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Posts posted by Edge

  1. I do think that things are being shown as rather one sided on the forums.


    Are there issues? - yes there most certainly are, and Heljan are working on fixing them. the vast majority of models have been delivered in perfect working order and represent a superb step forward for the 009 modeller. Mine has now been running for the better part of ten hour overall without so much as a stutter, and there are large numbers of modellers out there who have yet to experience any problems with theirs either.   

  2. Indeed, but we don't know how the new doctor will be introduced.


    The Doctor was only supposed to live through 12 generations. Jodie will be no. 13 so will they ignore the '12' or think up something new to justify the change of gender. I really hope they do the latter. It should easily be possible given the flexible nature they have created for the character.


    River Song was shown to fly the TARDIS better than the Doctor & wasn't she supposed to have some of the Doctor's properties too?

    Already justified 'in canon'. David Tenant used up one regeneration cycle and John Hurt was another. Matt Smith was actually the Doc's 13th regeneration - in his farewell episode, the Time Lords granted the doctor a new set of lives as thanks for Saving Galifrey in 'Day of the Doctor'.


    In regards to a female doc, I do think that its time to see how it works out. It's been established for at least five or six years at this point that Time lords can switch between male and female when they regenerate, so I don't really care too much :)

  3. Well guess what I found when I got back home this evening? Shapeways really have got their motor on with this one - so it seemed only appropriate that I do the same.


    So here without further ado are some piccies of the bare printing:








    In a partially painted state:




    Fully completed, just awaiting transfers:






    Posing with a short L&B Goods Train:




    As a result of building this, I've tweaked the 3D print to make the bogies easier to fit, and I think we can call this one finished. I will keep the coach bogies as the donors for this model and the veranda as their wheelbase is a little more accurate and they have a longer arm leading to the coupling.


    In addition to this and the veranda brake van, I've almost finished the L&B bogie vans as well, so those are next. they WILL use the wagon bogies.


    Anyway, enjoy smile.png

  4. It all depends on the type of railway:


    -Some of the welsh slate quarries actually ran their narrow gauge trains on to standard gauge wagons,


    - The Leek and Manifold did exactly the opposite and transported standard a gauge wagons on narrow agauge flat trucks


    - the L&B had shared platforms for passengers and simple parallel sidings for goods.


    Don't forget that most often the choice to build a narrow gauge railway was financially based (I.e. It was cheaper). If they exchanged with standard gauge at all it was most often done cheaply and in the most simple ways

  5. As an addendum to the earlier review, I have recently found that the Unitrack as a second use at being a superb way to run OO9 locomotives - the narrow gauge outline makes the sharp radius of the model curves appear much more reasonable (although that restriction would apply to any ready to lay track) and the Kato controller supplied with the M2 set has superb speed control. In nearly five hours of running with my Heljan Manning Wardle, the engine never one looked like binding or derailing. I will definitely be using Unitrack in my future OO9 layout.


    In addition, the raised trackbed and frequent sleeper spacings suit the appearance of preservation era narrow gauge trackwork (current day WHR, FR, L&B etc.) and I believe could look quite effective given a little work

  6. As I seem to be stuck in a bit of a rut with the O9 stuff, and that I'm being allowed to shamelessly advertise my own products, i thought I'd give you all a sneak peek of my 009 sidelines (although it could also work in O9 I suppose)




    The kit is designed to fit on Peco 009 bogies (originally the coach bogies, but I'm also going to try the wagon bogies too), and will be on the shop in the next week or two after I've had time to meddle with the print a little

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  7. Mythbusters did this a while ago. Lining the doors of your car with telephone directories will stop bullets from hand guns. Rifles, not so much.


    Indeed, i remember that the very first thing that the Mythbusters tested in their 'What is Bulletproof?' saga was try shooting through a book. it actually stopped a low powered pistol, but failed to stop anything with more pep than a pea shooter.

    As you say, cladding a range rover in phone books didn't do much to protect the inside against rifles :)

  8. I adore the 'Leader'. It was the only genuine attempt to construct a truly modern steam locomotive that abandoned the Stephenson-pattern and sought to incorporate the best of diesel and electric practice with the well-known technology of steam, in particular, the modular bogies / power units that are such a strength of modern D&E traction could well have revolutionised steam locomotives.


    Ultimately, I do not think that this would have 'saved' the steam engine or extended its working life. The steam engine was ended by a political decision and not a technical one - even if there had been a fleet of Leaders running I cannot see steam enduring beyond its historical date of 1968.


    The designs that Bulleid suggested were fundamentally flawed in a number of respects, but we will never know if they could have been ironed out with 36002 which was stopped less than a week from its completion and incorporated almost all of the improvements from 36001. Ultimately, this would still have produced a locomotive which was phenomenally overweight and heavy on both coal and water.

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