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Everything posted by Adrock

  1. Has anyone had a BR black one yet? Hattons says that it's "on order" but the GWR green one is in stock. Has the latter arrived first?
  2. Well I've purchased an FK as well as an SK. So I now have the winter set for 1958-61 as follows: BSK SK FK RU FK SK BSK (all in Choc and cream) And I'm now going to create a mixed choc / cream and maroon set using the CK and AB from the CCE set: AB (cc) BSK (maroon) SK (m) CK (m) CK (cc) SK (m) BSK (m). I just need 3 of the maroon coaches to complete. Thanks everyone for your input on this!
  3. Really interesting Brian - it would be great to hear if anyone else has two blanked off windows! I've managed to track down and purchase a brand new RU in chocolate and cream so I'm just looking for an FK to complete my 58-61 rake. I may puchase a 6 coach maroon set next to run with the AB!!
  4. Hi Ray, It does provide one formation but I think its 1956 or 57. I will have another read through it tonight to check. It may also make more sense now that I have read Robert's guide.
  5. Hi Brian, Thanks for your further reply. I checked my Autobuffet coach this morning and only one side has the blue blanking plate across the window on my model. The corridor side looks like a completely normal SK (which seems to be correct from what you say). I only bought my set a couple of months ago and it's in mint condition so I can't image it's been altered by its previous owner. Good news really as I could run it as a normal SK in 1958-61 mode and as an AB for 1962 running.
  6. Your group is a fantastic resource and source of information - thanks again Robert!
  7. Hi Brian, many thanks for your informative response - very helpful. You are right that I need to get an RU and also another FK and SK to give me the 7 car winter formation as described by Chris. I would then have the CK and the AB spare (or I coukd run the AB as an SK by removing the AB conversion). The challenge now will be finding the required coaches! I already have a couple of Maroon mk1s with WR running numbers but want an all chocolate and cream set so I may move them on.
  8. Hi All, I seem to remember this topic being discussed before (indeed I asked a question originally on the RM Web archive, but I cant add to that anymore)...but is anyone able to list the official train formation for the Cambrian Coast express in Winter 1958 and / or 1959? I appreciate this is a very specific question but I have recently bought the Bachmann Cambrian Coast Express set from a few years ago (wooden box, 6 coaches) and am looking at which additional mk 1's I need to purchase in order to make an accurate formation. The autobuffet as included in the set seems to be a late addition - probably the last year of all chocolate and cream coloured coaches in 1962 - and a bit out of my time period to appear with my Dukedog. I believe up until 1961 catering was provided by a restaurant car which I think Bachmann make. Incidentally, does anyone know what classification the autobuffet had? Or was it simply still referred to as an SK for diagramming purposes? Any help is much appreciated.
  9. That online catalogue is a fantastic source of information - it's like its been produced by an enthusiast! Which isn't something I feel you can say about announcements from the larger manufacturers. It's good to see and let's hope it starts a new trend within RTR, as it certainly answers the questions that we all have when pondering which new release to order / preorder.
  10. Yes when I first saw the picture of the proposed set I thought it was the 53xx mogul, but unfortunately not. It just shows though, if they had upgraded the mogul's chassis years ago they'd have had a more accurate machine for this set! I really wonder what has stopped Bachmann from updating the chassis for the mogul (and indeed the manor) for all these years?
  11. This really is excellent news from Hattons - and well done Dave for taking on the manufacture of this commission. I will also be purchasing one, but with such a vast (welcome) choice of liveries the question is which one! The current Hornby version isn't even on my wish list because it's such an outdated model, and I'd hung my hat on the 64xx to power the auto service. So it looks like I'll have a choice of tanks once I've added both to my collection!
  12. Hi Chris, The signal box looks fantastic - it's amazing how much more detail there is in 7mm compared to 4mm, and obviously there is a requirement to scratch build so many more of the buildings. I'll be following this thread with interest as the railway develops, and I would certainly like to see some final pictures of Boduan Jct before and during its lift from the current garage location! Adam
  13. The haulage performance does seem low Mike. I need to do a deep clean on my rail heads (layout is in the loft) so it will be a few days before I can test run mine. I was thinking about a 3 coach consist behind mine; looks like I wouldnt get much more that that anyway!
  14. No problem. I agree with you - my Bachmann Collett Goods came with the Collett 3,000 gallon tender with the continuous fender. It looks far too modern to my eyes too! The Dean tender looks great and is paired with a Mainly Trains churchward chassis. If anyone wants to sell me their Dukedog tender, please let me know though!!
  15. Thanks Bob. R.e. the comment on the tender width, to be fair they are not models of the same tender. My Collett Goods is paired with a Dean 3,000 gallon tender (ex-Dean Goods) on a brass chassis. Most 2251's ran with the 3,500 gallon tender as used in the model of the Dukedog, so that would be more accurate. The Dukedog's tender is one fo the best models of the 3,500 gallon that Ive seen.
  16. I picked up my Dukedog this morning from my local retailer. In response to the request for some pictures, here are mine of the opening. Please excuse the poor quality, I took them on my phone as I havent had chance to get the SLR out yet. The packaging: For comparison purposes, the Dukedog is lined up next to the Collett goods: Classic Cambrian company wth a Manor and 2251:
  17. Has anyone thought about the stock which they will haul with their new Dukedogs? Pictures I've seen generally show non uniform assemblies including older coaches, so I'm thinking a mix of Bachmann Colletts and Hornby Hawksworths rather than Mk. 1s. Any other thoughts on this?
  18. The Dukedog really looks like a fantastic model. I always wanted one of these locos when I began modelling the Cambrian a good 10 years ago, and honestly never thought we would be offered one ready to run. On its own, the tender looks like a fantastic model - is it a Churchward or a Collett 3500 gallon? Either way, would it be suitable to slot behind a retooled Manor loco, or even behind the current 2251 perhaps?
  19. The layout is looking fantastic and it looks like the Hornby Mk.1's will provide a great way to increase the numbers of coaches at a reasonable price. I haven't ready too much about them, but two things that spring to mind are: 1. Do Hornby do the BSO that is missing from the Bachmann range? and 2. are the coupling pockets at the 'correct' pocket height as defined in the standards?
  20. Wow what a shame that they have slipped again! Weren't they originally planned to have been here about a year ago? I can see them slipping again at this rate to this time next year.
  21. As an update, Bachmann have just posted this on their website. I must say that it looks fantastic and I'm looking forward to running one on my layout. Just a shame the Manor is a little dated. http://www.Bachmann.co.uk/details.php?id=82&vis=2
  22. Hi, I cant get the Collett Goods fitting guide from the Old RM web. Are you able to repost it please? Many thanks
  23. Hi Gareth, Do you have the link or details for fitting DCC to the Collett Goods? Everytime I try and go onto the Old RM web I get a 404 HTTP error - page not found. Was this one of the pages that was lost? I hope not as the Collett Goods is my last remaining loco that I am going to chip with my Dad so we could really do with your guide to help! Many thanks, Adam
  24. From what I can gather, this will only be a chassis upgrade, which is great news. I just wonder though why the Manor or Mogul weren't selected ahead of the Modified Hall, given that they already offer a fairly similar Hall in range and to modern standards. With the other two classes being blue route restricted I reckon they would have had an even wider appeal - a little more cross over to the GW light routes. Although here's hoping ithat n time they will upgrade both of them as well.
  25. Am I correct in saying that the Dukedogs ran with Churchward 3,500 gallon tenders only, or were there any other types? If so, would it also be correct for a 2251 (and another potential tender combination for Bachmann to issue)? I know that Bachmann released a Collett Goods a couple of years back with the "Manor" tender, which I believe is actually the similar-looking Collett 3,500 gallon tender. I can never quite remember the differences between the tenders and which classes ran with which.
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