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Posts posted by Vanders

  1. I wouldn't use a selenoid (like the Peco point motor) with one, as the tiebar would probably break from the stresses.


    A slow action point motor, wire in tube or even a servo is a much better bet.

  2. 1) For plain track, do I just need to get some of the solvent or do i need the other tools too?


    2) What's the best way to tackle baseboard joins?


    3) In the absence of peco-style fishplates, whats the best way of electrically joining the track? And the best way to stop it kinking on curves?


    1. No solvent required. You can buy and use the "plain line assembly" jig as an aide, but even that isn't necasary: I've assembled 8 meters or so of plain line track without one.


    2. What Kris said. You can also get copper clad board from SMP Scaleway if you're not a 2mm Society member.


    3. Just add dropper to each length of track and wire them to a bus under the board. Curves shouldn't be an issue unless you're laying very tight curves with joins in them, and if so either i) don't! or ii) solder the rail to a copper clad board at the ends of each length.

  3. ‎The Route Asset Management (Western) director Mr Gallop at Network Rail won't obviously give any timescale but has implied that this will take weeks to repair. That is of course is there is any let up in the storms.


    Also assuming it doesn't get any worse during the day; given that the washout has increased in size to now undermine the houses in a matter of a few hours, I wouldn't bet on that. I also feel very sorry for those home owners; you'd probably have felt quite secure looking at a sea wall, railway line and a road between you and the sea.


    I wouldn't be surprised to once again hear people raise the issue of a more in-land route, but I also wouldn't expect them to get very far.

    • Like 3
  4. I don't know, I had very little problem building my own N gauge pointwork and then using that with fiNetrax. I see no reason why that would be any harder than using Easitrack components for everything instead of building your own when a piece of trackwork isn't available from the existing fiNetrax range.


    Shame the 1:6 crossing is taking so long though. I believe Wayne said he has had some trouble getting some of the components cast accurately but has been working on it.

  5. People are worried about 42 billion here in UK, but the Chinese are spending much more than that each year. 63 billion is this years reduced budget! This year around 3,700 miles of new railway will open.

    The trick is to understand how China is finding the money to pay for it all. For various values of "finding", "money" and "pay".

  6. Not much change here...

    To be fair, it's only the print room that's gone, although that was the bit that most people thought of when you said "Post & Press building". Shame, really, I always thought that nice curved wall looked quite nice.


    Of course the view in your second picture is completely different now, although it scares me how familiar that view is to me. I watched the changes to Bond Street happen day by day: I worked in Greyfairs, and then Kings House next door, for seven years. I used to wander down the footbridge on my lunch and watch what was happening.


    34 and reminiscing about the old days!


    Back on topic, I haven't heard anything so I assume the works for Temple Meads are still on track to begin in Spring 2014?

  7. Boris Island isn't an official scheme - it's a speculative punt which may or (more likely) may not happen.

    It's not even a new scheme; similar ideas about building an island in the Thames Estuary have been floated since the 50's. There was even a motorway proposed that would be routed south of Southend!


    Simples: I don't use a London airport. Bournemouth and Southampton are favourites with Bristol as a "last resort" option (why they chose Lulsgate over Filton remains a mystery to me).

    Oh God, don't get me started. Why have an airport with a runway that can take even an A380, with excellent motorway and railway links to every point on the compass, when you can have one on a foggy hill in the middle of nowhere with a long drive along the single rubbish road to anywhere of any interest?

    • Like 2
  8. Ohh, an official wishlist thread? Well how could I not?




    Class 117

    Class 123


    (I'd have said "Class 40" if Bachmann weren't already planing to shrink-ray theirs)


    Rolling stock


    Highfit/Highbar in N (which Bachmann don't seem to want to shrink-ray)

    SALMON or Borail

    Some decent plate (E.g. SPV) wagons

    Warwell and Warflat

  9. As someone who lives in Bristol, I can't take those "Loser" figures seriously. Bristol City Council are a bigger danger to the economy of Bristol than HS2 ever could be: they're quite capable of wasting a few tens of millions without any help from anyone else.


    Even if I did accept them at face value, I'd hope that any potential "lose" from HS2 would be balanced out by the GWML electrification and rolling stock upgrades, and the overall gain to the British economy from HS2 & the extra freight paths on the WCML.


    I do wish we could have a slightly more French attitude towards things and just get on and start building already.

    • Like 1
  10. Is it just my imagination when looking at photos of the Finetrax points, or is the gap as big as in the Peco Code 55 points, and might wheels drop in the gap in the same way?

    fiNetrax uses a 0.8mm flange width (if I remember correctly), which is actually narrower than Peco, and about the smallest you can use with modern RtR rolling stock without having to re-wheel everything.

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