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  1. I am using PM rather than clutter the 66 thread even more. Thanks for the tip re the Hornby frogs, that was exactly what my 66 was doing, front nearside wheel hitting the frog and then lifting up and over. I modified the check rail by replacing it with a slightly longer and higher version as my fix. I guess the wheel is still trying to lift and derail but the offside check is now blocking it. 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. woodenhead


      All's well that ends well :D - I just thought it worth saying because one day John might want to send an actual private message on the forum and if it went public it might not end so well.

    3. truffy


      Just so, and that was my reason for bringing to attention. Like you say, all's well....

    4. woodenhead


      I was on a web meeting yesterday, someone popped up his resignation letter on screen by mistake.


      It was definitely a mistake as he was a lecturer and we were the learners and he had no reason to share the information, worse he was recording it to send to an even wider group.


      I politely advised him after the meeting that he may want to review/edit the content before sending it out, he had no idea he'd done it.

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