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  1. I am using PM rather than clutter the 66 thread even more. Thanks for the tip re the Hornby frogs, that was exactly what my 66 was doing, front nearside wheel hitting the frog and then lifting up and over. I modified the check rail by replacing it with a slightly longer and higher version as my fix. I guess the wheel is still trying to lift and derail but the offside check is now blocking it. 

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      As long as your up and running,i am a Peco point man and once i start building the loft i will be live frog too.cheers young fella.

    3. woodenhead


      Just so you are aware, this isn't a PM John, it's a visible post to Eric on the Activity stream


      PMs are raised in the messages box, top right and are not visible on the Activity Streams

    4. john new

      john new

      Can anyone explain why clicking the envelope sent a public status update not an off-line PM? I saw it had done that after posting but as it wasn't in any way defamatory I left it in public i.e., as it was. 


      Re preferring PECO, me too. I only used Hornby because this started out as a just quick build use what I had lying around project.


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