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Squirrel Rail

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Everything posted by Squirrel Rail

  1. Yesterday didn't get much done apart from a bit of prep on the next class 90 but today managed to get back onto 90030. Front numbers now on and door handles painted, couple of touch ups needed on the paint job including cant rail above drivers window: Other jobs included fitting the front valence ready for buffer beam detail tomorrow and the yellow bands on the bottom of the bodywork. For these I have used the Fox Transfers and am pretty pleased with the result. and the other side: Tomorrow will see the last few decals (OHLE flashes) a quick test run, hence roof still missing and then a light weathering.
  2. Quick pic of 90005 at Squirrels End waiting to head off home.....
  3. Bit of work this afternoon. 90030 has had the holes filled where the TDM cables were under the horn grills and the yellow applied. Finishing touches to the Intercity pair with a few pics below. and the pair together I also took the time to dull down the trees in the background with an autumn hue and boarded up the windows on the disused shed. Lastly added a few dark clouds to the background with the airbrush. As you can see I haven't got a clue with scenery so making it up as a go along, sticking to the zero budget and everything is salvage from stuff in the spares box. Last shot of the pair where hopefully a better result than my scenery....
  4. Good luck with it - I would try the IPA on a small area, never had much luck with the brake fluid approach. There is a thread on deweathering which has similar advice- it’s just a case of finding what works best for you!
  5. With the bodysides you could try using a flat brush (no pun intended) with thinners and work downwards from the cant rail. This way you can remove most of the weathering and leave a streaked finish where you want. This works well with enamels so hopefully an acrylic thinner would work the same on acrylic paint - I only work in enamels so sorry can't be of more advice! Cheers Jerry
  6. Following on from yesterday work today has been finishing most of the weathering on the intercity pair, couple of little bits to do but they will be completed tomorrow or Friday. With these two nearing completion managed to get the numbers and EWS logos onto 90030 after touching in the black grills I like this side better than the other as the number is centralised under the plate. On the other side it isn't which although it is as in the flesh so to speak it bugs the hell out of me!
  7. Bit more 90 work today 90005 has been weathered. Managed to find a pic of it in it's intercity livery with OHLE flashes above the doors but not on the cab fronts so they have been added and a general view of the roof; Meanwhile 90030 has had the black grills tidied after the weekends cock up with the gold band and the numbers are on now - looking good! On the side above the numbers sit directly under the plate. On this side, for some reason the number is offset, I guess they numbered it before putting the plates on. I checked it out with a number of photos and however tempted I am to centralise them this is accurate
  8. Managed to get some time this afternoon to start the airbrush work on the Intercity pair. The light on the workbench makes the weathering look very light but it is slightly darker in a less strong light. Hopefully can get some better pictures tomorrow! Couple of shots of king Arthur from either side, and from above.. Next up 90005 and from the other side... Whilst these two harden off I will hopefully get the grills repainted on the EWS 90 to get that moving again!
  9. This morning has seen a bit more progress on the Intercity pair. First up on 87010 an electrical box needed repainting - here it is on the right handside of the battery box in orange But the reference pics I have show it in grey so first coat of paint on it, a bit anal I know but like to get thing right .. Next job up was to start a few washes and detail painting to bring out the details and dull of the factory finish, exactly the same as on the virgin ones. First up the 87, the roof and pantograph are getting there. The plate has had the red showing through added and a small patch of chips above it. Build ups of grime around the panels, sand boxes, door steps and around the light clusters round off this mornings work Similar with the 90 Last up here's a view of the pair showing how everything is starting to tone down and blend together.
  10. Hi Jack, I think I’m out of resin so will order some - hopefully can get them done in the next couple of weeks. No probs with 034, cheers Jerry
  11. Hi Jack, just caught up with the review, great work! On your review of 90048 you said you may change the chassis due to the battery box. Hang on before you do - you can just swap this one box over- I’ve done that with my RES and EWS pair. I’m going to make some resin ones soon so will send you a replacement when they’re done. Cheers Jerry ps - love the E92 in the car park - I had 3 of them!!
  12. It was bugging me so old stripe off - new stripe on - will need to do the grills again...
  13. There will be faded EWS 90s with intentional damage coming up in the next few months!!
  14. Unfortunately not - irony is this is becoming 030 so it was going to be fairly clean!!
  15. Black grills on today, set back with a self inflicted bit of damage to the paintwork on one side - full saga on my workbench thread but nothing too drastic and here's the c**k up.... I wasn't 100% convinced on the edge of that stripe so it's mad my mind up for me!
  16. Side grills on the EWS 90 this morning, bit of a mixed result as when masking it up I manged to damage the gold stripe.... silly squirrel After the initial cursing and muttering had subsided I have decided that I'm not overly bothered as I wasn't 100% happy with the edge to the band and it has now made my mind up to refinish it. Anyhow here's a few pics of the black grills being sprayed and the offending stripe... Masking coming off - the black extends to the frames not just the grills and fully unmasked... The demarcation between the red and gold will be polished before decaling to reduce the step between the paints, one of the reasons I wasn't happy with the other side.. and lastly the offending side ..grrrrr This will now have to sit and fester for a couple of days before the next update!
  17. I think I may end up doing more than one in EWS !!!
  18. Fancied a bit of variety so started on an 87 and a 90 These two are both in IC livery and are keeping their original identities. Work list includes detail painting, naming - including replacing the Hornby plates and last up weathering. Here are the two before any work commences The roof mounted cabling is grey on the 90 and orange on the 87 - this has been repainted a brick red/plum colour, likewise pantograph ends in red. The white pipework to the bogie sides has been painted down to black and the ETH boxes fitted on the 87 and buckeye on the 90; The Bachmann supplied name and works plates have been fitted but good old Hornby have managed to oversize the printed plate (yet again) seen here under the Fox replacements: The printed detail has been removed and the right size replacement looks so much better.... That's it for the time being - next up on these two will be the start of the weathering so will post some pics as I go along.
  19. I did say I wasn’t very up on O gauge!!!
  20. I’m not really up to speed on O gauge but would the old Bachmann 66 be a suitable donor? As you say there’s definitely American stuff out there. You’ll probably just get it done when they announce a rtr version - that’s what happened with mine...even though we’ve yet to see it!!
  21. I think it would be easier in O gauge due to the size but you wouldn't be able to rob a donor like I did for the bogie frames ( forgive me if there is a 59 kit!). Certainly would look stunning!
  22. Roof on today, some masking to come off and few tidy ups to do but on the way.. and from the other side
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