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  1. HI All Our xlub N Gauge of St Andrews and Guard Bridge will be at exhibition this year. HI All
  2. HI All St Andrews show will soon be upon us again , it seems to come round quicker each year !!! but i am told thats an age thing ? Two of the headlining layouts are St Andrews and Guard Bridge in N and Lockerbie in OO as depicted in the poster . More details to follow . Regards Arran PS for those that ask The Markets the week before so no hassles in parking
  3. And these wagons are a current Arnold tooling so it’s not like they have had to tool them up . you do get them in the Uk but they are not common . Regards Arran
  4. HI All Its that time of year again for some new tooling to be made for C Rail . The new 20ft Tank is a more up to date version and will come with Walkway options and they will be stainless steel for added realism. The cads are not near finished but are good enough to show Regards Arran
  5. https://www.westcoasttoday.co.uk/news/jacobite-petition-builds-up-a-head-of-steam-as-business-owner-warns-of-devasting-effect-of-suspension
  6. Them All ? it was more than One MP wasn't it , i didn't think they would have but locals have been less than please also
  7. so how do you know WCR got Mps to stick up for them ? i should imagine that came from local Business going apoplectic as the whole sorry mess
  8. I don't think anyone's going to get Sucked out a MK1 by Explosive Depressurisation .!!!
  9. It did have a negative effect last year when it all kicked off. I hope this year works a treat for all involved this season
  10. I'm just pointing out that its affecting others . I know they have played it as far as they can and should have had a program of works, and there's one set up already, has its got door locks ?
  11. and while everyone digs in their heals the local economy suffers
  12. HI All To answer the question Saturdays the busiest day followed by Monday i would say . As for England's Sunday shopping laws you need to come out the dark ages . Regards Arran
  13. Fair enough But still cheaper but not by much. you get screwed on parking these days .
  14. as i said before but you didnt see it , Its £3.00 all day at the science center and its about the same distance
  15. Or £3.00 at the science center for a day and walk no further . Regards Arran
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