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chris p bacon

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Posts posted by chris p bacon

  1. 1 minute ago, Ray H said:

    May I make an observation?


    Would a (presumed double decker) bus of any kind be too high for many of the parking sites that accommodate motor homes?


    Equally, is it's length (and possibly width) something that the driver might be challenged by on many of our rural roads?

    I'd forgotten about that point.  With no rights to overnight at the roadside a DD would prove difficult to accommodate.

  2. We are currently looking at various motorhomes.  For us something the size of an RM is way too big.


    Does it not present some difficulties with licensing as it's not a 'Heritage' vehicle but a conversion?

    also do you not need a C or D license due to its size and weight? I think RM's might be under 7.5T but the interior fit out will take it over that.


    Just as a thought have you considered just how much it will cost to run, The RM's only achieved about 6-7 MPG, a short journey of 25 miles would be £35. I've no idea of what the road fund license would be as it might be classed as a Private Heavy goods vehicle.

    • Interesting/Thought-provoking 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Andymsa said:

    My council does not give pre planning advice except to big developers which I feel is very unfair.


    It is because Householders don't want to pay for pre-application advice but developers will. The local authority where I lived until last year used to give householders free advice but had to curtail that as they were spending too much time on day dreamers at the expense of those that had live applications. They will still answer simple question if you write in but don't go into great detail. 


    On any application describe it as a 'Hobby room' as this indicates that a sound and secure building is required, but it won't be used for extra residential space. Whereas putting 'Granny Annexe' is opening up a can of worms as to whether the rest of the house can accommodate extra people sharing the communal areas. Granny annexes cannot be self supporting as they must share some services with the main house such as a kitchen, if they didn't they could easily be sold off or rented out as a separate apartment which is not the idea behind the permission.


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  4. You could have something different for Bedford.


    This is 1977 (IIRC) and the 45 is taking stock from the old Clapham museum to York to the new NRM. Bedford (Midland) is run down by then and in a pretty dire state. It's a Saturday and the schoolboys in the foreground are from the Harper Trust schools which had lessons on a Saturday morning, the station buffet selling the obligatory Lyons fruit pies is just under the awning.

    The 'New' Bedford station is under construction on the site of some DMU sidings just North of Midland.


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  5. I only had one Form 1, and that turned into a farce.  


    Half way through a shift I was called into the Area Managers office, I had no idea why and when I arrived I was ushered into an office where the AM sat looking stoney faced, He slid a piece of paper across the desk and I realised it was a 'Form 1'

    I asked what it was about and he said there had been 'irregularities' in one of the booking offices. I realised that this could be serious and asked for my Union rep, the AM answered "we've spoken to J Blogs of the TSSA and he has no problem with you being here"  I replied "I'm not in the TSSA I'm in the NUR and I know the rep is in the mess room"  At this point the AM shot out of his chair and flew out of the door, from the next room I could hear raised voices and an Assistant AM appeared in the doorway. He asked why I wasn't in the TSSA and I replied that I was seconded to the Booking offices and hadn't started there, the union I'd been assigned on my first day was the NUR.  

    One of the admin staff was sent to the messroom to ask the rep to attend, and a few minutes later he appeared in the doorway. He looked at the desk with the Form 1 and the AM who was now seated, he turned to me and said "wait outside" ...as the door closed the temperature in the room went through the roof as the rep laid into the AM with a lot of 'fruity' language being used. After a few minutes I was asked back into the room where I was asked about the allegations on the form. I read it and said "I've never worked there" ..It transpired that I had been confused with another.  The rep asked the AM to apologise to me, which he did, and we left.


    Walking back to the messroom the Rep told me that they had issued the No 1 during my shift when it should have been at the end, and that they hadn't even taken the time to check they'd got the right person. Not only that but the TSSA rep didn't even check whether I was a member before deciding I didn't need any representation. 

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  6. 1 hour ago, phil-b259 said:

    Except that the developers are regular donors and guests at party political events.


    Over the past two decades they have been consistently chipping away at rules / procedures which throttle their ability to generate large profits (via house building) by getting tame ministers to bend over backwards under the guise of ‘cutting red tape’


    Don’t want any pesky social housing - easy, inflate the costs of site preparation then claim you won’t make enough profit and the tame SOS will wave it through on appeal for example.



    As such this ‘developers are just working to the system’ is nonsense - they BUILT the system in the first place via political interface at the highest levels of Government!


    And that’s before we get to HM Treasury which views house building as a useful slush fund to provide things the state should provide while ‘keeping direct taxes low’ for party political reasons. 

    Unfortunately your post isn’t  based on fact and shows a lack of understanding of how planning has developed under all governments irrespective of their colour.  

    As a developer who has never attended any party political functions, but who has paid section 106 as well as CIL,I speak with some experience of the system, whereas your post  sounds like the usual ill informed diatribe. 

    • Interesting/Thought-provoking 2
  7. 6 hours ago, BlackFivesMatter said:

    Yes she is, but the poster stated that OWL was a racist. The poster. He has been challenged to provide evidence. He has not, unless he has done so to moderators off site. Is it acceptable for a statement against a dead individual be allowed to stand? 


    The modern trend of those who take offence on the behalf of others ...


    The poster stated an opinion about a dead photographer, he may well be wrong or he may have formed an opinion based on statements read. Who knows whether he's right or wrong ,but reporting him for an allegation of racism....🙄


    I can think of at least one person I know, who would find your avatar/name offensive for ridiculing a movement that highlights the division he has lived with all his life. He wouldn't report you, but ignore you. 

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  8. 15 hours ago, lmsforever said:

    The road from the M1 to Black Cat is a dual carriageway fast route and no further road building should be allowed ,recently I had to go north of Biggleswade from the Woburn Luton area .This road has been rebuilt and bypasses all the villages until you reach the A1M .  At every opportunity house developers have thrown up thousands of homes so again new roads are not needed.


    The bypasses you note have been paid for by the developers.


    What many don't understand is that bypasses of a village or town redefine the limits of building. Governments (of many colours) have been using Developer funding for new infrastructure for years in return for releasing the land between the existing town and the new road for housing. That's sometimes why some bypasses take a quite circuitous route to increase the land available.

    Don't blame the developers, they're just working to the system provided.

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  9. 16 hours ago, 1E BoY said:

    Local news is reporting a major road development between the Black Cat Roundabout (a notorius bottlekneck where the A1 and the A428 meet currently diverting traffic  for a short distance on to the A1 past the village of Wyboston).




    This appears to remove the current  single carriageway sections from the A1 and then around St. Neots before joining up with the dual carriageway around Cambridge.


    It is costed between £810m and £950m for 10 miles of dual carriageway.


    Being heralded as a major infrastructure improvement by Mayor of Bedford etc.




    Having previously lived in Sandy I was well aware of this project.  Sadly it's tinkering with the A1 again to promote the A428, when the A1 should be re-aligned altogether between Baldock (or South of Biggleswade) to just North of Buckden.  

    This will not happen in my lifetime as at the last meeting with Civil Servants from the DoT they stated that it would be house building that would pay for such a move and there was not enough planned for the route.


    The plan of the 3 layer junction fails to note the 2 90 degree bends on the A1 on an old sandstone bridge a few hundred yards South which has been the source of many accidents......nothing like a bit of foresight...

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  10. Whoever owns it, is probably like many others having to re-evaluate what their priorities are. Costs are spiralling and this wouldn't have been a cheap rebuild at the start. ( I'm currently working on a project where material costs in late 2019 were costed at £188,000, 2 weeks ago those same costs are £247,000)    As well as the rebuild costs there would be rent to pay at the GCR, and it could be that the owner just cannot fund it anymore.


    I'm sure there will be many that bemoan the loss of yet another GW engine but will interested to see 'Beachy Head' when it steams, although will most likely overlook the fact it carries a GN Atlantic boiler. A company that has precious few locomotives in active preservation.

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  11. 3 hours ago, Johann Marsbar said:


    There were a lot of early settlers from Cornwall in Wisconsin, particularly to work in the mines.



    The dictionary definition of a Mine is 'a hole in the ground with a Cornishman at the bottom'

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  12. 1 hour ago, jjb1970 said:

    I'm yet again struck that despite all the issues we might identify there are plenty of much worse places in the world and actually things generally work pretty well here. Certainly, much better than people might imagine from media stories and all the gleeful miserabilism.

    Just wait until you've listened to the news for a few days....you'll be assimilated.😀

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  13. 4 hours ago, MarshLane said:

    With respect can I suggest that this this the worst thing to do.


    I don't agree.  As I stated the OP should unsubscribe again and give the company 28 days to comply with his wishes, if after this time he is still receiving unsolicited emails then a complaint should be filed.  If all those who wished to unsubscribe had to contact the MD to get them to comply with the law, then it is a company that shouldn't be trading and collecting peoples data.


    5 hours ago, MarshLane said:

    but there seems to be a growing trend these days that when a little thing goes wrong, people have no respect left and just go full nuclear,

     Whereas I see a growing trend with some companies to flout the law.


    I have recently had to report 2 companies (vehicle suppliers) to the ICO as they have both ignored 3 attempts to unsubscribe, one went from email contact only to email, post & sms!  Should I have asked the MD of both of those multinationals if they would unsubscribe me or report them?  14 days after reporting the contact from both has stopped.

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