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Status Replies posted by arran

  1. HI 


    Im sure you know of me and have been doing the show for many a year. 


    Can i ask ,do you ask these questions when you go to Tesco ?  we are following the rules so thats really all we can say .


    all those up to 18 don't need to prove they have been vaccinated either but anyone i know in the hobby inc the trade of which i am also one are vaccinated .


    If your looking for a quiet time Sunday AM fits that .


    Regards Arran





    1. arran


      No one’s saying they are or are not useful. This is more about what people feel the rules should be rather than what they actually are .


      I don’t see this debate on any other show threads to this level .

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  2. HI 


    Im sure you know of me and have been doing the show for many a year. 


    Can i ask ,do you ask these questions when you go to Tesco ?  we are following the rules so thats really all we can say .


    all those up to 18 don't need to prove they have been vaccinated either but anyone i know in the hobby inc the trade of which i am also one are vaccinated .


    If your looking for a quiet time Sunday AM fits that .


    Regards Arran





    1. arran


      I know that but that’s been the same throughout this pandemic. I’ve never stopped working. 

      I get some are scared for want of a better word at the thought of a busy hall.


      I traded at the Milton Keynes show last year when masks were not a rule and some did and some didn’t ware them .  It was about 1/3 I should imagine.


      now I didn’t fell threatened by it  but I was one that didn’t ware them although they were in my pocket.


      Like has been said lots of work go into these shows and it took some nerve holding on till it was ok to say it was happening.


      oh and if someone sees what I say I’m not to bothered as I sign my name anyway.


      hope you can come anyway 


      regards Arran 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

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