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Everything posted by Johnfromoz

  1. . Really? Do you have in excess of S75,000 worth of trade to Australia?
  2. Apologies if this has been discussed to death in the past but I have often been puzzled as to why Oxford, EFE or any other supplier has never produced any of the widespread Leyland Tiger/Leopard variants used by CIE Ireland betwix 1960-80s. Is it just a case of demand or lack thereof? Yet they have produced some Irish urban double deckers. Old and new.
  3. Check Hattons website if you are in any doubt about it! Clearly says they are starting this in 10 days.
  4. Yes there are many variables in trading which may influence how this plays out, but at the end of the day, its here folks, as a fact, however unpopular. It IS clearly enforceable, Hattons would not be complying otherwise. However, all is not lost, with a choice of remaining suppliers Im sure most Aust modellers can find their needs met. Where Hattons stood out was postage charges, but if you bundle astutely with the some of the others they do not cost much more. Its not as though Hattons prices are that competitive against other UK suppliers these days anyway. And yes, we are all aware that they are still cheaper than local Australian retailers.
  5. Good to hear. They are one of my preferred suppliers and regularly have competitively priced items in their bargain section.
  6. No doubt there will be a sales bonanza for H and others between now and 30 June. I am bringing forward several planned purchases, as the difference taken over the rest of the year, such is my spending on this hobby, is indeed significant.
  7. Hattons won’t be the only ones either I’d wager. I’m hoping the next two biggest sellers over there escape this rule but think at least one will come close.
  8. It is what it is. Does anyone know of any other large UK traders following Hattons practice? Would have thought the Sheffield emporium won't be far behind.
  9. Generally, that has been the case, although the advantage can be somewhat nullified by postal costs, which can vary from reasonable to extortionate.
  10. . Agreed, there are some smaller suppliers out there with surprisingly reasonable postage.
  11. Lets not get down to the semantics of what I or any other modeller chooses to buy. I was merely illustrating that for sizeable orders, 10% can mount up, that’s all!!
  12. There are enough suppliers out there who will be below the 75k threshold. As for not being bothered about paying more, good luck to you. On a big ticket item such as O Gauge loco that can amount to $150. That is why I will seek out new sources.
  13. Totally disagree. In this modern world, everything can be had for a price. At the end of the day, with global on line trading just about everything is 'available'. My priority is to pursue my (generally expensive) hobby at the best price possible.
  14. Update just posted on Hattons website.... They are INDEED levying the GST from 1 July. So much for all the huffing about it being unenforceable............
  15. Very nice Noel. Just wish IRM would do a big standard CIE brakevan soon.
  16. As to enforceability, possible use of existing tax treaties has been mentioned, but even if the government DO enforce this tax collection, the buyer can avoid by using a smaller operator for purchases. As for model railways, the days of huge box shifter discounts are gone anyway, so this restriction of choice may not be such a big issue for us modellers
  17. Agreed, but they are pressing ahead with it. May have a big element of bluff though.......Deafening silence from the retailers suggests to me they are waiting for our government to make the first move.
  18. Refer Post # 1. We are discussing large retailers collecting Australian tax.
  19. Absolutely agreed Doug, it will still be cheaper to buy overseas. I am more intrigued about how our government will coerce overseas companies to collect tax. Already Amazon have responded by blocking Oz access to their US site (not that I buy anything from them)
  20. By pure coincidence, I started a discussion on this topic in the general questions section today, pondering what stance the big UK retailers in this hobby will take to the new rules. Many points open to interpretation, such as compliance (or not) and any action the Aus government will take (or not)
  21. As I understand it , it will be made enforceable via international reciprocal tax treaties. What remains to be seen is the Australian government's resolve to take action for non-compliance. Cant see the UK giant businesses such as H. cooking the books to avoid this. Possible a case of watch this space.
  22. This thread is aimed mainly at Australian buyers like myself, who until now have been able to purchase from the UK VAT free and with generally no import duty payable. After many threats to do so in recent years, the Australian Government is bringing in a half baked attempt to charge GST on such purchased from 1 July this year. This scheme is predicated on forcing overseas sellers with Australian sales turnover of $75k + to collect duty on behalf of Australia. I am curious as to how the big boys in UK hobby retail such as Hattons, Rails etc will respond to this? Surely they meet the threshold. No heard any discussion of this on the forum yet. I must confess to have brought forward some planned purchases from later in the year as a precaution. Any views from others who purchase most of their supplies from this hobby from overseas?
  23. Rails, Hattons and Kernow will always do the right thing with sales to Australia regarding returns/replacements/refunds etc, provided you communicate with them properly.
  24. I bought a number of items from her a few years ago. All good when no problems, but when a faulty loco turned up, found she was short on her promises of good service, when it came to refunding postage.
  25. Great anecdote Dave about these beasts. Thanks for giving a glimpse about their service. John
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