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Coombe Barton

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Everything posted by Coombe Barton

  1. Up (but not at silly o'clock, fortunately ) and preparing to venture in for support sessions for analytics. Dull and grey, but me and the weather, but at least the wind has dropped with the weather. Anticipating quite a bit of squelch whilst walking.
  2. ... Today – trying to get on with things, but slower than I hoped. Tomorrow it’s in for support sessions, thankfully not until 11. ... https://johncolby.wordpress.com/2023/12/10/sounds-of-the-season-2023-08-covid-rishi-to-come-and-building-design-and-maintenance/
  3. I do not have an air fryer. I do not have a slow cooker. I have buried the microwave. Therefore I cook on the stove. From scratch. I use heat and eat stuff when I'm too knackered to stand and do it myself, as I soon get fed up with the sameness of the flavours or if doing it myself would results of too much food, since I'm on my own. Some of the stuff I cook needs improvement. I use fresh or frozen veg as appropriate as that way I can vary the diet beyond the seasonal. End of phoodiephilosophy statement
  4. Late up again - feeling more like I've actually slept. Croissants and coffee consumed, and need to get on with what I should ahve been doing yesterday. Fortunately I did get all the washing done and the dishwasher is up to date, so that's progress, I suppose. That coffee tasted good, but there wasn't enough of it so ...
  5. ... Today I’m not really coming to terms with the thought I don’t have to prepare teaching materials for next week. Tiredness has taken over. ... https://johncolby.wordpress.com/2023/12/09/sounds-of-the-season-2023-06-covid-and-influenza/
  6. With five hundred of Analytics students I don't have the time to keep the score. There are also other tutors as well
  7. Fortunately the ones who are approaching me now are in the minority.
  8. Can't believe that I have no teaching material to write this weekend. In fact not long woken up, and need to get my dose of coffee and croissants. The day is dull and grey, just like me.
  9. ... It really is trying my patience. (Which is why you should not study medicine and law at the same time - that really does try your patients.) ... https://johncolby.wordpress.com/2023/12/08/sounds-of-the-season-2023-06-covid-hospitalisations-up-a-bit/
  10. That was what was on the later Queen's death certificate.
  11. On a similar topic - try teaching Geographic Information Systems with spherical geometry calculations a flat earther. This was for a council planning department. The temptation to call them a f**kwit was resisted - just. Another ten minutes would have sent me over the top.
  12. ... question – the UK is having an enquiry. Are other countries? Did they do better? ... https://johncolby.wordpress.com/2023/12/07/sounds-of-the-season-2023-05-covid-up-again-and-dont-tell-him-pike/
  13. My car's silver/grey - didn't choose the colour, cost for what was available after an idiot wrote off my previous one. I think it matches my hair.
  14. ... The lawn, as previously reported, went to crunch to squelch. This morning it was a weird kind of cruelch, started off as a crunch but ended up as a squelch with brown highlights ... https://johncolby.wordpress.com/2023/12/06/sounds-of-the-season-2023-04-covid-and-for-some-reason-his-memory-is-equally-unreliable/
  15. Too much information Much too much information.
  16. ... At home, the crunch-crunch of the grass has returned to a severe squelch-squelch and brown ooze predominating twixt the green. ... https://johncolby.wordpress.com/2023/12/05/sounds-of-the-season-2023-03-covid-pants-on-fire/
  17. Reminds me of a story the late Wally Watson (Plymouth) told in the 1960s when he was in the parts department of a Ford dealership Woman comes in and wanted parts for a Ford van Questioning ensues as to model ("It was a Ford") Questioning continues as to model ("It was a blue Ford") This apparently goes on for some time until it transpires - it was a BEDford.
  18. As they have to pass it to progress, not possible
  19. ... Teaching – this is week 12 of 12. Student came to me today with the question – where do I start? ... https://johncolby.wordpress.com/2023/12/04/sounds-of-the-season-2023-02-covid-how-to-not-win-friends-and-influence-people/
  20. Is 'quiche' pronounced 'quicky' in these circumstances?
  21. For me there's only my son. I'm creating a database where everything will have a suggested destination where he can maximise the value, or places where he can give stuff away. I've got into the phase of, if I acquire or build anything, I have a destination in mind, I will ease his task. I learned this from trying to sort Sandy's stuff, and it was my memory that was the only source of information. One things is the several thousand books - give them to a house clearance firm and they could be pulped, but they have value and I can suggest people they could go to. Takes some organising but someone has to do it, and there's only me who can.
  22. ... Today, more of the same hoping to make more inroads. Not succeeding thus far. ... https://johncolby.wordpress.com/2023/12/03/sounds-of-the-season-2023-01-covid-forecast-of-questions-to-boris/
  23. ... At work there is another localised pandemic, that of lastminuteitis. A small minority of students are not infected and may be immune, but ... https://johncolby.wordpress.com/2023/12/02/covid-haikus-finalising-hancock-preparing-the-stage-for-boris-and-boris-bingo/
  24. With the current weather and being cream crackered from a long day teaching yesterday, I'm just glad I don't have to go out in it.
  25. Happy birthday to @grandadbob - you are younger than the King.
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