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Everything posted by 4 COR

  1. From the list of variations on the Sremg pages, there looks like there was some range of dates when they were released - were they all the same chassis types from 1995 onwards? (It looks like the one I have is a 2000 model).
  2. Thanks - it does seem a reliable runner, and yes, the pony truck has the spring in place, though it's not the strongest - it may benefit from a little weighting I suspect if possible.
  3. Ha! Yes - many thanks for the link - had already found a reference to it from an earlier (ancient!) thread and much appreciated, though don't want to pile in if there is a way of telling that it doesn't need it - but the drawbar filing looks sensible regardless. (Of course, the proof of the pudding etc - it struggles in one or two places on my son's roundy roundy using settrack with the front wheels derailing on occasion (I do need to check the back to backs), but at least I know I need to be much better at tracklaying when I get under way eventually on a larger layout). Many thanks
  4. Hi, I've owned an old Bachmann N Class (31-151A) for many years (it was an old eBay purchase), but never got it out to try it until recently - it is a good runner, though the front pony truck needs well laid track from the looks (and pleased to find it isn't a split chassis either). Doing a bit of research, it looks like these models had issues with the tender derailing and Bachmann produced a kit to correct issues with this. I've no idea if this example has the fix (and doubt it is available now) - does anyone know what to look for to determine whether it was installed? Thanks!
  5. I'm working on a rake of (fairly oldish) Hornby Mk1s (in BR(S) green), to improve their appearance, renumber them into a proper set etc - there are two BSKs with the appropriate luggage areas. The models have a solid textured plastic to act as the metal square mesh which separates the luggage area from the"corridor" (I remember a similar mesh in the EMUs I think (VEPs etc?) when I rode on them when younger). I was thinking about cutting the plastic out and replacing with a proper square mesh - I would guess at about 1mm pitch or thereabouts, but I'm struggling to find any materials suitable (though expect I'm just not searching online for the right thing). Can anyone suggest a suitable source? Thanks!
  6. 4 COR

    A Stove Equipped BY

    Yup - that's it! I hadn't weathered in a whole load of soot around the pipe - I wasn't quite sure how much soot etc would actually stick to the roof and not get washed off/blown away, so went mostly around the chimney, and then some general dirt (Frame dirt) generally around it. I have another BY to build, but it will be a non stove version so I'll take it off the roof with a scapel/wet and dry. Cheers
  7. This seems to have taken some time to get mostly finished off, but I think I am done (bar adding ballast and the couplers, but I'll sort these out en masse when I have a few vans/wagons built). Here is a Parkside BY Utility van (Van C) - kit PC34, finished in BR(S) green. Being in the very low range number wise (this is S402S), this has a stove and so has the relevant yellow panels. Many thanks to those who responded helpfully to my thread over here! Had a couple of hiccups - it took a few goes to mix up a yellow I was happy with, though it's covered with a lot of muck. On one side, the decal prints came off a lot around the number (I had tried to make it look a bit like the number had been cleaned up, as well as the "Guard" markings on the door) - judicious spraying has, er, masked it up a bit! I've started to work on a few other bits - I may start another van (I have more CCT/PMV kits to start), but I have started a bit of an experiment on renumbering an old Hornby Mk1 with a view to making up a proper Mk1 3 Cor set (probably 542 as it fits with where I'm interested in). I've landed up respraying the sides as the paint was so thin, taking the numbers and crests off has altered the colour... I also need to trip down the library to look at Parkin's Mk1 book to get an idea of the coach ends (other than online pics) - the mouldings on the old Hornby coaches appear the same for every end and type of Mk1 so I'm sure there are improvements to be made (at least adding set numbers, and adding proper toilet tank piping!).
  8. Thanks - yup certainly had, but each of the liveries on there was Southern, rather than BR(S) hence the question :) Interestingly, the orange is *very* orange in those photos, much more than the few other seen... But of course, lighting and sun fading/age makes a huge difference, as does the general level of crud on the vehicle changing the contrast, and indeed the faithfulness of old colour emulsion film/paper, etc... The plot thickens! I'll aim somewhere between and tone it down with suitable weathering - the photo linked from @SRman looks to be balanced on the yellow side, but some dirt would have darkened it appropriately. Thanks all for the helpful resources!
  9. Thanks for the comments all - in terms of the build, the van is (currently!) square with all 4 wheels on the level on a mirror, but point taken with aging etc. For future reference, are there any thoughts on what are suitable for these type of vans, and are there any thoughts using internal compensation units (like the MJT 2292) on this type of van? Lots of learning here for me I feel!
  10. Ah! That's great - many thanks for that link! I'd searched around a fair bit and couldn't find anything - the photo in that thread at Tebay is a great shot. The CCT transfer sheet has S402S which would have been a stove, so looks like I need to start to mix up something resembling that light orange/salmon colour (now with two resources to refer to including the BY (Stove) number 404 at the Bluebell). cheers!
  11. Hi all, I'm in the middle of making up a Parkside BY Utility Van (or Van C). I have a question about vans with stoves... In the Southern livery, the vans with stoves has an orange panel top left, top right and on the guard's door: Were there any specific markings for stove/stoveless vans in the BR Crimson/Green eras of 50s-60s? I've had a hunt about and can't see anything obvious - my guess is that they disappeared once repainted for stove equipped vans, but can't find anything obvious or any pictures to indicate that markings were still applied? Thanks!
  12. I'm fairly new here (at least at time of writing...!), and very much a beginner compared to the quality of the work here, though when I was a kid (several decades ago) I used to make model aircraft and the like. I started doing a bit of modelling again as my son got his first train set, and my father retired and finally got round to getting a permanent layout setup (about 40 years after he planned to! I am chief electrical officer on that one...). Anyhow, I decided to have a go at some Parkside kits to start - I don't yet have a layout to run on, apart from a small 8x4 roundy type that my son has that I need to carry on trying to finish off - but my fledgling collection can still grow in the meantime. My interest is in BR Southern region around the 1950-60s - so spanning the BR Crimson and BR(S) time frames, with late steam and early diesel - I grew up in Surrey (a bit later than the 60s I should point out!), and so was very familiar with the railways of South London, and the Central Region. First up (ignoring the Goods shed I made a few years back for the 8x4...) is a SOuthern Region CCT (with Plywood sides) - kit PC47. As my first Parkside kit, I was a little apprehensive, but it went together quite nicely. I airbrushed it in Railmatch BR Crimson (with black ends - Tamiya acrylic), and have used transfers from @cctransuk which went on very nicely :) The underframe was painted in Humbrol 173. Weathering started off with a dark wash picking out the door frames and external irons, and a little dark streaking down the sides and on the roof. Then airbrushed Railmatch Frame Dirt on the sides, with Railmatch Roof Dirt on top. I went for a fairly dirty look - not quite so bad that the numbers, etc are illegible, and you can still tell it is crimson, but it's very much toned down! Slightly annoying is that one of the cosmetic coupling hooks has dropped off (and I don't have a spare...). NEM pockets to follow - I'll wait until I have a few to do before sorting them out in a batch. Feedback much appreciated - I've very much learning as I go, but with excellent resources here to look at, as well as YouTube vids, guides etc. Thanks for reading! (I've already started a Van C (BY) as my next item...) "Works Condition" (pre-weathering) Post weathering...
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