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  1. What a pleasure it was to see Grantham at Woking on Saturday, having followed the layout's progress on here for several months. I expected it to be quite large and it certainly is! Now I've seen the layout face to face, as it were, what comes across strongly is how effectively the model represents the real thing. Compressing the distance between Peascliffe and Gonerby tunnels works really well, for example. The various warehouses beside the line add real character too. Something I'd been interested to see was how the foam underlay looks, and I can report that it is a very effective representation of the "shoulder" appearance of ballasted main lines. For somebody liike me, who has milled around Grantham station in the past waiting for connections to London - albeit not in the 1930s - it is fascinating to see what you've achieved. Many congratulations
  2. N Ah well - we had Parts (of Lincolnshire), not Ridings like those Yorkies. But it's the same thing really I guess!
  3. That's right, it was most of the footbridge from Willoughby, I think shortened by the removal of part of the staircases
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