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Everything posted by Theakerr

  1. Academic which year to us in far flung lands who buy via the internet!
  2. I get my long cleaning buds from the local electronic store (in Ottawa Canada). They have them in two formats a) the traditional bud and b) a pointy bud.
  3. Bit off topic (in fact a lot of topic), but I see that your knock of the woods (immingham) has a flood warning. Trust you are high and dry Allan and all you others out there in Waterworld.
  4. Well I wasn't going to get a Bachmann J11 but having seen Tony's pictures I can see a 3rd coming along to go with my two Little Engines kits. I suspect I have cabbed more J11s although B1s would be close behind, then any other loco since they were the most common loco on the Grimsby Louth daily pick-up
  5. Lovely set of photographs and a fantastic layout
  6. For the most part I consider the advent of the wide range and quality of RTR locos (and rolling stock) an excellent development for the hobby in that it allows a large number of individuals to more or less accuratly model their memories (or whatever it is they opt to model). Further, I would suggest that the much of the sameness discussed in the thread is only really relative to layouts that are seen in the various media threads and even then only if one is focussing on the locomotives. For the individual modelling his or her bit of Lincolnshire, or Sussex or whatever, their layout is, to them a singularly individual layout. However, I would suggest though their is a real risk of losing an entire skill set from our hobby. Specifically, rolling stock construction. Years ago I built, from rather basic kits Kits, numerous locos that I wanted on my layout because I had cabbed them as a kid and if I wanted one on my layout that was the only way I was going to get one. Of the locos I built, all but one are now available as RTR models, so the skill set I was sort of forced to develop would probably not be there today.
  7. Jason, If you send me your mailing address i will send you some top hat pin point bearing cups. If I get them off tomorrow you should have them just after Christmas Jim
  8. I just love those DJH motor and gearbox combinations. I don't know what it is they do but I have now replaced 4 of my older motors (2 anchorage and two porters caps) that howled, whined, were jerky and did other non desirable things with 50:1 DJH motors and they are so smooth running in BOTH directions. My 2nd Little engines J11 is now of track awaiting its DJH replacement motor
  9. For those who may not have seen some of Allan's buildings on the layout at Mablethorpe, i was able to visit it when I was over this spring and I can confirm that they look as good or better than the pictures.
  10. A while back I asked this thread about how they would portray the "dirty" whitewashed interior of a station shed. I have now done most of New Waltham Platform 1 (a.k.a Grimsby) and thought I would try to post pictures of how the project has turned out. Also shown for comparison is Platform 3 which is an exterior wall and was not whitewashed
  11. Congratulations on 200 pages. A very significant achievement.
  12. Excellent layout. would love to see it in person.
  13. The bridge and the building deserve more than a like button. They are excellent, especially the bridge. It's like i am looking at a memory.
  14. The Coquihalla Highway is fairly spectacular in its own right although having also seen the program you refer to I suspect it has the potential to be "interesting" at this time of the year, not to mention the roads to it from Fernie. Highway 3 is fantastic, but slow. Also suspect you could get some weather on it and I suspect it is not as well maintained as the Coquihalla
  15. A C12, a set of the Gresley articulated coaches - suburban or mainline (preference) in BR teak (weathered?) and PROPER scale 00 (16>5mm) track
  16. Think I prefer without sky. As for a logical reason, I really cannot give one. Therefore it has to be emotive. I know there are many studies which show how the brain sort of fills in "voids" without actually filling them in. Sort of like filling in the glass and covering on a train shed roof when all you can actually see are the roof trusses. Really liked the shot the schoolboys on the platform.
  17. Hi Colin, just tried Pre-owned and only got one item.
  18. Now how did you find your way to this. I have gone back to the main web page and cannot see a link. I sure hope one doesn't have to go through the list of "bargains" every time!
  19. Re fruit vans, I know that strawberries (especially), raspberries and apples were shipped from the east lincs flatlands (Tetney and on to the east of Louth) and other areas down to London on the Grimsby Boston line. I dont know if they went through Peterborough though.
  20. I got the address from a Model Rail Magazine ad
  21. Is it just me but i have tried to go to the Hattons pre-owned web page? I have tried several times and always get re-directed to their main page where I cannot find a reference to preowned. Also, when I sent an e-mail to the address given in Model Rail it bounced saying that the address does not exist.
  22. In 1958, we would probably be on our way the the Model Railway Show at Westminster Hall (for many years a Father Son outing) where I got my 1st Bilteze sheet or on our way to Gamages where for some strange reason where our parents always bought our bicycles. Then, of course there would be the required stop at Hamleys
  23. Thanks ACG-mr, that close to what I want and defiantly along the lines of what I want. I did a bit of experimenting over the weekend using "life" logic that is similar to your route. Basically I followed what I think would have been the life cycle of the whitewashed brick. So first I painted the brickwork the colour I think the brickwork would have been as built using artists acrylics. Then I "whitewashed" it all over with Tamiya matt white using a fairly heavy hand. This heavy hand brought about areas where the original colour of the brickwork started to come through due to the white starting to attack the artist acrylic underneath. This is what i remember from real life when the whitewash didn't seem to penetrate all bricks the same and also after time some bricks seemed to loose their whitewash faster than others. The entire thing was then "sooted" using matt black starting at the top as you have done. putting on much distilled water and letting it run down sometimes helping it by dapping a wet brush onto the matt black. This way the mortar has come up blacker than the brick body as it would have because the mortar is more absorbent and the soot would tend to go to the cracks/recesses associated with the mortar. I will leave the completed test for a couple of days to see how i like it after a while, but it is better than anything I have done so far and it has the added advantage that the weathering/sooting can be done on the entire station facade at the same time so that the weathering will look more or less uniform Petethemole (nearly put peterthemole - that was clever), thanks for the feedback, i did try your thoughts over the weekend as well using several shades of artists acrylic grey that i happened to have. Basically it came through as grey, not sooted/weathered whitewash if you can understand the subtlety. Thanks though.
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