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Glencoe Model Railway

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Everything posted by Glencoe Model Railway

  1. Forgive me if it’s been answered, but are we due a delivery update this week on the green ones? Personally waiting on D6703. Cheers
  2. Managed to get a Compass liveried 37606. Sound fitted too. Well pleased with that. Normally when I get to the excess stock, all the sound has gone so this is definitely a bonus. Just need for Accurascale to announce 37183 as part of the next run, or a dealer exclusive. And 37188, 192 and 081……
  3. As for the whole starting a sentence with “So,…..” argh!!!!
  4. Quick coat of brown paint (including free splashes onto the backscene!) tonight. Once dry, I’ll test out where the cottages will go and then I can sort out gardens etc. I’ve also made more progress on the station building.
  5. I’ve also made a start on the Peco station building. It’s a bit tricky but with a little patience it’s going to be a decent wee kit.
  6. Little bit of progress today on the new scenic section. I’ve filled in the last piece of Celotex and covered the whole lot with plaster bandages. Once these dry later, I’ll pop back out to the shed and give it a quick coat of brown paint. Then tomorrow I hope to add the next level of ground on the right hand side of the scene.
  7. Off the top of my head, it’s either 12 or 13 sets that are diagrammed each day, but frequent failure means it’s often 9 or 10 sets actually in traffic. There are 3 sets back at Doncaster for warranty work (and have been for quite some time)
  8. Thanks but I’m happy enough to let it run round like that just now. It’s not enough of a big deal at present to change them over. I’ll look to do it eventually but appreciate the offer. Cheers
  9. No, they are still the original ones. Once they become spares from Bachmann I’ll go back and sort that, but right now there are other things requiring attention.
  10. I don’t weather them myself, tried that, but I know my limitations. I’ve got a mate who does them for me. I’ll see if I can pics of some of his others for me.
  11. Indeed, sometimes you get a good base model but it’s slightly different, so you get on with some good old fashioned modelling! None of what I’ve done is particularly difficult but I do understand the trepidation of some at “attacking” a £200plus loco with thinners. I’m now looking at 37430 to see how viable an Eastfield original /4 would be. Fortunately, all the /4s were basically the same apart from lamp brackets so shouldn’t present too much of a challenge. Cheers
  12. An update of the Bachmann 37. It’s been renumbered, dogs applied and the buffers changed for A1 Models oval ones. I’ve also fitted an ESU Lokpilot decoder to it so it’s almost ready for the layout, apart from weathering that is!
  13. Things you can do with 37260…… you can remove the headcode panel black, renumber it, fit oval buffers to it and make it suitable for West Highland operations. The black was removed carefully using Humbrol enamel thinners and a cotton bud. The numbers and dogs are from Railtec and the buffers are some old A1 Models oval ones I had in the spares box. It needs weathered but apart from that, I’m quite happy.
  14. Had it on a couple of mine. I reset the volume to 145 (comes at 192) and all was well after that. HTH Cheers
  15. We tried a 1 and a 3 yesterday. I think it’s a 1 that comes from the factory. cheers
  16. Try turning the volume down on the decoder. I set mine to 145 after experiencing similar issues. (From factory they are set to 192). I forget which CV it is as I use a Lokprogrammer and it has a separate option to do that.
  17. He uses a Dynamis so I believe f2 is latching ( although it’s been a while since I used it) What I find odd is that I can’t just “copy” an Imperium with the same settings onto an identical (I presume) decoder Cheers
  18. Thanks for that. Next time he is over I’ll get the programming kit out and try these. Whites on F0 and Tails on f1/f2 would be enough for him I think. Cheers Eddie
  19. Hopefully someone can help me sort an issue with my mates Dapol 59. He has two locos, one DCC fitted and the other was DCC ready. The fitted one is all good and the lights function as designed. We have fitted an Imperium 1 into the other one but the lights are a right mess. Swapping the decoders over only serves to make the other one work and the originally functioning one becomes a mess. This suggests that the factory fitted decoder is working correctly. It would also suggest that both locos circuit boards are ok. I tried reading the info on the “good” decoder and writing it onto the new decoder but this did not work (using a SPROG and decoder Pro) we also tried an Imperium 3 and a lokpilot 5 but no success. Part of the problem is that the Decoder Pro doesn’t recognise the Imperium decoders and whilst I could read the decoder using the NMRA default, it’s not clear what functions are allocated to what. With the Lokpilot, I used the Lokprogrammer and was slightly more successful but try as I might, I couldn’t get the Tail Lights to function correctly at the exhaust end. Does anyone have any idea of where I can find the information to program the Imperium correctly please. Thanks
  20. Having resisted the urge to go down the Bachmann route for my class 37s, I paid a visit to my local model shop and was shocked to find myself leaving with 37260 under my arm! As one of my mates put it, “poverty spec” or DCC ready as I prefer. As 260 isnt really a West Highland loco, I decided that 264 would be more appropriate. So out with the thinners and Brasso. The black headcode panels came off fairly easily with the thinners. The numbers, plates and stags too, however, I was a little to keen on one side with the numbers and have had to renovate a small are with the Brasso. I’ve given the areas that are getting transfers a coat of gloss varnish and let it dry. Hopefully tomorrow get the numbers and the Westies on. It’s pictured with the rest of the Glencoe 1980s fleet. And yes, the yellow is the wrong shade…..
  21. The Glencoe 37/0 fleet having all been programmed. Next step is snowploughs then weathering. 37022 has had stripe removed, round buffers fitted and head code boxes painted black. Renumbered using Nairnshire modelling supplies TOPS numbers. 37027 is pretty much as purchased apart from white stripe removal 37111 has had the roof modified to the later style without the ribs. Renumbered using Railtec nameplates and numbers. 37043 is box fresh.
  22. That’s great news Bill. Once it’s working, you’ll love the noise they make. I’m tempted to put more points on the layout just to run them through! Seriously though, it’s the best sound file for a 37 by far. Cheers
  23. It was just a firmware update that did it. The Lokprogrammer did it automatically when it was programming the address and sound volume. Cheers Eddie
  24. Just to confirm, Bill, I’ve updated the decoders on the Lokprogrammer and the flange squeal works on all 4 locos for the WHL project. Need to do the DRS ones next. Cheers Eddie
  25. With regards to the replacement bodies for the Strathclyde 156, what arrangements will be made for those like me who aren’t able to swap the bodies themselves?
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