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Status Updates posted by Blackthorn

  1. Thanks for the like in my Tri-Ang water tower page.  if I could ask a question? if the colour is just about right, what could I use to give it the varnished metallic look? Railway modelling seems to be a dying/nerdy  hobby in this country. It seems to be a do what you can with what you've got culture.


    If the colour is way off please say so.





    1. mike morley

      mike morley

      Are Humbrol paints available in BC?  If so, get the Metal Cote Gunmetal.  My tin has got 27004 stamped into the lid, which I assume is Humbrol's reference number. 

      If it's not available in Canada it's quite definitely not worth the astronomical costs that would undoubtedly be involved in buying it from the UK.  It might be worth trying to mix your own version.  Metalcote is a thick black enamel paint with a lot of ultra-fine metal fragments in it, not unlike a small-scale, brush-on version of the metallic aerosol paints you can get from car shops.  I have to stress that I've not tried this myself so it might not work, but if I was to try and make my own I'd use some ordinary black enamel, a lump of steel and a small, fine file.  It would undoubtedly take some time and effort to create enough metal filings to have the necessary effect so I'd advise wielding the file first before adding the small amounts of paint needed to mix with it.  Some experimenting would undoubtedly be needed and even then it might not work, but it's the best I can think of.

      If it does work, it is particularly useful for weathering.  The approved method with Metalcote is to paint it on, let it dry then polish it using a cotton bud to create a metallic sheen.  I use it on loco brake gear, footplates and so on but I've seen experts use it to create that silvery sheen that old, unpainted wood has.

      Having written all that, it belatedly occurs to me that US modellers are streets ahead of us in the UK when it comes to weathering techniques and materials, so they have undoubtedly got an equivalent to Metalcote that is every bit as good, if not better and - more to the point - far cheaper and easier to obtain in Canada.  Take a look at some of the modelling tutorials that are available on YouTube (Some are so bad you'll find yourself staring at the screen in slack-jawed disbelief.  Others are so good you will find yourself gaping in awe!) and see what hints and tips you pick up there.  And dont confine yourself to the railway modelling videos.  The wargamers and military modellers can teach us a lot.

      With regard to the brick arch on your water tower, it's fine as it is but would be improved further with a tiny, tiny hint of dark blue being added to a top coat of Metalcote.

      Good luck, and let me know how you get on.


    2. Blackthorn


      Many, many thanks for the response and tips.  I have to take the ferry over to Campbell River tomorrow. The paints I use come from the dollar store, equivalent to the pound shop, but their range of acrylic colours is amazing and at $2 for a 118ml bottle I don't mind experimenting with mixing of colours.  There is an automotive aftermarket shop as well so I will pop in and see if they have anything like metalcote. 


      The ferry is walk on and walk off for free, sometimes there is a bit of a wait as if there are whales etc. in Discovery Passage they won't run.  The ferries are run by the indigenous population and have a deep respect of all the marine life that use the passage. A lesson to be learned by all I think.


      Many Thanks again for the information and YouTube tips.






      (Sorry, I go by MJ as there are too many Marks in our family and friends!) 





    3. Blackthorn


      Hi Mike just a quick update on the engineers blue brick. It doesn't show up too well in the photograph, there is a slight metallic effect so I can live with it. I guess rule number 1 applies. It's obviously is a work in progress and I get a chance to work on things when I'm not stuck in a hospital ward!

      blue brick1.jpg

  2. Watching Dr. Who from 1970.  Jon Pertwee, lots of Series 2 Land Rovers and classic British cars. So cheesy, but fun.


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Barry Ten

      Barry Ten

      The Third Doctor never met the Cybermen!

    3. truffy


      No, but he did chase sea devils around the sandpit. Or oil rig.

    4. Hroth



      I can never remember what they all did, but its a given that the Dr chased X around Y...


  3. Tim Hortons now have donut shops in the UK??....another excuse for me to return home!

  4. The mandolin for slicing veggies and my fingers are not friends...good thing swmbo works at a pharmacy.

    1. Claude_Dreyfus



      Comes with a warning!

    2. Claude_Dreyfus


      Mrs Dreyfus lost a similar argument a couple of years ago...

    3. Hroth


      I'll hum it, you play it!

  5. Do not buy a Ford made in Mexico.....:(

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. lapford34102


      "My Transits made in Turkey, should I be worried..."

      Come Christmas....

    3. DCB


      Quick rule of thumb, if they don't make a car in the UK I don't buy it. Bought a German car once, couldn't afford the repair costs so I scrapped it aged 10

    4. Blackthorn


      It's a Fusion (the Mondeo in the UK) looks nice, awful build quality. And to think I traded in a Subaru Impreza for a 'sensible car'...what was I thinking.

  6. Watching Open All Hours...Do any shops like that still exist? Or is it another part of my youth gone?

  7. WTF I've lost the tender to my partners late fathers Marx 3 rail loco, it looks naked on the shelf without it. It's in the apartment somewhere, she'll be home soon.....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tim Hall

      Tim Hall

      Subdued lighting hides a multitude of sins.

    3. Hroth


      Close your eyes and reach into a cupboard, drawer or box at random.


      Works 9 times out of 10 most of the time...

    4. Tim Hall

      Tim Hall

      I don't see the problem. If someone is prepared to bid more than you does it matter if it's in the last few seconds or the previous day? If you want it badly enough, be prepared to bid more. If someone outbids you at any stage, fair enough, that's their privilege. If you don't wim an auction, you didn't want it as much as someone else, move on.

  8. Not quite sure how , but I made it to 50!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tim Hall

      Tim Hall

      Not 50, 49A, surely?

    3. loickebros


      been there and done it now a year later and all still seems the same still surrounded by f**kwits and even more of them failing to run the country.


    4. Hroth


      Downhill all the way now, I'm afraid...

  9. Not quite sure how , but I made it to 50!

  10. Laid off after 27 years in the company. What a kick in the teeth.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. BoD


      How sad. I don't know the circumstances but sometimes though, these things prove to be for the best.

    3. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      A fair point from BoD.

      Perhaps an opportunity may identify itself from out of this crisis

    4. Blackthorn


      Thank you all for your kind words. I'm tempted to return to the UK to carry on in the same job, but my GF isn't keen on it and we couldn't bring the dog. Oh well The Archer's is on soon LOL.

  11. Multi tasking.....watching a show on BBC 4 about Flying Scotsman on my laptop, a show about The Two Ronnies on Yesterday and the snow still need to be shoveled from the driveway.....my head hurts.

  12. Aaaaaah.....Thanksgiving. Looking forwards to a turkey dinner....yum!

  13. Aaaaaah.....Thanksgiving. Looking forwards to a turkey dinner....yum!

  14. Aaaaaah.....Thanksgiving. Looking forwards to a turkey dinner....yum!

  15. Aaaaaah.....Thanksgiving. Looking forwards to a turkey dinner....yum!

  16. Having a 'Dark and Stormy' (Bermuda black rum & ginger beer) to combat man flu! :-)

  17. Thanksgiving turkey ready in half an hour............god, I'm hungry!

  18. What did you buy GarryD100?

  19. Got taken out by a car when on my motorbike this afternoon. NOT HAPPY! Bike's probably a write off!

    1. St. Simon

      St. Simon

      Well, it's good that your still in one piece

    2. Blackthorn


      Thanks St. Simon. Could have been worse< I'll have to put up with a few days of pampering from my girlfriend. :)

  20. Found snow on my car this morning. NOT funny!

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