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Status Replies posted by Boris

  1. How many modelling projects is it possible to have on the go at once? Feeling a bit like a plate juggler.

  2. humping the sofa.

  3. humping the sofa.

  4. A photographic tour of the public conveniences of North Yorkshire - Really?

  5. I smell ######

  6. 'Accidently' downloaded a Tamiya magazine, and am suddenly getting very inspired by the kits therein - things have improved so much since the 70's...hmmm...!!

  7. All hail Kahless!

  8. what the hell have they done to this site

  9. A sweet shop sells chocolate bar's for

  10. With an Exhibition deadline looming what do I have to remember???

  11. rail enthusiasts wonder what sex is like on their favourite loco/coach/wagon, rivet counters just wonder what sex is like.

  12. rail enthusiasts wonder what sex is like on their favourite loco/coach/wagon, rivet counters just wonder what sex is like.

  13. Just leafed through the free copy of the Beano that came free in a newspaper today. Apart from being far more believable than the paper in which it arrived the words "fart" and "bum" seem to have crept in since I last purchased a copy ...which was when adverts started appearing in it. Harumph etc.....

  14. rail enthusiasts wonder what sex is like on their favourite loco/coach/wagon, rivet counters just wonder what sex is like.

  15. rail enthusiasts wonder what sex is like on their favourite loco/coach/wagon, rivet counters just wonder what sex is like.

  16. With an Exhibition deadline looming what do I have to remember???

  17. Ok ... who is Movembering ?

  18. went in town to get a bracelet for my niece came with two! "l shouldn't have taken the wife! "

  19. Now should I answer the door covered in fake blood, with the chainsaw running and invite them in?

  20. Royalty expected - new bog seat fitted

  21. Royalty expected - new bog seat fitted

  22. Is bored........bored bored bored bored BORED

  23. This weather's s#1te.

  24. Is wondering quite why someone would wear a baseball cap with 'Mount Gay' across the front. Yes I have googled it but even so.....

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