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Everything posted by mason

  1. he will have it soon running around Outon Road, i probably wont get it back from the weathering shop i got a feeling he may snap your arm off
  2. i know mate, i cant beleive i got it for a bargain too , will look even better when my weathering expert gets his hands on it, ill get a chip in it for saturday , was like christmas this morning when i unwrapped it, i dont know what it is but it just looks perfect on the layout in front of the shed Neil
  3. Nothing wrong with a 20's obsession mate, keep them coming Neil
  4. Hi all, two new arrivals at Deeping Lane today, 47145 and 37709, looking rather clean, i couldnt resist a few shots and then it got dark so took one last one, these two have had the beam details added, just awaiting some weathering and there chips and they will be put to work. Cheers Neil
  5. very nice, is this reverting to somehting like peak forest, its looking great Neil
  6. Thanks marc, i will definatly make myself known, ill be helping out on Outon Road and at some point ill be giving ian a hand, ill be ok without a tripod im sure, in fact my new camera arrived today but my tripod hasnt so i cant use it anyway im sure ill get some shots in night mode, just as its ment to be. great layout marc Neil
  7. cool, i must have missed the eastfield bit, but it would be cool to see another project of yours on here mate, really like the 31 and did i see some N gauge locos somewhere Neil cool, i must have missed the eastfield bit, but it would be cool to see another project of yours on here mate, really like the 31 and did i see some N gauge locos somewhere Neil
  8. Nice shot john, have you been secretly building another project??? Neil
  9. Hi Jamie, Thanks for the kind comments, im really happy that the people placements have worked out well, still want to get a few others for just under the bridge, and im very tempted to get a nice signal for the overbridge, just to give it a more realistic reason for the loco to be topped on there, i might even attempt to make my own, not sure yet 2 new arrivals to Deeping Lane today, 47145 and 37709, they will get some photos taken when i get up there , and my new camera has arrived, but unfortnatly doesnt have a compact flash card , hopefully get that up and running for members day which im really looking forward, some of my stock will be passing through Outon Road i think so come and say hello, i could also possibly seen around summat colliery but i dont think ian would appriciate a triple grey 47 rumbling through Cheers Neil
  10. I will definatly be popping over for a chat and some photos if thats ok marc? Neil
  11. Hi mate, thanks for the kind comments, i think you have to do things like that, it makes it your own and not just plonking a few figures here and there, i did something very similar on Pilot Road witht he chap with drill and changed it for a wheelie bin, and there wasnt anywhere logical for the guy to go with the shovel, i might get another couple of chaps to just stand under the bridge kind of observing the 3 way, looking forward to seeing the layout saturday mate, i will come say hi Neil
  12. well matt i think you should get it back, after all you gotta have something to run that lovely critter on neil
  13. Cheers Matt, i will have a look through and check some of your stuff out, have you still got Talerdgg then??? and was it finished finally, and yeah i can remember the critter will definalty check the finished article out Neil
  14. Hi Matt, not heard from you in ages, go for it, if its anything like talerdigg sidings it will be great, im really proud of the shed building to be honest as its the first really major building that iv scratchbuilt and i didnt really take any measurments from anywhere, i kinda just looked at lots of pics on the net and made my own version so thanks matt for the compliment on it. there are still a few litle cameos to add, manly the cats that my daughter wants which just nee painting and awaiting direction of where there going Cheers again matt and good to hear from you again Neil
  15. Superb marc and i cant wait to see it in the flesh at members day, really like the dark atmosphere fantastic Neil
  16. Hi all Thanks ess and danny, its always nice when something you have done has given someone else a little inspiration or a spark to start something else or go and do something similar on there layout, i think as modellers we feed off others inspiration, i know i do. Cheers Cav, i think is it is the same team they should be working on the extension at Outon instead of standing around chatting , i never thought of giving them a little wash of dirt, i think i will give that a go tomorrow cheers mate, there you go there is that inpiration thingy again Neil
  17. That looks great, i bet you thought you would never get to the outside ay?? Neil
  18. Hi all, as promised from this morning, and after a few sunshine beers are a couplp of shots of the employees down at Deeping Lane working hard, the figures are the Bachmann set, i tampered with the chap with the road drill replacing it with a small bin and he can be seen taking out the rubbish to the skip and the gentleman with the shovel has it replaced with a yard lever, not sure if he is chuffed about that or not Cheers Neil
  19. Cool, what swap is that for then?? i can sort a decoder out mate no problem , hopefully the new camera will turn up soon and we can get some good shots of the multitude of locos that are coming through Deeping Lane soon Neil
  20. Cheers mate, looks ok dont it, whats this about an NSE duff??, will it find its way over to Deeping Lane?? Neil
  21. Hi Daz and thanks, i think the layout will have a bit more charecter once there in and working, does add a little something else, just got to figure out what kinda little cameo scenes to do now, think i will ponder that over a cuppa and a bacon butty too Neil
  22. Hi all, not much of a update but the workman and staff have arrived at Deeping Lane this weekend, no pictures yet, there all on there early morning bacon butty and tea break, so once they get going i will take a few shots. Neil
  23. Hi Richard, thanks mate, im really happy with how they have come out, especially as it wasnt planned and i kinda just thrown anything to hand in there, really happy with how the shaving the tamiya powders worked, something i can use on other things. Cheers Neil
  24. mason

    Loch Dore

    Thanks Ian, get some more shots on here it looks a cracking layout. Neil
  25. mason

    Loch Dore

    great looking layout and some nice details, are the buildings rtr or made by youself?? neil
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