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James J

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Everything posted by James J

  1. Unbelievable Dave - how could you? I've been looking for an idea for my project now, as I've done a few dioramas and am ready for a decent- sized layout. I was thinking perhaps Eastfield or Polmadie set in the 1930s with the kettles ( I won't see "class 47" everytime I close my eyes unlike you ), or a terminus station in Scotland. Now, I've seen your layout on youtube but compared to this thread, it doesn't give it the proper justice in my opinion. I don't know how I've kept away from this thread for so long, but I found it a week go, and was so in awe I couldn't stop reading- I must have got through the first 50 pages in one go! By the time I'd finished a week later, there's now no doubt in my mind this is where I want the layout to be based- what have you done? These things should come with a warning! I've had a thought and have decided to try fit it, like you, into just over a 2x1m, with a split in the middle incase there's ever need to get it up and down the stairs. It could be based at Waverley West and might be expanded backwards if I ever feel confident enough, but I could perhaps also be able to remove the canopy and walls and tunnel to reveal the bridge at Glasgow Central and the roofs of central Glasgow, or add an alternative tunnel and canopy to become Queens Street- I could create endless stations ( even if the track plan isn't quite prototypical accurate to any station but Waverley ) ! So, you may have made my mouth drop, but you've also had me make up my mind- yet in no way am I even going to try take photographs like yours, thankyou! However, I may need your help- I haven't the foggiest idea where to start, which is why I've made an account on rmweb... well, aside from to sing the praises you deserve. By the confusion I mean surrounding the trackplan and scratchbuilding mostly, but the backscene I might end up painting whilst looking over all your photos of it. So, could I perhaps be so cheeky as to ask for a more complex trackplan, with lengths of flexitrack, and which of the code 75 points are where? I completely understand if this is a no. Also, I would be grateful to know the names of anything at all, for example the names of lights and lamps, bushes, paints, platforms, trees etc. Please keep doing what you are because it is amazing!! Big fan of your work and your labrador, James
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