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Status Updates posted by DevonCottage

  1. Hi - Last year I came back to modelling after many years, and built a SE Finecast 517 tank with Mashima motor and Markits gearbox. During construction I managed to strip the gear, so I bought a second gearbox. Within a couple of months this has stripped as well. I have taken the loco apart again and replaced the 37:1 box with a 46:1 box in the hope that this will be more durable, but even with the first couple of turns there are signs that this will strip too. The tiny screws that come with the motor, and the motor itself do not fit the gearbox without heavy boring out and filing of the gearbox assembly, even though the motor was specified as being correct for that gearbox. I just want something that is going to go together and work. 30 years ago I built two kits with Portescap motor / gearbox combinations and they are still performing like a dream, although I have read a couple of threads online from about 9 years ago criticising these. I would welcome some guidance and if anyone has a good condition Portescap for sale I would be interested in buying it. Many thanks

    1. skipepsi


      Try High level gearboxes satisfied customer etc.



    2. DevonCottage


      That looks great, many thanks. I will contact them

  2. I recall when visiting the then Paignton & Dartmouth Railway (as they were then marketed) in 1978 there was a large 4mm scale model of Westbury in the station building at Paignton. This has long since been removed to enlarge the shop, but does anyone know what happened to the model? I remember it was very good. There doesn't seem to be anything on the net about it. I'd be interested in hearing.

    1. MPR


      It was moved to Buckfastleigh - and converted from EM to 00. It disappeared when Expressway Models expanded.

    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Essentially the current Expressway Models shop now occupies the space formerly allocated to that layout, although they have also built a smaller layout around two walls of the shop.


    3. DevonCottage


      Thanks. I presume it must have been dismantled then. That's a shame.

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