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Status Updates posted by ColinW

  1. Today is Tonbridge MRC's 40th birthday, and obviously we are unable to celebrate it the way we should have, but we can celebrate it in the future.

  2. After 9 years, it's my final day as club secretary.

  3. After 9 years, final day as club secretary.

  4. After 9 years, final day as club secretary.

  5. Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to all the RM Webbers, it was great to meet so many of you throughout this year.

  6. off to see Madness at the O2 arena tonight

    1. beast66606
    2. Tom Bayford

      Tom Bayford

      Why you could see madness out christmas shopping instead!

      Have Fun though

    3. ColinW


      I see enough Madness every day of the year, with car drivers going over the crossing outside where I work. Certainly a great way to start Christmas :)

  7. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, the farmers are working in the fields, the mist is gently being burnt off the river, I'm at work for 12 hours and have no trains :)

    1. Platform 1

      Platform 1

      Sounds like a Monday commute!

  8. It appears that my e-mail account has been hacked and now need to get onto BT to sort it out.

    1. ColinW


      It appears to have been our club's e-mail address that has been hacked into. My apologies to anyone on here who has received a mail allegedy from me asking for assistance.

    2. Debs.


      We did think it strange that you needed help releasing-monies from your Nigerian bank account! :-)

    3. ColinW


      I already get too many requests like that Debs, they get binned straight away as they should.

  9. Would like to wish everyone a happy and prosperous new year

  10. Got to Cab Tangmere today whilst it was at Tonbridge on a special :)

    1. Mallard60022


      That's better than soldering hinges!!

    2. ColinW
  11. RIP Flt Jon Egging (RED 4) Red arrows pilot killed today after crashing in Bournemouth.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. St. Simon

      St. Simon

      Yes, thoughts go out to his family and the team. R.I.P

    3. Stu from EGDL

      Stu from EGDL

      Per Ardua ad Astra. RIP Jon..


    4. Turkey


      condolences to his family, friends, and workmates, may he rest in peace.

  12. is wondering who set the timer for the weather today, everytime I have had to go and close the crossing gates for a train a shower happens, when train has gone it stops! :s

  13. Just like to wish everyone a Happy New Year

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