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Everything posted by Magyar

  1. Changed tact now. Going to use Arduino as CMRI as I got it detecting things fairly quickly today and working through JMRI. Can CMRI use DCC input from something like ESP board that could send different addresses on same output? Or is CMRI simple I/O type things?
  2. Got excited there as thought this would work but alas the WPI numbers didn't work either. Tried WPI 8 (pin worked on RPI by Python) no dice, then tried WPI4 and it didn't work but also worked when i tested in python script on RPI terminal. There's some issue that JMRI isn't seeing my GPIO pins because the pins clearly work as does the button switch.
  3. Ok so i got a button from local shop for 70p and have the RPI recognising it using a python script. Just printing to terminal when pressed. However I tried to setup on JMRI. I put into Broadcom 3 so PIN 5 and ground on PIN 6 on the RPI. I created a sensor on RPI connection gave it the hardware address 3 to match Broadcom3 and nothing happens. Have also tried it on Broadcom 0, nothing there either.
  4. So without a button to test. How does JMRI reference the pins? It doesn't say in their docs. I have the connection working fine without the errors as per their docs so all my RPi pre-reqs seem fine. But they have literally nothing on how you should use it. Do I just create a sensor in the sensor table and mark it 1-7 on the hardware address or can you only do it by literal script referencing the pin directly in that?. It's really really vague. Basically says if you can setup the connection you're gravy oh and we use 0-7 but maybe not and maybe you can go higher but who knows just guess?? Has anyone done sensors on JMRI through GPIO on here before? I'll get a button to test but I just can't see anything in their docs that says how it's done outside a straight up script which despite being my dayjob I want to avoid. It's so vague.
  5. Thanks very helpful. Do you know any tutorials for RPi of the top of your head? No worries if not I'll just start googling
  6. Thanks for the reply I have CMRI currently setup with Arduino and sensor shield on top to run IR sensors. This hat looks all setup to connect to servo connections like this https://www.amazon.co.uk/ATmega2560-16AU-Expansion-Bluetooth-Ultrasonic-Communication/dp/B07XSN3RP9/ref=sr_1_3?crid=3SN7WYTRUY3SW&keywords=arduino+sensor+shield&qid=1707465571&sprefix=arduino+sensor+shield%2Caps%2C198&sr=8-3 Also PI Sprog has this in documentation: I don't currently use the Arduino so would it be better to repurpose that or just use inputs on RPi via Sprog? I have no idea which to use really as I'm new to all this. So would I basically take my red and black from receiver and put it into GPIO17 (unused) and a Ground? Or do both wires go to a GPIO pin? I can see instructions for using these PINs on JMRI site
  7. Hi all, Does anyone have any experience getting LM-ID detectors up and running in JMRI (I'm using with PI-Sprog/RPi)? I tried playing around with DCC concepts ESP wireless by connecting the LMID to transmitter inputs and flick on set and give it an address (same method as Cobalt IP motors) but nothing happens. Is this because it needs to feedback to JMRI being a detector rather than just giving a command like the Point Motor?
  8. Hi all, Probably been answered before but having trouble finding. I'm building a layout 8' x 6' in my shed, it's insulated but obviously still prone to large temp swings. I'm making it modular purely because I plan to move in 2-4years and don't want to "have" to rip it all up. I have a curve that I was planning to do with flex track as I wanted to to start gradually from the point into the curve which would be R3 at it's tightest. However it will need a join midway and I've read alot of people solder this but in a shed this option isn't great. So I could just set track the curve at R3 the whole way and just have short straight after the point, which will finish the curve roughly in the same place. Would this be a better option in the shed? Certainly feels like an easier option and maybe revisit flex curve after the move (hoping for hobby room inside).
  9. Guess the news piece isn't on their catchup? Cheltenham is my local shop. It's always pretty busy when I pop in
  10. I echo some of the other posts on here that it's a slow burn and re-emerges when more settled in life. I had a model railway as a kid and loved it (i also had mega drives etc. so computer games didn't deter me) but I moved onto chasing girls, going to University, moving around renting a lot until i got married, bought a house and had kids. I picked up interest in history and studied it in University along the way, particularly Victorian/Edwardian periods. Then when looking for places to go with young kids for walks stumbled across many old railway lines that have been re-purposed. This sort of perked my historical interest. We went to a lot of these in Peak district, Wye Valley etc. Then as I got a train set for my eldest it rekindled the interest for me (I used to do Warhammer etc. before kids). Now it has become more my thing as he's interested more in "robots" but he likes controlling locos a lot. Now it's overtaken and become my thing. Built an insulated shed in the garden and away we go. I'm full in again and still in my 30's. So I wouldn't say it's dying just probably similar to a lot of people in that during my teens, 20's and early 30's I had other things going on.
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