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21A Desperado

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Everything posted by 21A Desperado

  1. Is there anyone out there that could draw up a track design into Templot please? Im finalising a design and really want to see if it will fit in the space I have. Thanks in advance.
  2. Hi Rob! Thank you. Im hoping to have enough room for a compact roundy roundy with some sidings. I will certainly take a look and get weaving with some research. Cheers!
  3. Tonights effort is an SKOG YLA 'Mullet', which I recieved in the post from Rob this morning. This ones a right monster compared to the others I have built so far! Ive filed and squared up the chassis sections then glued and clamped them all together. I will let these cure overnight and have weighted the bits to ensure they are nice and true. I then made a start on the bogie sides, and dry fitted them.
  4. Ive not got much room and my 00 gauge stuff takes up half of the garage, making all the O gauge bits clutter up my bench! Thats my excuse!! 😄
  5. Cheers Al! That makes me really pleased, thank you.
  6. Hi Terry Ive got that joy to come! My new layout room will soon be teenager free so I need to start planning in earnest!
  7. I am slowly building up a small fleet of wagons, as mentioned before these are a mix of the usual RTR suspects (Heljan and Dapol) and kits from SKOG. I am terrible for getting bored and half finishing a project and starting something new! So far I have about ten wagons in various stages of construction, which the following photos show. Apologies for the state of my workbench!
  8. Another Dogfish I am working on is this one, which is a 3D printed kit from SKOG. These are good fun to build, good value for money and dont take that long to assemble. Ive added some Railtec transfers and they are drying nicely. Ive got a couple more that Ive painted Dutch and Ive also got a Catfish that is nearing completion. This and the others I am working on still need a few bits doing, (vac bags, lamp irons, and instanters) and the paint finishing.
  9. My first real post I suppose, and this is the start of my foray into 7mm. Recently, Ive built a few kits supplied by Rob from SKOG, in particular Dogfish, Catfish, Barbel and a Shark. Details of these will follow shortly. My layout (to be started when my youngest lad moves bedrooms) will be based on the West Midlands/Staffordshire freight scene, in particular Civil Engineers. This afternoon Ive made a start by weathering a Heljan Dogfish. Ive used various methods and a mix of airbrushed enamels and drybrushed acrylics. Ive still got a way to go, and intend on adding a load and finishing off the painting. Anyhoo, here's the first set of pictures and thank you for looking:
  10. Hi Steve, Yes it was me! :) Would you be able to let me know when I can buy some please?! Thanks T
  11. Sorry, its another "where can I get hold of" thread from me! I've recently done some of SKOG's Barbel and Tope kits, and am after some transfers. I contacted Steve at Railtec, and he doesn't do them at present, can anyone kindly suggest another supplier that does please? Thanks in advance
  12. That looks mint Peter, What a beast :)
  13. Hi Rich, Ive really enjoyed reading your thread and your modelling is inspirational. Looking forward to more updates :)
  14. Hi Peter, That grid looks bob on. nice and subtle. Ive got a great fondness for the 56's in particular the Romanian ones having seen them on Daw Mill to Didcot jobs as a kid and as a result I think I'll get myself a blue one. Love how the bogie detail really comes alive with some gentle weathering. :)
  15. Hi Marc, I e mailed you regarding vac bags and wondered if you had seen it? Cheers :)
  16. Hi Nick, Thanks for your post, they look just what Im after, thank you.
  17. Hi Marc Thanks for your response, I will drop you a line. :)
  18. Can anyone kindly suggest a manufacturer of vacuum bags and air pipes for O gauge wagons please? Ive tried the internet and the majority of kits are for steam era models and dont fit in with my time period. Im struggling to find some that look half decent. Many thanks.
  19. Hi Peter Cant believe I missed this thread! Cracking stuff, those 20's look mint. Desp :)
  20. Hi Eddie, I really like what youve done. Ive always had a hankering to do a SR layout, mainly influenced by Tonbridge West Yard. As a kid, the Southern was so foreign with its specific traction and enormous variety of engineering stock that ultimately offers such a great range for us to model. Cheers :)
  21. Very sad news and a pity that such a long established and well loved company has had to call it a day.
  22. Wow this layout has some real potential. Sorry to use the old cliche, but I'm looking forward to watching it develop.🙂
  23. Modelling West Midlands freight in the 1990's.

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