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Everything posted by MartinWales

  1. I had one of those recently John! Offered half of what the B-I-N price was ank asked me to wait 16 days for payment You can guess what my answer was.....
  2. Have noticed that on the Classic car section of Ebay, where the same cars are listed twice, with odd 'come and get me' prices ie a reasonably low starting bid, but for an odd figure every time, say £741 or £1108! Always with two stock photos, the second being the true price or a Buy it Now figure, and similar details and instructions to upload the correct vehicle details. Sometimes in the UK, sometimes in France or Italy? Strange.....
  3. A thought has just struck me.....what if he reads this Forum?
  4. Have you tried contacting him by any chance. Ebay can and will be able to see correspondence between you. Also you can open a non-paying case against him, which ebay will then have to follow up.
  5. Jumping and bandwagon spring readily to mind......
  6. Never mind Tim, his time will come!
  7. Even had an offer off them for this piece of garbage! Needless to say it was rejected......oh what could I have said??
  8. Isn't that about the price of a real, full sized one.........?
  9. Best worn underfoot and kicked into the bin!!
  10. SERIOUSLY? Our old friends Rocket again
  11. How much? The world's gone mad!
  12. With a whacking heavy weight attached......
  13. Better dropped at someone's feet I think......
  14. Bet the lights dim a bit when you're using it though.....
  15. Better still, thrown in the bin!!
  16. Indeed! Wonder if any of them are PAT tested?
  17. I have something similar but with several different variations
  18. I'd hate to see a Condition 5!!
  19. All that I will say is-good luck posting that for a tenner! With the amount of locos alone, should he not have to declare their worth to the P.o. or Parcelforce etc (other delivery services are available!). Otherwise it's only covered for a fraction of the winning bid For that I would want it delivered to me on a large silver platter......
  20. Let him stew and wait! Don't forget you can still counter bid his offer too....
  21. Never said that! Just saying he should know, as he sells a lot of it!!
  22. At least one on that Ebay at the moment kit built in original black livery
  23. Indeed there are some chancers there but like Henry Cole (he of Shed and Buried, Junk and Disorderly etc) , I work on the SPQR principle, that is small profit quick return. There is always a mutually agreeable price for everything!! Good luck with your bids....let us know how you got on, if you can!
  24. He should do! I know the fella and buy stuff often from him......
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