from easy on these new models unfortunately. The way the lights are fitted mean trying to get a power source to actually illuminate them so I can work out which wire to check at each nose. I’ve just ordered a Bachmann decoder as it’s going to save a load of time in the long run. Thanks for the help everyone.
  5. It is from what I’ve read. What I’d really like is to know which pin is connected to each light though. Cheers
  6. Thanks Nigel, I went for the Lais as I have had great experience with them in the past. Bachmann haven’t produced much in the way of information of what does what on the circuit board- probably because they expect you to buy their decoder! I’ve got a 37/0 with an ESU in and it’s worked well so I’ll swap them over to see if that works. If so, I’ll just get a couple more of them. I guess we are victims of our own desires when it comes to lighting. In an ideal world, all lighting functions would be to a similar standard but with so many different classes, it would be near impossible. As for the JMRI, I sadly don’t understand it enough to be able to load anything or contribute. Cheers Eddie
  7. Well, this is not going well. Started with trailer car and it stripped down not too bad, but no matter what I try, it won’t go back together. It’s going back in the tray and I’ll have another go when I have a bit more patience. It’s no wonder I don’t bother much with N gauge these days. Maybe I just don’t have the patience anymore.
  8. Hi All I have purchased a couple of latest Bachmann 37s (401 &423) and have fitted them with LaissDCC plux22 decoders, which appear to be 6 function versions. The markers, tails and engine room lights all work but I have been unable to get the HI Headlight to work. is it a case of changing some CVs to make it work or will I have to get the proper Bachmann 36-570A decoders and fit them? I've had a look with the SPROGII but I cant see anything obvious to change it, and information on CV settings is somewhat scarce. TIA Eddie
  9. Bodies arrived this morning, so much better colour representation on these. Massive thanks to Robert for his help with the replacements.
  10. It’s been a while in the making but here is 47708 after she was transferred south. It’s a Hornby Railroad model that was bought on a whim earlier this year. It’s had Bachmann tanks fitted (including the white cooler pipes), Heljan TDM cables, Illuminated Models lighting kit, Lenz Standard decoder and renumbered using a mix of Railtec and Fox transfers. Still to fit Kadees but that’s not exactly a hard task! Once done, it was given a quick coat of matt varnish to seal it all in. Excluding the decoder, the whole project is just over the £100 mark, which is ok for a unique wee loco.
  11. Another productive hour in the shed this afternoon. Managed to get the decoders fitted to a number of locos. 37039, 37401, 37423 and 5373. Quite pleased with the headcode boxes on 039. Just needs its numbers fitted then varnished. All have been fitted with Kadees too, the various details need added next. 5373 is going to get renumbered as a TOPS one but may get changed into a version with sliding windows. Back to work tomorrow at 0426 so no more tonight!
  12. Managed half an hour today in the shed. Made a start on the ODA conversion by fitting the FAT19 suspension parts first. Next will be all the brake gear before paint. Decoder fitted 47004 and fitting ED plaques to it to make it more Scottish, therefore more suitable. Did a bit more to the shed building for Leysbourne and test fitted it to look at where the track was going. Finally, unboxed the new TTAs and the pair of bargain 37s arrived. Just waiting on the decoders for them.
  13. All the sound ones at MRD had gone by the time I got to the website but £122 for a non sound one is an absolute bargain at 50% off. I’d rather fit my own choice of sound decoder anyway.
  14. Not many left now. I managed to get a pair of DCC ready locos (401/423) for a superb price. Very happy with this purchase. These will get added to the later Glencoe fleet once suitable decoders are added.
  15. Sadly my emails regarding this go unanswered. I really hoped it would be a smooth process but it appears not. I’ll try again later in the week.
  16. I believe these were originally released a couple of years back and sold through the guys at Revolution Trains. I missed out on the red/grey ones so this announcement is most welcome. A triple pack suitably ordered.
  17. Totally agree about the quality service you get from Mike. I usually get down once a year for a mooch around the shop and normally come away with a bargain or two.
  18. Looks like I’ll need to send a gentle reminder too.
  19. Sadly I have the same with our HSTs. Put folk in the cabs and they’ll soon see what we have to put up with.
  20. D6703 arrived today, and it’s probably the best of the lot that I’ve had. I wasn’t sure whether I was going to keep it, but it’s now looking like the sound will come out of one of the others for this beauty. Plans for a small layout to run this and a couple of other locos on, are now taking shape…..
  21. Has anyone taken the car headlight off a loco to change it for a Hi Intensity? I’m contemplating converting one but not sure what’s involved. Obviously the location is different but not sure what the light options would be either Thanks
  22. I asked via the chat function and deliveries will start later this week and take up to 10 days. HTH
  23. Have cleared all the workbench materials off the extension boards and started to lay out the track for inspiration. There will be two carriage sidings, three stub ends which imply that the yard extends well beyond the scenic break, two loco holding sidings and an entry/exit track. I’ve to get another couple of points before I can get it laid but as I’m long weekend from next Friday, I’ll get it sorted then. I’m thinking that it’s going to represent a yard that’s quite far away from Leysbourne so can have different stock needs!
  24. Not too much to report on the workbench recently due to work being really busy. Picked up a Bachmann 37034 and I’m in the process of turning it into 37039 which was one of the last ED 37s to retain buffer cowling. Moving on to the NSE 47, I’ve replaced the tanks with Bachmann spares ones for £5.00! These came with the cooling pipes already attached, so that’s a bargain Finally, 33065 has been fitted with later style Heljan wheels. When it arrived it had the original copper ones which seemed to gather dirt just by looking at them!!
  25. Yes. The 73/9 have a drop head Delner and retain a draw hook on the buffer beam. Also, the 73/9s are all RETB fitted so could theoretically be used on the Far North for other traffic. Cheers
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