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Everything posted by grandadbob

  1. Good morning, Very dull grey here today 9oC. Why is when I have an extra couple of hours in bed I get up feeling rough and wishing I'd got up earlier. This does seem more prevalent on Saturdays-is my body still thinking it should be going to work even though I've been retired for a few years? I have taken the mistress of the house her morning tea in bed but I suspect that I will need to do much more than that to get back in her favour. Bob
  2. DIY Update Further to this morning's ramblings I collected management from work & shopping earlier this afternoon. "What have you been up to today"? she said "Erm-oh just pottering about" said I "Only I wondered why the first aid kit & your toolbox were sitting on your Workmate" said she "Oh-I was thinking about finishing that little job in the bathroom" I whispered "Fantastic-did it go alright?" she asked with a smile, "Well not exactly to plan-I sort of got a little bit sidetracked if you know what I mean" I mumbled "You've been doing train stuff again haven't you? she hissed Guilty as charged Bob
  3. When we were clearing my Dad's house the stair lift company (Not those beginning with "S") said that as it was by then a few years old they were really only doing us a favour by not charging us to remove it. As it was still in pretty good nick I bet they didn't lose out of it. Regards Bob
  4. Morning all, Rain-12oC Breadwinner delivered to work-Breadmaker back home sipping tea. Am seriously thinking about finishing a a small DIY task that I keep postponing. Only thinking mind you because I am firmly in the camp that believes that DIY stands for Definitely Injure Yourself. Even sharpening a carpenter's pencil can result in a partial amputation of the thumb. (wrong type of jig saw blade?) Bob
  5. Morning All, 13oC-Dark, damp, dismal day here. Roads were calm this morning- bet it doesn't last, Regards Bob
  6. "How many times does he ring?" Twice! Bob
  7. Good Morning, Chucking it down here & 12oC-lots more rain forecast today & tomorrow. Had the kids here after school yesterday-"How's your foot Grandad" followed by howls of laughter (For those who missed it there was a toe stubbing incident Sunday) Then I got hit with this:- "Grandad" said Joe (aged 10) " You know that you always say that if a job's worth doing it's worth doing well?" "Yes" said I just knowing he was up to something. "Well how do you explain this then?" he said producing his I-Pod thingy with a photo of a large cobweb underneath a small side table."Missed that one didn't you"? Little perisher has been showing it to all & sundry over the last couple of days. I'm surprised it's not reached here! Keep dry Bob.
  8. "it looks like some household related chores will be done" Thought for the day:- Does setting up laptop on kitchen worktop, reading RM web, drinking tea, emptying dishwasher, loading breadmaker, listening to radio, qualify as the above and also is it "multitasking" which according to the one I love men are not capable of? "Puzzled" of Sutton
  9. Good Morning All, Lots of rain & wind last night (no sprouts were harmed during this) now dry & 10oC. Apparently sunshine has been ordered for later. Took Chris to work (according to her so that she can keep me supplied with railway items as my birthday is approaching along with Christmas. (OOps don't mention that word) Further to yesterdays "dream" it looks like some household related chores will be done. Have fun out there Bob
  10. Don't remember getting Virol in the Fifties but I do remember cod liver oil (horrible) and I think this was followed by some sort of concentrated orange juice which took the taste away' Happy days! Bob
  11. I was 11 stone once-I think it was about 4 stones ago. Bob
  12. The only time I had a flu jab was in the late sixties when I think they were a fairly new innovation. I had the worst dose of flu I've ever had which lasted for nearly 3 weeks-in fact I think this was the only time I've had the real thing. Everything else has been variations of a cold! The doctor said that the jab wouldn't have made me ill & I must have already had the virus but to this day I still won't have one. However everybody I know who has it done swears by it. Current doctor seems to think I should have it but I'm still a bit suspicious! Bob.
  13. Good morning All Dry & fresh here but blue sky appearing in the east. Late start today because management's taxi isn't required as Monday is her day off. Today's agenda has not been finalised yet Grandchildren went home yesterday afternoon leaving house in paroxysms of laughter due to an older member of the family (me) hopping around on one leg having stubbed toes on chair leg, trying hard not swear etc. Telling them that it wasn't that funny, that I had probably broken something, that I was actually in a bit of pain only brought on more hysterics! This wasn't helped by my wife & SIL joining in. Please bear in mind that my back & knee were already giving me aggravation after stupidly doing some gardening. Beer & red wine did seem to ease the pain and I then decided (mentally) that I will take the rest of the year off from house & garden maintenance, I'm sure I can hear someone saying "In your dreams pal"- Have good day Bob
  14. "the cooked breakfast has been cancelled, but the hoovering hasn't" Life can be very cruel at times! I got my breakfast which was nice & then gardened which was not. I haven't done it all because I wish I had listened to my back & knee which yesterday told me that they were not ready for it. They were right. Never mind-had long hot soak, beer is being poured and things are looking better! Bob
  15. Things are getting serious-hints are becoming devious! " As it's such a nice morning perhaps we should think about tidying the garden a bit-would you like a cooked breakfast dear?" She knows I can't resist this because she does it so well! "That's a good idea" said I (meaning the breakfast) "OK" said she-"you get the mower out & I'll give you a shout when it's ready" Hook,line & bl##dy sinker! I'll never learn. I may be gone for some time Bob
  16. Morning All, Lovely fresh clear morning here, the sky is blue, the sun is shining, the gardening beckons -------------------------I feel ill! As you can guess I am really not in the mood for gardening. I used to enjoy it but lately it has become a bit of a chore - however it must be done because comments are being made by a certain person. Never an order, just a hint like " I see Russell (next door neighbour) is cutting his grass again-don't know how he finds the time considering the hours he puts in at work" Now as all of us retired guys know we just haven't got the time on our hands that we used to have- there is soooooo much to do what with playing with trains, modelling, playing with trains and other important things like RM webbing & stuff.Lots of - stuff. I have to go now because my grandson has decided that I am the only one who can do his boiled eggs the way he likes them. (see what I mean about no spare time) See you later Bob PS I love sprouts!
  17. Morning all Bit dull & dismal here, dry at the moment but rain is forecast. Hope it does because gardening beckons and my back and knee have told me that they are not in the mood for it today. Having read various people talking about bread making here has made me dust off breadmaker so that is on the agenda. I use the machine for mixing,kneading & proving but then bung the dough in a loaf tin or on a tray & bake in the oven. This hopefully ends up with better shaped loaf without a hole & a nicer crust. Grandchildren still asleep so very quiet at the moment-the lull before the storm I think! Regards Bob
  18. Just came across this one taken in 1987 (I think) in Majorca.
  19. "sounds like you'll have a fun time then Bob? " Most definitely will! Quite frankly it always makes my day when they visit. The two younger ones like playing with trains so that may be on the agenda.The eldest doesn't but is developing into a good cook (like her grandmother) so it's possible a cake may be produced! Bob
  20. "BTW, what do you think of my new picture? Do you mean the one in your avatar of a really nice loco where some bloke stood in front as you took the photo? Bob.
  21. Good morning all, Plenty of wind & rain last night & it is now trying again-11oC, Looking forward to all 3 grandchildren coming to stay for the night after school today so the house will come alive later! Bob
  22. Good Morning All, Had trouble starting up laptop this morning. This follows blue screen problems with desktop yesterday. My IT dept (Son) has already stated that they are like me (over the hill & past it) - however he is visiting at weekend to see if he can possibly sort them out for me. Mrs GB delivered to work-nice dry clear morning- 9oC.. Everybody I met on the road seemed very polite this morning which makes a change. Today's excitement will include a shopping trip to Sainsburys but as they appear to have a special offer on some bottled ales I think I can say that I am looking forward to it! Regards, Bob.
  23. Morning Everyone, Dark here but clear skies (I can actually see the stars for once) 8oC. Morning taxi run complete so I'm in charge till the "boss" needs collecting from work at 12.15. Apart from a bit of housework nothing planned so I might do some modelling playing with trains. Have a good one, Regards, Bob
  24. Chris was bitten as a child & has been scared ever since but dogs do seem to like her and approach her in a friendly way. She won't touch them & moves away immediately. If they are a bit boisterous she gets really worried & I don't think she'll ever change. Bob
  25. Hi Tony, I love dogs but have not had one since my teens when I had a boxer and was broken hearted when he died. I vowed then never to have another because I thought he was irreplaceable. In more recent years I've changed my mind but my better half unfortunately doesn't like dogs at all and is actually quite scared of them so to keep "Peace in our time" we won't be getting one! Regards Bob.
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