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Everything posted by mason

  1. Thanks Richard and Alex, some really good advice that i will be putting into practice over this week, once the fuzzy head has gone and a few hours sleep gets me focused, my little boys 1st birthday kinda lasted all weekend Thanks for the nice comments Alex, the results of a few months is really Deeping Lane, i think i started the build around the end of march, but i think the time off has helped that. im hoping the 20's will go to Cavs workbench to have some nice fading and some grime. Il hopefully be getting some paint for the photo board this week so a little progress on that and all being well and if the weather allows im going to get Deeping Lane out in the garden to take some really nice shots with the tripod set up, id like to make a little kind of brochure if you like to send out for exhibitions so im going to do some work on that too. Im also going to go through all my wagon stock and bring them upto scratch, my locos are looking great thanks to Cavs super work, im not to confident with locos but i think i can work on a few techniques to get the wagons looking better and hopefully match in with the locos. Thanks again for the great feedback. Neil
  2. Hi Alex, was really great to meet you at members day too, and a nice purchase with the 56, that looks great in the depot building you have built. i finally got bored and needed something to build, once i get an idea in my head its hard to get rid of it till iv done something im not sure what colour to do it yet, although Cavs post above yours ( cheers mate ) has given me a better idea and i may go with a light blue with some weathereing on it, id like to do the galv steel but i havent a clue how to get to that, maybe paint it silver and really weather it to dull down the silver slightly. The detail in the shed on Deeping Lane came really from reading Mudmagnets fantastic Orchard Road, his detail in his building is stunning and iv tried not to copy alot of his work, although some of his work is actually on Deeping There are a few visiting locos at the moment, the layout has kinda gone into time machine mode with alsorts showing up, thats due to Deeping being the storage yard for all of chris's stock while he is off to university, i think there is probably more to come too and a few of my 47's are on Cavs workbench. next up is getting my 20's chipped and detailed and weathered. Cheers Neil
  3. Thanks class 66 and Cav the wheels are only placed just to show some detail, but ill get some wheels that look a little better than them . i wasnt sure about the paving slabs at first, everything needs a little weathering, im still not sure what to paint the building in yet, im tempted to do a dark cream colour with some weathering to it so to make it a good backdrop for the stock to be photographed against, then i can get some really nice shots outside in natural light of those locos you weather so well mate. Cheers Neil
  4. Thanks class 66 and Cav the wheels are only placed just to show some detail, but ill get some wheels that look a little better than them . i wasnt sure about the paving slabs at first, everything needs a little weathering, im still not sure what to paint the building in yet, im tempted to do a dark cream colour with some weathering to it so to make it a good backdrop for the stock to be photographed against, then i can get some really nice shots outside in natural light of those locos you weather so well mate. Cheers Neil
  5. couple more shots of the fence going in on the photo board, as you can see i still need to get a hang of this new camera cheers Neil
  6. Hi all, as i feel deeping lane s not far off complete i decided to do another little project that would keep me busy, well for a few hours anyway. I wanted to build a small photographic plank to practice and develop my photographic skills with my new camera and tripod setup. i know its not exactly part of deeping lane but it will feature alot of the stock that will appear on there. I started with a small piece of chipboard 17" x 6" the depot style building is made from 4 pieces of wills box profile and small strips of course stone fixed to 4mm foam board, some evergreen tube for the drain pipes and the grey strips that come with the profile for guttering. iv not decided what colour to do the box profiles yet so im open to suggestions, im not sure what colour will be best as a back drop for photos. the hard standing is built up from card with metcalfe slabs applied to it, i used these as i couldnt find the poly filla and i was getting fed up of looking some extra fine jarvis slate ballast and some light brown for the other areas with some more slabs and some little bits of static grass, still a little more greenery to add and some longer grass fibres needed and the track and ballast needs a good weathering. I still need to sort the door out and i may put a small light above it, and i will probably wire the track up purely for loco lights. anyway a good 4 hours well spent see what you think Cheers Neil
  7. Hi all just a quick couple of shots to show the interior of the depot and a few little bits that have been added like ladders and steps ( thanks richard ) and the storage tanks and other little bits. Cheers Neil
  8. Cool, Thanks for the info Andy, I will defiantly be there again then, a highlight for me for sure, is it 2012 yet Neil
  9. Ha Ha thanks Richard, did you manage to spot them all??? i think there is 1 cable drum and 2 sets of ladders that i didnt take a shot of inside the compound, and the small bench and the large steps inside the shed, my camera battery ran out before i got a chance to take the pics of inside the shed, i wish i had made just the roof removable like yours on Orchard Road instead of the whole building, i need to fit some kind of plug system to be able to remove the whole thing without snagging the wiring for the lights, this way i think i could get away with running the layout without the building now and again , really appriciate the bits and pieces mate, just been reading your thread and those rag boxes are outstanding. Neil
  10. I certainly will be Richard, wish i lived closer to Barnstaple would be a treat to see Orchard Road in the flesh, looking forward to the other things planned too Neil
  11. Flipping fantastic mate, the boards stand out really well, and i never noticed the fire door until now, that looks great too 1 question, have got lights fitted inside the depot??? looks superb mate, i keep looking at mine and thinking " why didnt i think of that " , made your mark on my depot already though mate, they are fantastic. Neil
  12. they are so good, love just even the idea of the roster boards, great think richard and the oily rag boxes...well thats just genius, great work mate Neil
  13. Just a few more shots i have taken while messing around with the new camera and tripod and also to take a few shots of some borrowed locos that have arrived on shed.
  14. Hi Richard, i was thinking the same thing today, not sure how to do the oily rags, i may have a play about later. Neil
  15. Hi Richard, those shelves and cabinets look amazing, some super fine details with the tools also excellent work mate Neil
  16. Hi richard, love the steel load, i picked up an OCA at members day yesterday so i think i may do a little project for a small engineers train for Deeping Lane Cheers for the inspiration Neil
  17. Hi just a few pics form a play around with my new camera, dont worry the pics will get better as i get used to the camera Cheers Neil
  18. i certainly cant, in fact it looks like its been photographed from a book, looks superb, great work jon Neil
  19. Spent a few hours reading through your thread and i think you have a stunning layout, i really like how the track looks so realistic and any layout with pairs of 20's running around is a plus in my book, superb work and look forward to reading more as the work progresses Cheers for a few hours well spent Neil
  20. Hi cheers mate, all the power is on , no soundchips as of yet, struggling to come up with the cash for one at the moment, and also the fact i spend it on other locos that have caught my eye , there are still a few bits i want to do, chris56057 has been over today and he has pointed out a few little details, one of them is the ballast colour still looks cleanish so i might dirty that a little more, still have the cats and a couple more people to add and a little more work on the fiddle yard, the word extension cropped up again too, but thats just a pipe dream at the moment. Iv also got a dynamis to play with soon and i want to get the point switching sorted, the point motors are sometimes slow to react so i need to look at that too. Neil
  21. Just a few shots from a few hours activity around Deeping Lane, a few of chris56057's fine locos making an appearance
  22. Hi all i thought i would post this on from Deeping Lane, i thought it looked pretty good. Neil
  23. I think you have just made someone very happy Ian ( do i get commission for this ) Neil
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