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Everything posted by EDDY100

  1. Thanks John. I defo could not afford to buy all the items on the layout. I think I get most satisfaction knowing it's nearly all original and a bit different. Hopefully one day (If I get an invite) to go on the road and show it. Quiet a way off at the moment as it is nearly campervan season. I don't think the other half would appreciate a printer in the van.😀😀
  2. You got it Mike, I did read somewhere that you should pose your figures as inactive as they look better!! So far I have about 40 different poses for the figures but I end up using the same ones sitting and drinking tea. Will have to get onto posing some more, don't want to get boring😀
  3. Just another piece of my layout ready to be installed. I call it my POL Point(petrol, oils & lubricants).
  4. My Painting technique, video on the tube. Part 5
  5. Thanks Kevin. Plenty of trial and error in the 3d printing game so plenty of fails as you test the limits of your printers. I think I have turned the corner where I get a lot more good prints compared to fails.😀😀 Got a few more vids lined up that might interest some people and I am open to suggestions on my techniques. Eddy
  6. Thanks for the positive comments Michael. I just liked the challenge of 3d printing as much as possible. 3d printers are very affordable to the average modeller now days. I run an Ender 3 and an Elegoo mars 2 so defo at the cheaper end of printers but good results can be achieved. The layout is populated with lots of figures which gives it a bit of atmospher and the cost of buying all those figures would be far more than the price of the printers, plus you can pose your figures to suit your layout. The draped wagons sound like a good subject for a new video, thanks. Yes the biggest thing is the learning curve. Untill I started with 3d printing I had absolutely no experience but every time you design and print something things get easier At the end of the day it's the satisfaction of designing and printing something that looks good to you and if others like it all the better. Eddy
  7. Part 3 now on the tube. Recording is a bit iffy, finger trouble by me.Part 3
  8. Kevin thanks for looking at the vids, got a few more in the pipeline on some other techniques I use. If peps find the odd thing they can use on there layouts everyone is a winner. Eddy
  9. How I 3d printed my layout part 2 now on the tube. Video 2
  10. Video 2 now on the tube. How I 3d Printed My Layout Video 2
  11. Video 1 on how I 3d printed most of my layout.Video 1
  12. I have been asked a few times how I made Essex Brick so I have started doing a few vids on how it was done. First video. Model Railway The Easy Way The Building Of Essex Brick Part 1. Cheers Eddy
  13. Bit of luck I got the clearance right (only just). Next time add a couple of mills.
  14. Thanks John. Nice to get some feedback as you never know if what you are making is on the right track. Eddy
  15. Hi Schooner. It looks like you have got the same inspiration as me from the East End docks. Some of my uncles used to work in the docks and most of my family came from Stepney. It's a shame your layout pics are missing as I would like to see how you are getting on. You seem to be taking locations and buildings serious whereas I am making it up. I remember the area as a kid being dirty and rundown which reflects in my layout. Hope you get a chance to upload some pics. Eddy My layout
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