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Colin jenkins

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  1. Hi Zac,

    I have just completed Jim’s MACAW B.  As you say, the folds on the wagon deck are tricky and a set of bending bars is to be recommended.  I started by deepening the etched lines with a square file and then folded up the large side bends first, followed by the small bends. Using the bars means you cannot complete the folds. Using another section of the bars, I repeated the process for the ends.  Making sure everything was  flat and square, I tacked the corners to prevent movement.  I then cut myself a piece of wood to the required thickness and placed it inside the well. Using another flat piece of wood, I was able to complete the bend on the top flange with minimal distortion and this was easily rectified by a few further taps with hammer on the wood.  After that, construction was straight forward. I have to say, I am impressed by Jim’s kits and have a couple more in the pipeline.

    1. micklner


      Much easier to use a scrawker to deepen the etched lines , use until a witness line appears on the other side of the etch.



    2. Corbs


      Hello Colin, I'm not sure if you meant to type this text here as it's just your 'status' rather than a thread or private message.

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