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Graham T

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Everything posted by Graham T

  1. I've used 500 grade for filling. It's basically a pot of liquid plastic. Dries fairly quickly, can be built up in layers and sanded. I usually apply it with a cocktail stick. It cost me about 5 euros for a small pot, but that will last you for ages.
  2. The brickwork, including the chimneys, is now all complete. A rather fiddly job, I'm hoping that the next stage, installing the doors and windows, will be a bit more straightforward...
  3. Not sure I would have called The Clash off the wall John. But one of the greatest punk groups, and then went on to be more than that. London Calling arguably their best album? Then of course they went on to do some pretty damn good stuff as solo work. If you've never listened to Joe Strummer and the Mescaleros then give them a try, well worth it. Big Audio Dynamite as well. I was lucky enough to see The Clash live at Bristol Colston Hall in 1983, with Billy Bragg as support. One of the best gigs I ever went to! Sorry about the drift Rob 🙂
  4. Wow! That's an impressive building. Having been working on one a fraction of that size, I can imagine the amount of work involved.
  5. Here's an update on where Bodgeit and Scarper have got to so far. Brickwork at the rear is now finished. I already talked about the gap between the toilet block and the main building; I should be able to close it up a little, and this is by far the worst side - fortunately when it's on the layout it won't be visible (as you can see from the second photo). A lesson for CR Mk II. I've also done a little more to the visible side. I think I'll finish the quoins next, then the chimneys, before tackling the interior and installing the doors and windows. The quoins should be flush with the brickwork, and I did consider cutting the brick sheets to butt up to the quoins - before the aforementioned laziness got the better of me! Looking ahead a bit, I can see fitting the roof and canopy being a bit of a challenge. I think I will assemble the canopy separately, and then paint it and the building before joining them together. On the canopy - does anyone have a drawing or a few pics of the skylights from above?
  6. Thanks Mr A, that's a neat solution. Sounds like it would be more secure than just adding purlins.
  7. It's no good you lot ganging up on me you know 🙂 I will put a little paint on the interior, but that will be it I'm afraid. And the station I'm basing this on, Rowden Mill, only had doors on one side of the building so you wouldn't be able to see through it anyway. Add in its position on the layout, near the back and with the direct view blocked by the goods shed, and hopefully you can see my rationale. Then add in my laziness, impatience, and lack of ability to model a convincing interior, and I think you'll agree that I have a compelling argument!
  8. I'm not planning to have working lights anywhere Andy, so that's one less thing to worry about!
  9. Yes I will give it a lick of paint then, but nothing more than that I don't think. I put a lot of effort into the signal box interior, and it's all but invisible, even though that building is much easier to see.
  10. I've now added the capping stones on top of the toilet block walls, and done most of the work on one of the chimneys. Which has led me to ask some pretty searching questions about why I chose to model such an ornate little building! Corbelling and quoins are driving me batty now, so I think I'll do something different for a while! I'm still debating whether or not to paint the inside of the waiting room, as by the time the canopy is on I don't think you'll be able to see inside the building at all.
  11. I got some of these from Dart Castings and found them to be fine - and only one third of the price... You can see one near the signal box at Chuffnell R.
  12. Nicely done Andy. Little buildings like this add all the character I think. Are the slates pre-weathered? (Apart from the streaking that you added). Also, I'm impressed again by the brickwork. Very patient! Which colours have you used please? And I must get some more fine paintbrushes, as I've worn mine out.
  13. A write-up would certainly be appreciated by me. Inexpensive is always good!
  14. That one is also known as an "FB piece of wood", to use the technical term... 🥸
  15. Yes indeed, purlins will be added. Thanks for educating me Bill, I didn't know what they were called. And the wedge at the ridge is a neat idea Andy, cheers!
  16. I plan to have a traverser on CR Mk II, so must remember the loco lift idea as well when I advance the planning a bit further.
  17. It just seems to be a far simpler way to make them, and looks better when finished too (hopefully!)
  18. That's beginning to look rather spiffing, Senor Lupo 🙂
  19. Slowly taking shape. I've added internal walls, which provides the third chimney as well, and cut out a hole for the skylight over the urinals. I've also made a start on painting the doors and windows. The joint between the toilet block and the station building has required some firtling; the two sections aren't attached to each other yet, so I'm hoping that I'll be able to close up that gap! Another lesson there I think - I should have fixed those sections together before adding the brick cladding. But then of course cutting out the doors and windows becomes more difficult. Catch 22 anyone? So, here's the building sitting in position. Obviously that unpainted run of fencing will actually meet the building when it's all done!
  20. One appears to have blown the bloody doors off...
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