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John Besley

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Everything posted by John Besley

  1. Spot on that man, this layout is the bees knees
  2. I can only count 170 trees, thought you had twice that
  3. We did that on during a photo shoot with 1420 at Buckfast' .... it was timetabled for spearing coach trip to give the wrinkles a ride from Totnes Riverside to Buck' I was on the footplate as fireman and the driver was on the front end to operate the brake... seing as we was part way through the photo shoot we simply ran it that way... I did all the footplate jobs, firing, driving , creating the vacuum, linking up etc. He just had to operate the brake to slow / stop us... great fun just he one trip only
  4. Yes please ... and fire irons and buckets, oh dont forget the grubby bit of soap floating in the bucket...
  5. OK - a pep pipe is used for cleaning the footplate boards down, - bit like a pressure washer - this runs off the injector feed the firemans side and keeping the coal dust down essential when running bunker / tender first, also a supply of hot water in the bucket for cleaning yer hands before grub time when out on the road As can be seen this is the pipe hanging over the cab side - note how the metal end has chipped off the paint in an arc as it jiggles around when travelling. 45xx cabs are cramped as are 14xx with the side tanks extending into the cab side, these stop short of the cab doors, I always stood in the door way with my back to the scenery so I was looking over my shoulders in the direction if travel and more importantly could watch the pressure gauge and water level, when you knew the road you could second guess the driver where he would shut off and have the dampers dropped and the fire door open to control the fire .... Happy days
  6. On 3205 or 7827 the pep pipe trailed out over the side by the cab step wrapped around through the handrail bracket at floor level
  7. I'll have a hunt, for your info, on a 45xx we always tucked it into the handle on the tank side by the cab shutter same as on a 14xx and Pannier otherwise they got in the way on the cab floor, dont for get a bucket in the corner of the cab part full of water for washing yer hands in, alternatively hanging on the fire iron bracket the firemans side with the fire iron safety chain wrapped around to stop it falling off. Fire irons on a 45xx live onto of the tank firemans side accessed through the cab window and on panniers and 14xx on the fire iron hooks, the shovels need to be slightly bent to be able to get into the firebox.
  8. It is a pep pipe... I blame my phat fumbs for the trypo
  9. It actually looks like the fireman on the Dean is wondering where his shovel full of coal has gone .... did it fall off between the loco and tender?
  10. For weight distribution shouldn't that be between the axles as it would currently out to much load on the back end... or has something already been taken off?
  11. How about milk churns being picked up from local farms... ?
  12. Just reading through this awesome topic / layout currently on page 85... noticed none of your locos have pop pipes hanging out over the handrails to keep the footplate dust down.... try a bit of fuse wire painted black...
  13. Dont think the fireman has closed the smokebox door properly...
  14. Just found this layout - lovely stuff
  15. The package arrived from Gaugemaster and with an alteration to the chimney by reducing it in height then by turning up a ferrule to slip inside close to the chimney cap I could slip the Smoke generator inside, extended the cable in matching multi strand intruder cable, wired up through a choc block and tested it. The only issue I have is the generator quietly bubbles away but could be ignored as I also want to add background sound. I have also discovered that a bottle of coal scented smoke oil is available As you can see the next task is to convert all the parts (around 50 of them) into the finished item I might have to fit a mini extractor fan behind the pelmet as it's quite smoky in the corner I am also planning on making a low relief factory building to hide the corner...
  16. One day someone will wish they'd kept that Ruby in dry storage...
  17. Assembled the motor 'generator ' and built a support frame for this, to enhance it further found a female conduit coupling in my works van in the 'get me out of jail box' this has a nice moulded shape that neatly slides over the motor, built up an electrical cabinet around a Lego Duplo block and made a unistrut support frame - this will hold a bunch of dummy 'SWA' cables. Finished off the gauge frame and pressure gauge along with building up the injector steam valve and clack ( not going to bother making the injector body as this is out of sight) built up the water tank and 4" mains feed. Decided to put all of this together on its base to see what it looks like and what is glaringly missing... Currently waiting for my cranked locking handle castings for the smokebox door along with a parcel for the next feature to be added...
  18. Had bit of a think and drew up an idea for the rain cover... then sat the steam plant on its allotted space to get the general idea... not too sure now about the cover as it could end up as big as the block lean to next to it.... keeping an open mind on this one, might make up a rough shelter to keep the rain off as after all this is Devon where it rains six days out of seven and on the seventh it pours
  19. Sorted out the regulator and mount on top of the firebox along with the main steam pipe, worked out the best location for the whistle mount. Next off to finish the blackhead and fittings - gauge glass, feed to the injectors and clack valves
  20. Built up one of our cylinder detail kits and added cylinder drain cocks, turned up a set of safety valves.... then found a couple of photos of the best of whistles from a Bulleid Pacific so had to make one.... Next try to work out where the regulator will fit along with pipework to the steam chest and puzzle out how to fit the whistle as forgot the steam pipe will possibly be in the way
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