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Everything posted by evafan004

  1. might i ask for a link to this announcement? i seem to have missed something and no amount of searching on my part turns up anything
  2. Yeah we all know about that piece of junk I am actually thinking of buying it just to put it out of its misery. it would make a nice set of weights for a few of my wagons be about all its good for
  3. hmm one of a kind? hes got that right thankfully http://www.ebay.com....=item1c2adf8fe0
  4. our friend with the Hornby princess has revised his listing to acknowledge that it is not in fact r759 and that the motor is in the tender he has also how ever increased the asking price to a thousand bucks what is wrong with these people? are they really that clueless or just desperate for cash?
  5. true but this one looks to me like a 00 gauge version and is listed as such [oops beaten to the punch by olddudders]
  6. just browsing ebay and came across this http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/princess-ellethabeth-rare-made-great-britan-Hornby-tender-/330637309851?pt=AU_Toys_Hobbies_Model_Railways&hash=item4cfb84f79b um dreaming much?
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