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  1. Thanks for all the in depth answers. I'll try and work out what to do next. MG
  2. Evening, I've been trying to find a nem pocket version of a 00 kaydee coupling that is a centre shank. I can only seem to find over shank. I have found all types if you want to mount them in draft boxes, but the wagon I have has a nem pocket. Can anyone give a product code? This bachman wagon is the odd one out as all my other wagons need over shank. Tia. MG
  3. Almost done now. I need to drill the hole for the mast. I'm fortunate that my daughter was throwing out some unwanted games and amongst them was a load of plastic rodding from a kerplunk type game; they have tapered ends and seem to be the diameter I need too. There's a few more bits of detail to add - including to the handrails - but I don't have any at the moment so it could a little while before it's completed properly.
  4. I've lived in South London all my life and I'm really struggling to remember when graffiti became so prevalent. Sadly I remember racist graffiti, but also things like the CND sign too. One thing I remember clearly is fly posters on any disused building; not sure they would have been placed on buildings lineside, but most highstreets of bombsites (and there were still a fair few around even in the eighties. I too have times when work and personal stuff gets in the way of my modelling and then of course there are also times when I can't be bothered as well. Keep at it, it's looking good.
  5. Completed up to step 89 this evening. This included some of the finer details. I didn't have any fine chain for the rudder controls, so i stripped some multi-strand wire and twisted it until it gave a similar effect.
  6. At the end of my last session I was surprised to find that I needed to trim a section of the bow. After lining up the sides and fitting the bow rails, I noticed that upright section on the front of the bow was too tall to fit the bow plate. After trimming it back I realised that I'd bent the wrong end of the boat upwards early in the building process. This is probably going to make the whole vessel look rather odd when it's finished, but is too late to remedy. I shall take it as a lesson learnt and if I decide to build another (after the beauty of these types of downloadable models is you can just print more off) make sure I remember it's the stern that has the lift and not the bow. Anyway, deckhouse done tonight.
  7. An hour or two this evening has brought me up to step 41. It's starting to look like boat now. I'm quite pleased with it so far. It's not been too fiddly so far, and in the main has gone together well.
  8. A few more modelling hours over the last 6 days have resulted in some catching up with the boat build. A couple of pics below have led up to stage 27; only another 102 to go!
  9. A bit more modelling time this evening. 11 stages now completed. Bow formers and most bulkheads cut and fitted including the central stern section.
  10. Love the tonal differences of the coping stones along platform 1 in the pic above; very realistic.
  11. After struggling to find some modelling time for ages, I forced myself to sit down and start cutting. Over 40 minutes later whilst I watched a bit of TV, I managed to cut out the base of the puffer. I do like these Scalescene kits but they do take a while to cut cleanly.
  12. The fencing & mill buildings look good.
  13. That looks nice; bet mine doesn't end up looking that good 😂. Yesterday was spent gluing the printed sheets on to the various thickness of card. I may start the cutting process tomorrow if I have time before I leave for little jaunt to fens.
  14. Hi Ray, Hope you're well. In a word no. Modelling time has been non existent for a while. Work and home life have put paid to that. That being said, I'm off now for a week so fingers crossed. I have downloaded a scale scenes Clyde puffer to build and hope to start making it today. Happy easter.
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