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Everything posted by Gedward

  1. As I'm planning on creating a number of trees for Bovey Tor. Thought we'd start with this fine specimen.
  2. I say, Willthorpe, where's that damn salmon!
  3. Obviously some very hush hush, super important cargo there.
  4. And a mono version.
  5. Bovey Tor had its first collection this morn.
  6. That looks great and the finish very realistic. And funny enough that was one of the designs I was considering for mine.
  7. Absolutely. Did a fair bit of research but most of the sheds were way too big for this little goods yard. And would over power the main station building. Much rather have a ton of little sheds any day.
  8. Many thanks. I guess this is what happens when you mate a provender store with a lamp hut.
  9. Many thanks. The goal is to pretty much, get all the main structures sorted first. Then moving on to the platform and surrounding terrain. George
  10. About 90% there now. Will add some steps and window frames etc.
  11. Unfortunately, this happens so often in my workroom that I'm thinking of installing low level CCTV to help with finding the damn things.
  12. And when they were up, they were down. And when they were down, they were up. And when they were only halfway up, they were completely f....flummoxed.
  13. Haha, the old cross bracing syndrome. On Bovey Tor, I had to work out how the canal would intersect with the railway. Plus how to avoid clashes with point motors and the support struts of the slot shelving. Twas quite a headache TBF. Ended up making a number of mock ups in card, as it's a bit cheaper than plywood.
  14. That's the trestle base, now for the shed.
  15. Same here. I got back into RM after losing my wife in October 2019. Like you say, swinging from OK to lower moods is exactly right. But a distraction is always therapeutic for us and there's no guilt in that.
  16. This BR lorry arrived yesterday along with some milk churns. Added a logo and will probably end up respraying a turquoise colour. Plus some suitable weathering and matting down.
  17. Exactly why I decided to find something a lot smaller for Bovey Tor. Hence I've gone for a 'freelance' version. A corrugated shed on top of a wooden trestle. Incidentally it's a 85x50mm footprint.
  18. I would say not cramped, but industrious.
  19. Well if it looks good, tastes good and by golly...
  20. It's made from basswood strips from 4D model shop in east London.
  21. I find you can spend ages making styrene strips look like timber. Or you can just use timber.
  22. Work has started on the small goods shed plinth. The good shed will be a typical corrugated structure with sliding doors. Where would we be without Blu tack though?
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