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Status Updates posted by GRUNFOS

  1. Hi, does anyone know the name of the 2 level electric and diesel stabling layout thats just been put up for sale. Just cant remember.

  2. Salt and vinegar pork scratchings - wrong in so many ways!

    1. AndyB


      Definitely neither fish nor fowl!

    2. rockershovel


      The food of the gods!

  3. The vulcanisers are in tomorrow, not sure if I'm being fitted with pointy ears or 4 olympus engines.....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GRUNFOS


      150 metres of the stuff

    3. SHMD


      Conveyer belts?

    4. Horsetan


      What else can you do with 150 metres of rubber? Actually, best not answer that....

  4. The vulcanisers are in tomorrow, not sure if I'm being fitted with pointy ears or 4 olympus engines.....

  5. Ea + D = E

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Kylestrome
    3. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      E = mc squared

    4. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      This all sounds a bit too energetic for me.


      My brain feels like it's about to explode into a mushroom cloud.

  6. tornado this evening, impressive!!

    1. Mallard60022


      Plane or weather?

    2. BoD
    3. steve22


      We had thunder here in Gloucester but I didn't see 70019.

  7. dad, why is the sky green? \don;t worry son only seen it like this once during the brum tornado. cue20 mins of sideways rain hail a fantastic lightning show with continuos thunder. ruined the runner beans though!

  8. dad, why is the sky green? \don;t worry son only seen it like this once during the brum tornado. cue20 mins of sideways rain hail a fantastic lightning show with continuos thunder. ruined the runner beans though!

  9. dad, why is the sky green? \don;t worry son only seen it like this once during the brum tornado. cue20 mins of sideways rain hail a fantastic lightning show with continuos thunder. ruined the runner beans though!

  10. 8 for 15 off 57 balls

    1. Horsetan


      I've seen pub sides score more than sixty in an innings!

  11. 8 for 15 off 9.3

  12. 8 for 15 off 9.3!

    1. Horsetan


      All out for....sixty!????

  13. 8 for 15 off 9.3!

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