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Posts posted by Vanders

  1. Well they can't say they weren't informed. Someone is going to be very disappointed!

    I don't know; perhaps that has the parts someone needs to finish of a part-completed, or completed but damaged model they've already built? If you wanted to repair or complete something you've already put a lot of work into, I don't see why the price is inappropriate.

  2. 'Wonderful addition to any railway layout.' Please tell me I'm not the only one who gets annoyed by this phrase, or any phrase to that effect?

    No you're not. It's right up there with "...watered down PVA applied with a dropper" for me.

  3. But when you think about what's around the corner for Temple Meads, it's virtually all good stuff. Work starts later this year on a complete refurbishment of the main curved trainshed, for example, which will be done to 'Paddington' standards when it's finished, complete re-paint, all new glazing etc.

    Lets not forget bringing the old train shed back into use, fixing the small and congested entrance area & ticket barriers, and hopefully doing something about the underpass. And the toilets....

    • Like 3
  4. I had been wondering if the Dapol supplied magnets would work under the sleepers. As the magnets are a similar thickness to the woodland scenes underlay, it would be fairly simple to cut a slot in the underlay, fit the magnet, and place the track on top.

    I conducted some experiments to that effect yesterday, and am sad to say that the couplers do not move when the magnet is underneath the (peco set-track) sleepers.

    So if anyone else was thinking along those lines, hopefully I've saved you a job.

    Although they MAY work under PCB (hand built) or fiNescale sleepers, as the sleepers are thinner and the rail section smaller so the magnet & the coupling are closer together. I have some beneath the sleepers that work, but some that were less reliable when it came to the delayed-action uncoupling, so my layout has a mix of "under" & "between".

  5. Do not use latex based adhesives (eg Copydex) to fix the cork to the baseboard - drilling holes for wiring etc will drag on the latex and tangle up the drill bit and weaken the join.

    As a counterpoint, I have done exactly that and used Copydex to glue the cork down, but my baseboard is a 50mm sheet of extruded polystyrene, so I was able to punch through the cork & into the foam below with a bradawl rather than drilling. The track is also glued down with Copydex, and I plan to use a water/Copydex/IPA mix to glue the ballast. I should, in theory, be able to achieve that much sought after acoustic decoupling!

  6. Congratulations Andy! I know the sort of effort involved in anything like this, and it can be a draining but very rewarding experience. I'm so glad you stuck it out, through thick & thin.


    Also I've got to laugh that you managed to capture BlackRat joining RMWeb!

    • Like 1
  7. Actually Peter I think some cable route work is happening in the vicinity of Stoke Gifford and there is obviously some at Patchway as axle counter kit can be seen in both of your pics and new cable route and location cupboards are visible in the lower pic by the relay room.  Overbridge works on the Badminton line are mostly complete as far west as Westerleigh - the last time I passed that way the most westerly overbridge works were at Wapley Common.  


    And of course there's that whopping great grey building in the background of your second pic although that is more train related than infrastructure of course - but at the other end the trackwork for it is going in clear of the running lines.

    The bridge at the London end of Bristol Parkway is also being rebuilt.


    I don't think there'll be much around the Bristol area until the work at Temple Meads & the re-quadding of the line from Filton Bank is complete. Which prompts a question; will the section between Stoke Gifford & Temple Meads (I.e. via Lawrence Hill) be wired? I assume as trains will run to Temple Meads and the IEP depot will be at Stoke Gifford, the answer is "Yes", but it hasn't occurred to me that Lawrence Hill might get wires.

  8. I am a great believer that it is the smaller details that really bring the layout to life and a part of building a layout that I really enjoy. I try to pick up on the things that are ever present in daily life but are often missed on  layouts, a prime example is fire hydrant signs which when you look for them are every where. I made 10 some years ago and had some left over from Pallet Lane so I added one to the wall by the cement yard entrance.

    Did you add a hydrant access cover to match the sign, though? :)

    • Like 1
  9. That sort of profiteering makes Gosturde look like a rank amateur - original price from BR would have been no more than £25 on a bad day and could well have been a lot less as van bodies were dirt cheap at one time.  But it has got 'a chassis' - which presumably makes it a lot more collectable?

    To be fair, the BR version wouldn't have come insulated with a bed and kitchen. Or possibly even free of rot. The price is actually quite reasonable for a building like that, in good condition, "ready to plant". Just an empty shed that size can set you back £1000 these days!

  10. So it's been a while, but I noticed the other day that work has begun at Bristol Temple Meads, with the cladding removed from the old Post Office walkway and if I remember correctly, demolition is due to happen during Christmas. From that point on I believe the work to relay & re-signal BTM, including taking the old box out of service and bringing the old Brunel platforms back into use, finally kicks off.

  11. It doesn't surprise me about the Dapol 58.  7.54mm is I believe the back-to-back specified as part of the NMRA Recommended Practice (RP) standards, and I believe these were adopted by Dave Jones while he was there.

    That fits with my experience. Dapol is pretty much NMRA out of the box, give or take, but Farish is usually fine these days too. Parkside Dundas are all over the place but very easy to adjust, and Peco are under NMRA (natch) but I replace all of their plastic wheelsets with properly adjusted Parkside wheelsets anyway.

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