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Status Updates posted by vac_basher

  1. Weird.... All my posts from yesterday have dissapeared..... Am I dreaming, or did I not post some pics of my Class 33s in my Bath Road topic?? Anybody else experiancing missing posts?

    1. Kev_Lewis


      There was a problem yesterday. Most stuff posted between 11:30 and 13:30 were lost.

    2. vac_basher


      That explains it then. Thanks!

    3. Kev_Lewis


      No worries. The server reset to an earlier version of the site, I believe.

  2. Weird.... All my posts from yesterday have dissapeared..... Am I dreaming, or did I not post some pics of my Class 33s in my Bath Road topic?? Anybody else experiancing missing posts?

  3. Got to put an end to this modelling hiatus I seem to be having :/

  4. I'm working on something. All will be revealed during the next few days....

    1. Debs.


      will it absolutely suck? :-)

    2. Horsetan


      Probably bagless.

    3. 69843


      Cyclone technology?

  5. where's the "realistic photo album" that was on the front page gone?

    1. Andy Y

      Andy Y

      Work is underway to use that album to replace the recent gallery images filmstrip at the top of the index page as I've seen some poor quality stuff going up there (not what's there at the moment).

    2. vac_basher


      Ok cool. Thought there was something wrong with my computer. Thanks!

  6. happy easter chaps!! (scotch out, computer off for me!)

  7. Is it really already 18 years since the 50s officially retired. where does the time go? :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. sixteen 12by 10s

      sixteen 12by 10s

      too right, temperamental things!

    3. sixteen 12by 10s

      sixteen 12by 10s

      here's to another 18 years of preservation, burst KV10's, blown up rad fan unit's, pissing out liner seals, exploding generators, under active AVR's, dead battery's, burst heat exchangers, dripping intercooler's, …...............flaming fan contactor's.......

      Who the bloody hell invented the bloody things!


    4. DonB


      Designed?? Sounds like a committee job!

  8. we're back!! merry christmas to all!!

  9. I spy with my little eye something begining with C.........

  10. thanks to Andy & all who were involved with Modelling Inspiration. It was a great read. I really enjoyed it!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. vac_basher


      looking forward to it already!

    3. Will Vale

      Will Vale

      Ditto. I really enjoyed #1

    4. RedgateModels


      Next issue will be better, but then I would say that wouldn't I ;)

  11. thanks to Andy & all who were involved with Modelling Inspiration. It was a great rad. I really enjoyed it!

  12. facebook's down! :D

    1. Calnefoxile


      It can't be, my missus has been on it all night!!! Unless she's looking for my Xmas prezzie ;-)

    2. vac_basher


      that's odd. mine's still not working at all.

  13. quick question: is 1200 grade wet & dry smooth enough for paint application?

    1. RedgateModels


      easily. I don't use anything less than 1000 .....

    2. vac_basher
  14. quick question: is 1200 grade wet & dry smooth enough for paint application?

  15. after a good half hour looking for it, has found missing buffer which flew off! :)

  16. that's me done for the night. goodnight!

  17. goodnight friends. ugh so tired. hot chocolate and off i go

  18. funny.... apt-e.org and apt-p.info don't work. bit like the actual apt perhaps? lol

    1. RedgateModels


      apt-p site is working, but it's verrrrrrry slooooooowww

  19. is anybody else unable to get onto apt-e.org ? hasn't been working all day for me :(

  20. is anybody else unable to get onto apt-e.org ? hasn't been working all day for me :(

  21. Quick question: how many mm to a ft in 1/50th scale?

    1. Bill37
    2. vac_basher


      good man Bill! thanks!!

  22. must remember to open windows when using glue. being high at lunchtime isn't cool. going to sleep it off........

    1. Horsetan


      And don't smoke!

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