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Graham T

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Everything posted by Graham T

  1. Thanks Bill. I was aware of the guttering at the back of the canopy (and have made a mental note to remember to install the downpipes on the front wall of the building), but the fall appears to be very slight. Perhaps I'll add a thin sliver of plasticard under the front of the canopy brackets, or I may just have the whole assembly horizontal. Assuming that I can actually make it horizontal, of course...
  2. My daughters are visiting from the US for Christmas, the first time they've been here since June 🙂 So as you can imagine Chuffnell Regis has taken something of a back seat for the last few days! But I did make a start on the awning this evening once the girls were in bed. It's just slotted into place at the moment - the cocktail stick will not be a permanent fixture! (Hopefully...)
  3. Gosh, that's a bit of a blast from the past! Yeoman's Canyon Travel if I remember rightly! And thanks for the kind words Russell 🙂
  4. I haven't had much time for Chuffnell R this weekend, but did manage to bodge together a skylight for the gents toilet... I think I'll probably add another thin plastic strip around the bottom edges of the glazing - it doesn't look quite finished somehow.
  5. Should be a cinch - you just need to remove two wires don't you?
  6. Getting to watch Hawaii Five Oh was one of my treats as a kid.
  7. Mini sausages on sticks for me please Mr Wolf. And twiglets.
  8. It's very kind of you to say so, but please bear in mind that I'm not showing you all the (many) bodges... I've tried to hide them, but I know where the bodies are buried!
  9. That's quite enough of that corbelling malarkey, thank you very much. As you can see they're not nearly as intricate as the originals at Rowden Mill, but they'll have to do as I've reached the limits of my ability here! Next step will be to add the guttering at the back of the building. It won't be visible once the model is in situ, but you know how it is... Then the skylight over the gents, and the canopy. And then all the little details and painting. Not forgetting the chimney caps, of course! So still rather a long way to go.
  10. This is just styrene Bill. I can confirm that no Mr Surfacer was harmed in the production of this corbel 🙂 That being said, it's very useful stuff to have around.
  11. The ridge tiles are now fixed, and I've also got the first of the corbels finished, along with the cap stones for the end wall. Here's a "raw" corbel... And a not very well focussed pic of a finished one.
  12. Working in east Africa was even worse!
  13. They were only 15 minutes adrift in the end, which isn't bad. No apologies though of course - diplomats don't do them!
  14. I cut a length of plastic tube lengthwise and then quartered it, before laminating up with some 1mm strips (i.e. one brick course per strip). I made this long enough that I could then cut four identical corbels from it with a razor saw. So far so good! Pics to follow when I'm back at home. Right now am supposed to be meeting a group of diplomats for lunch. Being ex-military I arrived 5 minutes early of course. Being diplomats, none of them are here...
  15. The water towers were big beasts - and I've shortened the height of this one! The pagoda hut will be replaced by a modified version I think. And it will get some weathering, yes! There will be some weathering Bill, but only fairly gentle as you say. The brick sheets haven't been painted yet, but are actually quite a nice base colour to start with. I think I'll also tone down the colour of the quoins, but am holding off on that decision until the bricks are done, as the colour might appear differently then. I'm now trying some fancy tricks with plastic sheet and tube to see if I can make something that looks even vaguely like these carved capstones (if that's what they're called...)
  16. Thanks for all the comments chaps, they're very much appreciated.
  17. The station master is rather chuffed that he now has a roof. Slates from Intentio and ridge tiles (which aren't yet fixed) from Smart Models. The latter are very nice 3D prints, but a touch on the delicate side... The gap you can see at the bottom edge is intentional, it's where the canopy will (hopefully) fit.
  18. I also replaced the capping stones on the toilet block with a continuous strip of plasticard, as the card I'd used at first wasn't sitting properly.
  19. Thanks Neal, it feels as if it's beginning to come together now.
  20. Time for a quick sitrep 🙂 The paintwork has now been made good, and all the doors and windows fitted. That required some firtling, fettling, and faffing as you can imagine, but they're all in now. I then added ceilings and some formers for the roof to sit on. Next step will be some careful measuring to get the roof panels cut. I think I will use plasticard sheet for that, as it's likely to be stiffer than card. I also need to add guttering at the rear of the building, and have got some 1mm square section styrene strips for the downpipes.
  21. So, interior of the gents and all the quoins now painted. I used a mix of Vallejo dark flesh and white for the quoins; not entirely convinced about the colour, but will see how they look in daylight. Inevitably, I now need to do a little bit of touching up to the window frames on the toilet block! I've also installed one more of the doors, but am going to call a halt for the night now.
  22. The interior has had a splash of paint. Vallejo chocolate brown for the floors and Humbrol RC424 for walls. (I need to repaint the inside of the gents!) I also had something of a Baldrick moment as far as the windows and doors go. Having painted them, I've now glued them onto a sheet of glazing material using kristal klear. As they are an interference fit into the wall openings, the idea is to cut the glazing a few mil oversize and use that surface to glue it to the interior walls. I'm also going to paint the quoins around the windows and doors before installing anything...
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