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Blog Entries posted by Mr.S.corn78

  1. Mr.S.corn78

    Hello all,
    So its been well over a year since i last updated the bolg on here. Lots has happened and I won't bore you with everything that has happened.
    Here is a Clockwork ideas 08-16 Tamper model that came in for some lights to be fitted.. The kit had already been built and needed correcting in a couple of places and it did cause a bit of head scratching as some of the wire runs couldn't be routed where they needed to go as the kit was already built and would meant distroying what had been done.  A work around was solved and it duly had lights and sound fitted.
    Here are some photos of the work done and a couple of it being test run on Charwelton into the 80s.



  2. Mr.S.corn78
    Recently had a N gauge 3D printed body arrive to be painted for a commission.
    The body was well detailed and after a few hours of cleaning the print lines using a sanding stick and a micro chisel.

    After a coat of primer it was given a couple of coats of Br Green and then the trnasfers added with details around the buffers picked out in red.


  3. Mr.S.corn78
    The body and tender fell together without too many issues apart from the usual flash on the moldings.
    The chassis was built pretty much OTB using the DJH motor and gearbox with a little bit of modifcation to enable tension lock couplings to be added at the end.

  4. Mr.S.corn78
    Hello everyone,
    So its been a few years since i posted anything in here, not sure where the time has gone but in the current sitiuation thats across the world I thought it was about time I started posting again.
    So whats been happening, lots is the easiest answer and I will cover the details in future posts. The plan is to bring you all up todate (well those that want to know and read ) by posting up the latest items that im working/worked on and mix in some of the items ive done over the past few years that you havent seen unless you follow me on the various social media channels that i post too.
    So first up and something that was recently completed is the DJH LBSCR/SR/BR class C2X 0-6-0

  5. Mr.S.corn78
    Hello all,
    So it's been very long time since I have posted a blog due to the amount of work/traveling/demos/exhibitions* (*delete as appropriate).
    So a catch up is needed to show you some of the items i have been working on.
    So to start with here are some 3d printed engines that came to me for some work

    As the post is pic heavy i thought i would show you the finished bits in another posting so stay tuned
  6. Mr.S.corn78
    HI all,
    In the rigors of use sometimes models get a bit damaged and this one had come back for a bit of repair work after it had tried to do its best diving impression of the owners layout.
    The unit is seen here after the etch infill had been straightened and the the work on rubbing the paint back had begun.

    A bit of a closer shot of the damage

    and after abit of time and if by magic the finished result. The rear window still has to have its covering of maskol removed.

  7. Mr.S.corn78
    The basket build starts. A bit of a head scratcher to start with as the top part (which is at the bottom in this photo needs to be folder over before forming the square using the sides which limits how the basket is held under the hold and fold.

    Still once that was over come i ended up with these

    On to the painting.
  8. Mr.S.corn78
    HI all,
    Its always nice to receive parcels and this one turned up not long ago with lots of goodies in it.

    Some of the bits you may recognize but a couple you may not, as they say time will tell
  9. Mr.S.corn78
    well Friday has arrived and another busy week, the new toys have turned up and i will post pics later once i have remembered to take some ::-faint
    So first up is one of the inspection saloons, there is still a bit more work to be done on this one around the buffer beam and the sides with a few pin washes.

    Also i have finished this lady, which was a conversion using the Shawplan 37/9 roof panel etched set

    This Lady arrived as 37 506 at the begining of the week and is already under going work to change its identity, not sure which one to go for so a look through the stock list will be done tomorrow instead of watching the crap factor on ITV.

  10. Mr.S.corn78
    Well as some of you may know, those that have read my posting on my personal blog, I have started this one to show what i am working on for customers.
    Now why a blog i hear you ask, as i do anything and everything from DCC work to complete layouts and everything in between i thought it was best to keep everything in one place rather than have serveral small threads going in diffrent parts of the forum. Also it makes it easier for me to keep track of what i have posted
    So up first is a O1 tyne dock converstion that I have done.
    Here she is after a coat of primer on the added extras

    And finished

    Also through the workshop has been this 08 which came in for weathering and sound fitting

  11. Mr.S.corn78
    HI all,
    Not sure where the time is going these days, well I do but that's something i can't talk about.
    I'm not sure where i am up to with pictures etc so if i post something that has already been up i do apologize (its been some very very long days recently.)
    You may remember the hopper i have been on with, well its now about to hit the paint shops.

  12. Mr.S.corn78
    Hello one and all,
    Not sure what is going on with the weather at the moment, still its been a nice day today so thats a plus.
    The cattle wagon is progressing

    It just needs some MJT W irons fitting as the mounting points for the white metal axle boxes are too far apart, luckily i have a supply of them.
    I have also been painting these,

    And then fitted them to these

    Next step is to put a bit of paint on them.
  13. Mr.S.corn78
    Hi all,
    Its been a while since my last post and im not sure where the time has gone. its been far from quite and i have been doing a bit of travelling as well
    So here is one of the many things i have been working on, this is the first of a few that are passing over the bench at the moment, those that are followers of my facebook page will have already seen this video but i thought its only fair for members on here to see as well
    ps hope the link works :-no idea as i have no idea how to upload a video to here.
  14. Mr.S.corn78
    Hi all,
    Its a busy week here as the Glasgow show approaches (cant believe how quick its come round :-shocked )
    so on a Scottish theme this week I have the following



  15. Mr.S.corn78
    HI all,
    This young lady came in for what i suppose you could call a re-identity from the British Steel numbered to D9517 which was based in monmouthshire in the late 60's which is where the customer asked it to be (south wales area)
    Here she is with the number removed

    And with the new number applied

    Just awaiting on the BR Roundals to arrive in the post and then it will have a bit of corrective weathering and then it will ready for trip home.
    I also have had this little bit of etch porn arrive :-tasty

    In the pic we have the following:
    Replacment chassis for the DJH big goods
    2 X Jones Double deck sheep vans
    12 X Drummond Double deck sheep vans
    2 x Meat Vans
    1 X 6 Wheel 11T brakevan (another couple still to arrive)
    1 X 4 wheels 20T Brakevan
    2 X Open carraige truck
    So a little bit of soldering work and burning of fingers to do
  16. Mr.S.corn78
    Hi all,
    Here are a few items that are passing over the bench at the moment. Some people may recognize a couple of items, as they have been sent to me for painting and a bit of weathering. Looking forward to doing a couple of special bits on these.

    The buffer has been turn to the correct orientation before someone points it out.

    I would also as we are on the final approach to Christmas and I am having a few days off till the new year (so I can do some of my own bits for a change) I would just like to say thank you to everyone for their custom and support during the last 12 months and its very much appreciated.
    Merry Christmas and a hope you all have a happy new year to all. Heres to an even busier 2015
  17. Mr.S.corn78
    HI all,
    well to say its crazy here at the moment is an understatement, looking forward to xmas being over so i can have a few mins to my self
    A couple more 7mm models passed over the bench recently for sound to be added,

    It's stirred the 7mm itch again which isn't good as i have a load of stock to build for my EM layout that's out in August
  18. Mr.S.corn78
    Hi all,
    Its very busy at the moment due to various reasons, one of which i have already commented on else where.
    I have had these two ladies pass by the bench recently for sound fitting, it was a nice change to be working with large scale items

    And this lady

    Both have been fitted with Loksound XLs with bass reflex speakers in either the boiler area or under the tender in between the frames. Both sound quite loud, well i was asked to turn them off as the better half could hear then trough 3 closed doors!!!
  19. Mr.S.corn78
    My name is Simon and you may remember me from such blog entries as,
    Layout progress and Taunton RMweb members day
    SECR Ballast van 4mm
    The secret Diary of an exhibition exhibitor/ Demonstrator
    Well as you may have noticed that its been a very and I mean very long time since I wrote on here (just under 3 years ) and a lot has happened in that time. You may remember the last entry listed above well that was about two shows in to a back to back run of 6 weekends on the road attending shows and that did take it out of me and did for a while knock the mojo on the head as I had by christmas had seen enough model trains to last me a life time.
    After a while the mojo returned and i was very fortunate to find my self working even more in the hobby and was lucky enough to be able to give up the day job (which cant really be called a day job when its what you enjoy) and change carrere path a bit. Still working on my own stuff and attending events as before so you may have seen me around at a few events with varoiuse things from DCC to gally pot washer in the deep south
    That contiuned for a couple of years till the begining of this year where circumstaces changed and my hand was forced a little and decided to start up on my own as a model maker which is where i am today, my own little compnay called S H Model Making, making an earning out of what i have been doing for the past few years which is anything from DCC work to kit building and layout construction and everything in between.
    So you may be wondering about all the rambelling (if you are still reading by this point and thank you if you are), I will be starting another blog to chart the bits and pieces that are customers and for the buisness and keeping this blog for my self as i don't want to mix them up. I have been thinking long and hard about which part of the the fourm to post under but as I will be doing most things i think a blog is eaiser not only for me, keeping it all in one place but for you the reader as your not having to hunt for updates.
    So i would like to thank you the reader for getting this far and hope that you will have a trip over the the company blog in the next few days (once i have put something in thereto read) but for the time being I have a facebook page (i know im not ment to link to out side stuff) Just search for S H Model Making. I would also like to thank those that have know about this for a while and supported me in this venture and the future.
    Many thanks again.
    P.S Dear Mods, I have talked to Mr York eailier in the year about this and he is aware of what i am doing but if i need to modlfy it please let me know.
  20. Mr.S.corn78
    Well Friday has arrived once again :-getin :-getin
    Now for a change something a little different crossed the bench a couple of weeks back for a bit of weathering but i forgot to post the pics of it, Also it was a struggle as it didnt fit in the normal photo area

    Sorry for the poor lighting, a bulb went in the lamps i use and the new one has yet to arrive.
    I also worked on the three 1Fs that i was asked to renumber and weather

    After taking the pics i was trying to work out what looked wrong compared to the pics i was working from and then it hit me, no coal so i duly added some real coal to the bunkers which looked 100% better.
  21. Mr.S.corn78
    HI all,
    Thought I would do a quick post whilst I am having a couple of days off, even though the phone keeps ringing
    A Tyne dock 9F that I was asked to convert from a standard Bachmann 9F

    I re-worded the water streak after taking the last pic as it was a little bit heavy but it was quite prominate on the proto pic that I was working from.
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