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Posts posted by keefr2

  1. Murray enjoyed the run. Thrumming through the lanes, the occasional pop and bang on the overrun with the usual fart on the change up made for a pleasant experience. Whilst Norman liked being ferried by Ivor Peterborough in the Bentley, there was no substitute for a summers run in Murray.


    He could take in the smell of the grass and hear the bird song as he passed along. Then of course there was the waft of warm oil and petrol from Murray and the smell of the old and cracked leather seats.


    As he approached Sheep Lane he smelt the morning goods in the yard.

    Happy days....


    Cracking, evocative, post Rob!



  2. I was just talking to my son about that Escort, & he told me that a mate of his has a Lotus Carlton that he paid £12K for about 6years ago - he re-insured it this morning at an agreed value of £55,000.....!! Better than most savings accounts!!


    Was looking at Escort Cosworths yesterday, & the cheapest decent looking one I could find was £35000 - up from £15K about 5 years ago. Those described as 'mint & low mileage' were being touted at £55K & up! 


    I'm thinking the next big rise in fast Fords will be the Mk1 Focus RS - you can still get good ones for 10- 12K. Just a shame I'm 10000 quid short of affording one!!  :mosking:

    • Like 3
  3. The 10 inch version of the mini wheel looks a lot better to my eyes, than the 12 or whatever...

    I agree, however ours has to wear 12 or 13 inch wheels as we have 8.4 inch brake discs on the front. Probably overbraked for the hillclimbs we used in on, but pretty useful for tarmac stage rallies which was ultimately what my son wanted to compete in.



    • Like 4
  4. For those who don't like Minilites, or Minilites on E-Types, look away now! Here's my mate Jon enjoying a 'driving experience day' in a modified V12 at Bicester on Saturday, despite looking petrified he did actually enjoy himself...


    attachicon.gifJAG V12.jpg


    attachicon.gifJAG V12a.jpg




    That is just stunning! Vast improvement on the usual horrible wire things that disappear into the arches & make the e-type look like it has the track of a 2CV...!!



  5. I think it is a real public car park!


    Actually I'm with the owner, whats the point of having something like that and no using it as a daily driver? My mate has a 1948 Bentley Special, with a pre-war boat back body, and it looks just like a Blower Bentley (even fooling some at a Bentley Drivers Club meeting!) and he uses it daily too, just like me and my Moggys....


    If someone is going to pinch it, its insured, and its only metal after all.


    Andy G


    Oh, I completely agree about driving the things, it's just the thought of leaving it somewhere like that & having some careless chav smack their Fiesta or Corsa's door into the side of it! Car park dings in our mundane Focus & Grand Vitara make my blood boil, having some idiot do it to that beautiful piece of metal would make me apopletic!

  6. What is the craze with putting minilites on everything? I don't think it does anything to enhance any of the nice cars that they are put onto. I'd rather have the standard rims any day of the week.

    First thing I did with any of my cars 'back in the day',if they didn't come with them, was to ditch the standard rims and fit a set of Minilites! (well, Miniite-alikes usually as I couldn't afford genuine ones!) My favourite ever wheel & they improve any car they're fitted to. In my eyes anyway!  :)


    Each to their own, eh?! 



    • Like 2
  7. Finished a couple of trees today but I cannot decide which one best suits. I’m thinking the first one.


    I like the second, only because you see less of a shadow cast on your wonderful backscene (but then I guess the layouts final lighting set up might change that?)


    But they're both lovely little trees and both look good where they're growing!



  8. I can see from your avatar why you like the Mini! 


    I don't know if I particularly like the one in my avatar at the moment though - it's been hibernating in my garage for getting on three years, & the list of things needed to get it through an MOT seems to grow every time we look at it! 



  9. Members of the Orkney Vintage Club visited our home yesterday to view my Layouts and my partners Quilts, Handbags and Embroidery collection. I took a few pics of the cars parked outside while they took the tour!


    The club are primarily Car and Tractor enthusiasts but they have an interest in, well just about anything, so when the guys were in my shed looking at the railways their partners were being entertained by my wife.


    We all then adjourned to our local for lunch. (Just visible in the background behind the VW Golf). A really good day and it introduced finescale modelling to the club members.




    I really like the Clubby estate, & the Imp looks gorgeous!


    And what a cracking looking place to live!



  10. So, slightly OT, but not too much, I'd like to get a photo of my Traveller next to an HST preferably stationary. Where best to do it? Obviously needs to be a publicly accessible place, not a depot or some other railway premises, as I'm not a railway employee. Any suggestions? I'm in Bristol.


    I don't know how good the result would be, and you'd definitely need a fast shutter speed, but if you fancied a trip to South Wales there is a secondary road up to the entrance of Margam Knuckle yard. There's a 5 bar type metal gate alongside the mainline that the HST's pass by very close. I think there'd be enough room to manoeuvre the car sideways against the gate....


    This is the Google maps reference for said gate - 51.554606, -3.749872



  11. Did someone mention V8's?


    After eight years of working abroad and now that I'm back home, I decided to treat myself to a new toy...a TVR Chimaera 400. It is 19 yrs old so I guess it counts as an 'old car'.


    I'm still getting used to it and, if I'm honest, the performance still scares me a bit (no driver aids!) but the noise it makes is outstanding.


    Good friend of mine had one of those. Last time I saw him a few years back before he moved to Scotland, was when he pulled into the tyre fitters where I was having the Focus reshod. Noticed he'd left the headlights on when he stopped outside. Mentioned it to him & he replied 'Yeh I know, went to turn them off & the switch disappeared behind the dash....!!'

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