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Graham T

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Everything posted by Graham T

  1. I'm using the normal ones to join the bullhead to the Code 75 points; I didn't have the patience to wait for the bullhead points to become available But I will be using the bullhead joiners for joining lengths of plain track, and may even add cosmetic ones if I have any lengths greater than 60 feet. The bullhead joiners aren't quite in the "hens' teeth" category, and I've managed to get some, they're in the post from the UK. Thanks for the screwdriver tip - I should have thought of that...
  2. Is it just me, or is fitting Peco rail joiners to their bullhead rail a bit of a trial? If anyone knows a good technique for doing this, then I'd love to hear it!
  3. Absolutely - I think it's those little details (along with the overall standard of the modelling, obviously!) that really set LM apart.
  4. In shock news from Chuffnell Regis earlier today, it has emerged that the PW department were even more incompetent than had been feared. Their track planning software has been taken away, and they are now allowed nothing more dangerous than wax crayons (that they were later seen eating). Here's what happened. As I thought I had finally managed to get together all the points that I needed (you can probably see where this is headed) I decided to try laying out the trackwork to see how everything fitted onto the baseboards. Surprisingly enough, things didn't go exactly according to plan, and it turns out - haha - that I need another medium radius right turnout for the goods yard, rather than the left hand one that I have. In the words of the bard, b*gger, as I will have to wait a while for said turnout to arrive from the UK. C'est la vie. That being said, I think that I can make a start on laying the cork beds for the track from the fiddle yard up to and including the station throat, and probably also the bay and the three lines running along next to the platform. I can't actually start laying the track itself yet though, as I need to figure out where to put insulating joiners... This is how it looks, seen from each end of the layout. You can see where the engine shed will eventually find its home. The siding with the wagons on it will actually be a little longer, and will run through the goods shed. The missing right hand turnout will sit more or less where the closest clerestory coach is. The lamp hut you can just about make out in the distance is about where the end of the platform will be, all being well.
  5. I like that one; think I might need something similar to sit on the platform.
  6. Some major progress there George, looking forward to seeing the next developments.
  7. It looks better with a quick blast of rattle can primer. Except that you can see marks from the glue where I added the hinges....
  8. It's a terrible thing, peer pressure. Pagoda hut now with rudimentary hinges and padlock on the door (it's a store, not a shelter. For storing things). And remarkably it's even in focus!
  9. Oops. I had completely missed that news a year ago! Seems that I really don't have a clue...
  10. I suspect I have some time before I need to make a decision anyway. News to come later from the PW department...
  11. Also, very sad news about Tim Brooke-Taylor.
  12. I'm sorry, I haven't a clue what you're talking about.
  13. Depending on your point of view, I suppose?
  14. That's a very good point. I'll get my coat.
  15. How many points can a single CDU run? I will have ten.
  16. I'm giving any thoughts about building a signal box a damned good ignoring, as I'm pretty sure it will be a huge pita...
  17. I particularly like the bookshelf, for some reason
  18. Damn, now I'm starting to feel the pressure!
  19. I'm a bit ashamed to say that I haven't made any tweaks at all to this - but a GWR layout has to have one (I suspect it's a Rule?) It won't stay completely untouched though, I will probably at least add some door hinges from plastic strip, and a padlock.
  20. Sorry to go off topic, but that reminded me of the definition of perfect pitch:. the sound an accordion makes when it hits the bottom of a skip.
  21. Thanks Al. I know it started out as a kit, but I think it's probably fair to call this pretty much scratch built now.
  22. All this talk about electrical wizardry sent me scuttling back to my comfort zone, and I added the roof and vent caps to the engine shed. I still need to add the ridge tiles and flashing. And with hindsight, I probably shouldn't have put the bargeboards on before the roof... I won't add the doors until I actually position the shed on the layout, as I'll no doubt break them off if I put them on before then
  23. It probably says something about how my brain works that I'm not entirely comfortable drinking my coffee out of this mug.
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