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Everything posted by gismorail

  1. come on give the guy a chance, look at the injuries in that squad if Carol was fit they'd by half way up the table. If he wasn't there as manager and the team were in the same position most people would be saying that he would be the man to keep them up. Its always the managers who gets the blame when most of the time its the players not pulling their weight. Also think the supporters at West Ham are not producing the right atmosphere to spur the team on , what happened to real supporters!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. I gather that the sweeping lines were not just on the layout !!!
  3. Just picked up this thread and have to say if this is your first layout build its excellent. Think you have been well bitten by the bug !!!!! Like the weathering it makes the scene come to life Well done
  4. The shot of Llandrillo is interesting as it's a timber yard now which I regularly get set to collect fencing materials with the Haulage company I work for. Only the goods shed is left now, probably in original condition but has had a metal shed added where the fencing material get tantalised. Keep the pictures coming rarely enjoying them
  5. OMG to add to the ruck-sacs / wheelchair and mobility scooters moaners at Warley next year we are going to have TROLLEY RAGE............its going to be like the local ASDA on a Christmas Eve........................Get me out of here I'm a modeller !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :angel: :angel:
  6. OMG just picked up this thread think am going to get a clock work train set and just model classic trains having seen this as I do well to work out how to use RM web forums It is all a bit awesome though
  7. Life is so strange at times, I have been following your interesting railway hobby threads for ages Tony as well being an admirer of your excellent east coast layout. Last week I purchased December's British Railways Illustrated and was amazed from reading your excellent ' A Cestrian's Urchin Tales 1 that your a native of my home town Chester. Like you my spotting days started with the ex Cheshire Lines railway running out of Chester Northgate but from the other side of the triangle heading towards Dee Marsh. My parents house was in Abbot's Park and the end of the garden was opposite the signal box at Chester West Jnc and I could watch the coming and goings through the old Liverpool Rd station which closed in 1952 four years before I was born but I can remember steam working the line and seeing coal being delivered to Allan Morris's yard then being stock piled down a lane that ran alongside the embankment towards Parkgate Road. I was also a regular visitor to the wonderful Mr Trickett in Garden Lane where my first trains where purchased for birthdays and Christmas etc. The Model Shop in Frodsham St was owned by a lady called Miss Neadom if I remember correctly and was at one time located next to Siddals Options on the Cross for a while. The shop in White Friars was an interesting little shop assess to which was along a long narrow corridor and I can remember purchasing a green Traing DMU . The Arts and Crafts Studio was owned by the Hutchinson family and the youngest son Nick is an old friend of mine and am still in contact with to this day. It has be a difficult time for him as he stayed on as manger of the shop after selling the family business to the Model-zone group. To keep my personal link to my old friends shop is also a strange twist as Penketh Paul is also a good friend and I wish him all the best in his new venture and hope that the local modellers will support this most welcome addition to the Chester shopping experience. I look forward to part 2 of your article 'A Cestrain's Urchin Tales ' Tony
  8. Totally agree with this point ......... give the guy a chance and knowing the people involved will could well be pleased with the prices ......plus you get a service
  9. All along the watchtower Jimi Hendrick
  10. Should have put reply quoting this post above post was in question of the soundtrack question on page one ............not being in the 60's .....sure it has to be a joke .
  11. you cannot be serious This is a joke ......... isn,t it ........................................
  12. wow fantastic footage.......its so much better when the driver leaves the blinds up so one can see the track ahead Have you got a sports hall for a model railway room it looks massive !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Phil this is fantastic ...... some real gems, the Wrexham area has interested me for years . Having been born in Shrewsbury and lived in Wrexham for the first two years of my life and the rest of my childhood spent in Chester with a spell as a boarder at Ellesmere College you can understand my interest. I'm hoping that you collection will include some pictures towards the Chester Northgate and will follow with interest
  14. Awoke early this morning to feel to house doing a 'rock & roll' impersonation ....... some very heavy metal rock toooo
  15. :sungum:Well Dock Green what can one say..........looks good in the photos on RMweb but to be honest do not rarely do it justice. A real gem this one seems so much wider in real life and the whole layout is well balanced. It was good to meet you in real life sir and your good lady . Best layout in show in my humble opinion well done Chaz you should be proud of you efforts.
  16. The shame is that it's modellers like this stop younger members getting in our hobby
  17. Yes its a loco that I would like to see in RTR form but think it could have a wide appeal Stainier 2-6-2 tank in 4mm but would probably sell well in 7mm
  18. I remember many years ago attending a Manchester Model Railway show when it was held at UMIST 'that's how long ago' and there was a scale model of GWR station as it was on a set date.(name withheld to protect the innocent as it were ) It was to be fair a fantastic layout probably a very early P4 gauge and was presented in a very professional way, lots of photos displayed on the front valance showing how exact the layout was and to be honest it was I think more of a business than a group effort, even the trees seemed to be exact copies. One of the exhibitors was at the front of the layout explaining to viewers how exactly it was to the real place and how it all ran to the exact time table for that particular day .... I think most of you will understand my drift at this point...... As I was admiring the layout and comparing the scene to the presented photo's I noticed that a telegraph pole on the layout only had one cross member on it but the corresponding one in the photo clearly had two cross members. Well within ear shot for the guy from the exhibiting team I pointed this out to my friend ............ to say that looks would have killed is an understatement, even a second visit an hour or so later was met with similar glare!!!! Sorry but some people do set themselves up for a fall !!!!
  19. How about a demonstration which shows how to convert a P4 loco to course scale 00
  20. Hey is looks good OLE is not easy to model especially as you seem to be scratch building it and wow like the headspans look very good not an easy task will watch with interest.
  21. I wouldn't worry about it their a open minded lot the scousers I should know my partner's one. Anyhow if there were any thieves about the Jinty would be on bricks with no wheels !!!!!! Anyway was.nt the Jinty pinched from Preston shed
  22. As your a Lancashire coal field fan I reckon the engine shed in the layout was inspired by the one at Walkden Yard ???
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