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Graham T

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Everything posted by Graham T

  1. I'm sure lots of you already do this, but I thought I would document the method I'm using to cut the cork sheet that I'm using for ballast. Firstly I join the track elements, place them on the baseboards, and then use a permanent marker to add a line 4mm out from the ends of the sleepers. Next I remove the track, then place a sheet of baking paper on the baseboard and trace the pen lines. I tape the baking paper onto the cork sheet and then just cut it to size with scissors. Seems to work well (so far).
  2. That's a nice idea John, thanks. I haven't yet decided what I'm going to do with that corner. I think I've got a little bit of time before I need to make my mind up though!
  3. Just the small bits - five minutes and you'll be finished then...
  4. That makes a huge difference, looks very good indeed!
  5. So, here are the results of yesterday's labours. The PW department seem to have redeemed themselves, although they've been warned that they need to improve their soldering skills. The baseboard planners have, I'm afraid, been taken outside and shot. Despite my careful planning, reality intervened when I started laying track, and so of course it hasn't gone down on the boards exactly where I thought it was going to be - resulting in some of the point motor locations sitting right on top of cross braces. Much scratching of heads is now going on while I try to figure that out. The brick built bridge you see in this photo will be getting removed; it was to carry the famous disappearing branch line, but unfortunately I've had to accept that I just couldn't make that work with the topography. Never mind, more space for scenery!
  6. Looks like you've done a cracking job
  7. Thanks Paul, I'll take a look at those.
  8. Slightly nervous times here in Chuffnell Regis this morning, as the first section of track has just been glued down. Holes drilled for PL-1000 point motor, droppers attached... Now to wait for the PVA to dry, and see if it actually stays where I want it to be. Yes, I have kept the glue well away from the tie-bar on the point!
  9. That's great Kevin, thank you. It certainly is becoming a priority job - will be nice to see what I'm bodging
  10. Kevin, I need to improve the lighting in my railway spare room, as it only has a single ceiling mounted spot-type light at the moment. Never mind photography, the light is too poor to even work in there in the evenings. Due to the shape of the ceiling (it's an attic room) I'm looking at a pelmet mounted LED light strip, and remember seeing what you had done earlier in this thread. Would you mind reminding me of the details please? As in the spec of the LED strip, supplier, and so on. Thank you!
  11. Sounds like an ambitious and interesting project - I hope you've got lots of space! Joint lines certainly existed; a quick search on Google will turn up some examples and then you can pick one to add your imaginary line onto.
  12. A bit more messing about with ballast was done today. I'm certainly not looking forward to having to do this on the layout itself. Fortunately I have all the track laying and point rodding to do first! I've used the fine grey ballast again, but will use light grey on the layout itself. I tried misting the dry ballast with water once it was all in place, but even using the sprayer as gently as I could it still disturbed some before I got the PVA dripped in with a pipette. Good practice though, and it shows up the difference between bog standard 16.5mm track and the code 75 bullhead rail. I think next time I might use some masking tape along the edges of the ballast too. I should have painted the track before adding the ballast as well...
  13. I'd also go for a toy shop, with a Triang box in the window.
  14. Don't know if you found it, but here's a link.
  15. The postman delivered a new addition to the stable this morning Courtesy of a well known auction site. I should probably do some work on getting the track laid. And the foreground scenery would benefit from a bit of attention too... Still no sign of a B set!
  16. Wot no pictures? Fixed! Trying to get the track plan actually translated into the real world on the baseboards gave me a headache.
  17. Boom boom! Well, hopefully not, actually...
  18. Thanks very much Al. Stand by for clouds of smoke rising over Vienna!
  19. George took the words out of my mouth. The Unicorn looks like it's been there for ever.
  20. So, like this? Please excuse my utter ignorance of wiring! I should have added that I will have more than one loco on the layout at a time, but will only ever be running one.
  21. I'm trying to get my head around the wiring. Eek. The plan is to use DCC and have droppers from each point and section of track, all the points are electrofrog. I'm trying to figure out where I need to put insulated joiners, and would really appreciate some help from any electric string gurus please. In the schematic the red tracks are +ve and the blue -ve, with insulating breaks indicated by the white rectangles. Have I got the insulated joiners in the right places? Do I need a break in both rails, or just one, and if so, which one? Am I barking up completely the wrong tree?
  22. Thanks Paul, I'm going to go for the light grey instead.
  23. Watch out, it will be eagles next!
  24. To keep the scattergun approach going, I had a play around with ballasting on a piece of scrap track yesterday. This is based on 2mm cork, which I worried might not be deep enough, and then Woodland Scenics fine grey ballast. I think it looks reasonable, but the light grey would have been a better choice. I'd be very interested to hear other views please.
  25. Just need to add a little Curiosity
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