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Everything posted by backofanenvelope

  1. lol@rich until "you" go postal from living in a moving padded cell..
  2. Up hill down dale..

  3. Although there has been no progress since my last entry there has been progress of sorts. Having thought that my previous order for parts to start my Fencehouse J72 were lost in the post or order never arrived at shop3 headquarters arriving back at parents yesterday I was very pleasantly suprised to be handed 2 little packets one of which was the said parts! Hurrah!! Now there is no excuse to get started on my loco kit. However being on hols in the Dales far from kit and tools makes it a bit difficult. One a different note the inaugural meeting of the new West London AG went ahead and a small band of 2mil modellers met in a pub in Paddington, which served a very nice pint of Flying Scotsman so hopefully there at some point in the future will somewhere to roll sleeves up and share some experiences and skills... What started out as a brief conversation at Expo in Keighley with Gingerbread of this parish has transmogrefied into an actual event... amazing. Finally after seeing Missy's little Nn3 shunting loco I recklessly brought one to have a go at a little project that I have been thinking about doing for a long time. This may get documented in due course but for the moment will be in the background Anyway of to Wensleydale Railway with niece and family for a 'grand day out' Tom.
  4. Well done Missy, looks a very nice way to transport Highclere around, although it might be a bit excessive for your Nn3 stuff Tom
  5. Yes I am an avid BTCC fan and try to go to some of the meetings but mainly watch on the box.. Still think John Cleland was my all time hero Shame he didnt go on to commentate.. Tom EDIT: sorry gone ot remove if this is required.
  6. I total agree Ian, just when I was getting back into watching the are pulling the rug again. I for one will never have anything to do with Sky and as you say the best commentating team there has ever been. Tom
  7. Well done Andy, nice neat work and you actually achieved something unlike me.. Tom
  8. Thanks Tom indeed it did! Usual screw loose between chair and loco But the conversions I have are too small, I need the 7.5mm ones Baaaa.. oh well<br>
  9. Well time drags in my modelling efforts at the moment and yet another month goes by, with things going on around me it is hard to concentrate on modelling, however I thought I would settle down to a little on this rainy Sunday afternoon and set myself the task of re-wheeling my GraFar Class 60 loco so that I have one 2mmFS loco to test out my soldered point-work. This has proved to be a little frustrating once I had got the body off and split the chassis as you can see from the picture above. I have now ground to a halt and have been looking around the t'interwebthingy and don't seem to be able to find any pics, advice or movies on how to get the wheel-sets out wihout doing major damage to the bogies. It seems as there are a couple of tabs at the bogie ends but the assembly seems so bonded I can't seem to release these parts. I think I may also have run into a problem of not having enough geared wheel-sets to. So another order needs to go in to shop3! In the mean time I guess I will have to look for other projects, time to get the soldering iron out again.
  10. Now that's Dedication Rich, very impressive and I know I wouldn't be able to complete that!! But you have gone the extra mile.. Tom
  11. NIce pics Tom, I have always wanted to go to FoS but never quite got round to it. Some amazing cars there that I remember from my yoof specially the 917 and the Senna's Lotus. I had Scalextric models of both but then have long gone to the junk yard in the sky, probs would be rare collectables now.. Tom
  12. I was wondering the same but didn't like to ask..
  13. Well done Andy! Looking good and I just need to pull my finger out too. meant to say looked like a grand day out..
  14. Hi Richard I meant the soldering bit would be irrelevant although looking at some articles on Easitrac I might be wrong on that too! Will sit in corner quietly for a while.. Tom
  15. First pic is great missy.. really atmospheric! Wonder if Andy will turn off all the lights and cover the windows to see a recreation at the members day! Tom
  16. Ian, Personally I don't think you can go far wrong with some bullhead or flat bottomed rail and 3 packets of sleeper timbers, that's of course if you want to build soldered points. I think its a case of just get in there and have a play with it.. I started with absolutely no knowledge/skills of building a point and am now after about 5 points comfortable building them.. slips etc I haven't tried yet.. but.. All this is irrelevant if you are Easitrac building.. Regards Tom
  17. Hi Tony I like the 1st photo as I think you have caught the colours really well and it certainly has that NER feel to it. I think everyone cannot help feeling inspired from the Expo. Tom
  18. Yes Don, all I need now is some nice compartmentalised boxes to keep everything in order and to hand Tom
  19. Thx Gents mystery over, I will hand back next time I see the travelling shop! Tom
  20. Thx Andy, but was it meant to be there? as it seems a bit strange to be in a back to back packet? Tom
  21. Ok so my first question, I brought a back to back gauge at 2mm Expo and had this little dodger in the packet I have no clue what it is for, can any kind person put me out of my misery?
  22. Thanks Nick and Kris, Keep me out of trouble for a little while.. Tom
  23. So back from a bit of an epic journey north to the 2mm Expo hosted by the Keighley Club (thanks for that) , via a rather long winded journey starting at 6:38am not helped by having been out for one too many sherberts the night before and not getting to bed till 3am. But the journey went well with a range of transports to an from the venue. Have to say the Keighley Club space is great, lots of it! and looks out over the KWVR I now see didn't take as many pictures as I thought I had and was obviously gassing way too much! but I enjoyed the whole experience and chance to speak to the good and the great of the 2mmSA was worth the ticket price itself. I have included a couple of pictures of things that took my eye as I am sure that there will be far better versions over on this thread Was great to have a chat with 2mmAndy about my impending build of a Bob Jones J72 and feel a little less daunted now, so just waiting for the parts to turn up and then I can get started. Then there was the shop.. oh dear oh dear.. I spent quite a bit, but then make hay whilst the sun shines is my motto I brought some loco jigs for the J72 and some NER Hopper wagons and chassis but forgot the wheels Doh! actually run out of money at that point, some drop-in wheelsets for my farish DBS Class 66 a back to back gauge and some items for a possible 2011 Challenge idea B) So fired up once again and just off to heat up the soldering iron and have a go at Point 6.. Tom
  24. Thanks Andy that will be great I will come and have a chat!
  25. So little time so many things..

    1. halfwit


      So much time so little money.

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